




Image 注意html 5 规范还包括一个游戏手柄 API,可以让你捕捉游戏控制器按钮的输入。查看dvcs.w3.org处的规格。它像键盘、鼠标和触摸事件一样易于使用。


如果您想知道玩家是否按下了键盘上的某个键,可以添加一个带有keydown事件的事件监听器。然后编写一个使用 ASCII 码keyCodekeyDownHandler来找出哪个键被按下了。以下是你如何发现一个玩家是否按下了空格键。(空格键的键码是 32,在网上快速搜索“ASCII 键码”会显示一个完整的列表。)

window.addEventListener("keydown", keydownHandler, false)
function keydownHandler(event) {
  if(event.keyCode === 32) {
    console.log("Space key pressed");


if (space.isDown) {
  //do this!
if (space.isUp) {
  //do this!

这里是space 键对象,它将让您编写刚刚显示的if语句:

let space = {
  code: 32,
  isDown: false,
  isUp: true,
  downHandler(event) {
    if(event.keyCode === this.code) {
      this.isDown = true;
      this.isUp = false;
  upHandler(event) {
    if(event.keyCode === this.code) {
      this.isUp = true;
      this.isDown = false;

//Add the event listeners and bind them to the space object
  "keydown", space.downHandler.bind(space), false
  "keyup", space.upHandler.bind(space), false

Image 注意注意如何使用bind方法将监听器连接到space.downHandlerspace.upHandler方法。它确保在空间对象中引用“this”是指空间对象本身,而不是窗口对象。

这样做很好,但是如果我们还想为四个键盘箭头键(向上、向右、向下和向左)添加侦听器呢?我们不想把这 20 行重复的代码写五遍。我们可以做得更好!


let keyObject = keyboard(asciiKeyCodeNumber);


keyObject.press = function() {
  //key object pressed
keyObject.release = function() {
  //key object released



export function keyboard(keyCode) {
  let key = {};
  key.code = keyCode;
  key.isDown = false;
  key.isUp = true;
  key.press = undefined;
  key.release = undefined;

  //The `downHandler`
  key.downHandler = function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode === key.code) {
      if (key.isUp && key.press) key.press();
      key.isDown = true;
      key.isUp = false;

    //Prevent the event's default behavior
    //(such as browser window scrolling)

  //The `upHandler`
  key.upHandler = function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode === key.code) {
      if (key.isDown && key.release) key.release();
      key.isDown = false;
      key.isUp = true;

  //Attach event listeners
    "keydown", key.downHandler.bind(key), false
    "keyup", key.upHandler.bind(key), false

  //Return the `key` object
  return key;


打开本章的源文件中的keyObject.html,查看这段代码的运行示例。按下并释放空格键,你会看到画布上显示“按下”和“释放”(图 6-1 )。


图 6-1 。使用文本精灵告诉你一个键是被按下还是被释放


//Import code from the library
import {makeCanvas, text, stage, render} from "../library/display";
import {assets} from "../library/utilities";
import {keyboard} from "../library/interactive";

//Load a custom font
assets.load(["fonts/puzzler.otf"]).then(() => setup());

//Declare any variables shared between functions
let canvas;

function setup() {

  //Make the canvas and initialize the stage
  canvas = makeCanvas(256, 256);
  stage.width = canvas.width;
  stage.height = canvas.height;

  //Make a text sprite
  let message = text("Press space", "16px puzzler", "black", 16, 16);

  //Make a space key object
  let space = keyboard(32);

  //Assign `press` and `release` methods
  space.press = () => message.content = "pressed";
  space.release = () => message.content = "released";

  //Use a loop to display any changes to the text sprite's
  //`content` property

function gameLoop() {




Image 在撰写本文时,一个名为指针事件的 HTML5 规范正在开发中。如果当你读到这篇文章时,它已经被广泛实现了,这意味着你不再需要分叉你的代码来适应鼠标和触摸;指针事件对两者都适用。而且,非常方便的是,指针事件 API 几乎与鼠标事件 API 完全相同,所以没有什么新东西需要学习。只需在任何鼠标事件代码中将“鼠标”替换为“指针”,就可以了。然后将指针敏感元素的 CSS touch-action 属性设置为“none ”,以禁用浏览器的默认平移和缩放操作。关注这个规范,如果可以的话就使用它(http://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents/)。

要创建鼠标或触摸事件,请将一个事件侦听器附加到要使其对指针敏感的 HTML 元素,如画布。然后让监听器在事件发生时调用事件处理程序:

canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", downHandler, false);

function downHandler(event) {
  console.log("Pointer pressed down");

然而,对于我们游戏开发者来说,有一个小问题。如何检测玩家是否点击了什么东西?点击或点击只是指针非常快速的上下移动。任何超过 200 毫秒的时间都可以被定义为点击或点击。您可以通过比较 down 和 up 事件之间的时间来判断这是否已经发生。如果少于 200 毫秒,你可以假设玩家点击或点击了。下面是解决这个问题的一般方法。


function downHandler(event) {
  downTime = Date.now();

downTime值现在包含了指针被按下的精确时间,以毫秒为单位。当指针上升时,捕捉新的时间,并计算从downTime开始已经过去了多长时间。如果少于 200 毫秒,那么你知道有一个点击或点击。

function upHandler(event) {
  elapsedTime = Math.abs(downTime - Date.now());
  if (elapsedTime <= 200) {
    console.log("Tap or click!");

为了帮助我们管理这一切,让我们创建一个pointer对象。除了点击或点击,指针还应该能够告诉我们它的 xy 位置,以及它当前是向上还是向下。为了获得最大的灵活性,我们还将让用户定义可选的presstaprelease方法,这些方法可以在这些事件发生时运行一些自定义代码。此外,我们将赋予指针centerXcenterYposition属性,这样它的 API 就能很好地反映前一章中精灵的 API。正如你将在本书后面看到的,这是一种便利,它将使我们更容易使用带有碰撞检测功能的指针,你将在第 7 章中学习使用。

指针还会有一个前瞻性的属性叫做scale 。如果画布在浏览器窗口中被放大或缩小,属性scale将帮助我们调整指针的坐标。对于大多数游戏来说,默认比例值 1 就是你所需要的。但是如果你改变游戏的显示尺寸,你需要按比例修改指针的 xy 坐标。(你会在第 11 章中看到这有多有用。)


export function makePointer(element, scale = 1) {

  let pointer = {
    element: element,
    scale: scale,

    //Private x and y properties
    _x: 0,
    _y: 0,

    //The public x and y properties are divided by the scale. If the
    //HTML element that the pointer is sensitive to (like the canvas)
    //is scaled up or down, you can change the `scale` value to
    //correct the pointer's position values
    get x() {
      return this._x / this.scale;
    get y() {
      return this._y / this.scale;

    //Add `centerX` and `centerY` getters so that we
    //can use the pointer's coordinates with easing
    //and collision functions
    get centerX() {
      return this.x;
    get centerY() {
      return this.y;

    //`position` returns an object with x and y properties that
    //contain the pointer's position
    get position() {
      return {x: this.x, y: this.y};

    //Booleans to track the pointer state
    isDown: false,
    isUp: true,
    tapped: false,

    //Properties to help measure the time between up and down states
    downTime: 0,
    elapsedTime: 0,

    //Optional, user-definable `press`, `release`, and `tap` methods
    press: undefined,
    release: undefined,
    tap: undefined,

    //The pointer's mouse `moveHandler`
    moveHandler(event) {

      //Get the element that's firing the event
      let element = event.target;

      //Find the pointer’s x,y position (for mouse).
      //Subtract the element's top and left offset from the browser window
      this._x = (event.pageX - element.offsetLeft);
      this._y = (event.pageY - element.offsetTop);

      //Prevent the event's default behavior

    //The pointer's `touchmoveHandler`
    touchmoveHandler(event) {
      let element = event.target;

      //Find the touch point's x,y position
      this._x = (event.targetTouches[0].pageX - element.offsetLeft);
      this._y = (event.targetTouches[0].pageY - element.offsetTop);

    //The pointer's `downHandler`
    downHandler(event) {

      //Set the down states
      this.isDown = true;
      this.isUp = false;
      this.tapped = false;

      //Capture the current time
      this.downTime = Date.now();

      //Call the `press` method if it's been assigned by the user
      if (this.press) this.press();

    //The pointer's `touchstartHandler`
    touchstartHandler(event) {
      let element = event.target;

      //Find the touch point's x,y position
      this._x = event.targetTouches[0].pageX - element.offsetLeft;
      this._y = event.targetTouches[0].pageY - element.offsetTop;

      //Set the down states
      this.isDown = true;
      this.isUp = false;
      this.tapped = false;

      //Capture the current time
      this.downTime = Date.now();

      //Call the `press` method if it's been assigned by the user
      if (this.press) this.press();

    //The pointer's `upHandler`
    upHandler(event) {

      //Figure out how much time the pointer has been down
      this.elapsedTime = Math.abs(this.downTime - Date.now());

      //If it's less than 200 milliseconds, it must be a tap or click
      if (this.elapsedTime <= 200 && this.tapped === false) {
        this.tapped = true;

        //Call the `tap` method if it's been assigned
        if (this.tap) this.tap();
      this.isUp = true;
      this.isDown = false;

      //Call the `release` method if it's been assigned by the user
      if (this.release) this.release();

    //The pointer's `touchendHandler`
    touchendHandler(event) {

      //Figure out how much time the pointer has been down
      this.elapsedTime = Math.abs(this.downTime - Date.now());

      //If it's less than 200 milliseconds, it must be a tap or click
      if (this.elapsedTime <= 200 && this.tapped === false) {
        this.tapped = true;

        //Call the `tap` method if it's been assigned by the user
        if (this.tap) this.tap();
      this.isUp = true;
      this.isDown = false;

      //Call the `release` method if it's been assigned by the user
      if (this.release) this.release();

  //Bind the events to the handlers’
  //Mouse events
    "mousemove", pointer.moveHandler.bind(pointer), false
    "mousedown", pointer.downHandler.bind(pointer), false

  //Add the `mouseup` event to the `window` to
  //catch a mouse button release outside of the canvas area
    "mouseup", pointer.upHandler.bind(pointer), false

  //Touch events

    "touchmove", pointer.touchmoveHandler.bind(pointer), false
    "touchstart", pointer.touchstartHandler.bind(pointer), false

  //Add the `touchend` event to the `window` object to
  //catch a mouse button release outside the canvas area
    "touchend", pointer.touchendHandler.bind(pointer), false

  //Disable the default pan and zoom actions on the `canvas`
  element.style.touchAction = "none";

  //Return the pointer
  return pointer;


pointer = makePointer(canvas);

打开并运行pointer.html程序,查看如何使用它的工作示例;样品运行如图 6-2 中的所示。当您在画布上移动、点击、点按、按下或释放指针时,HTML 文本会显示指针的状态。这是完整的程序,包括 HTML 代码,这样你就可以看到所有的部分是如何组合在一起的。


图 6-2 。鼠标和触摸的通用指针对象

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p id="output"></p>
<script type="module">

//Import code from the library
import {makeCanvas, stage, render} from "../library/display";
import {assets} from "../library/utilities";
import {makePointer} from "../library/interactive";

//Make the canvas and initialize the stage
let canvas = makeCanvas(256, 256);
stage.width = canvas.width;
stage.height = canvas.height;

//Get a reference to the output <p> tag
let output = document.querySelector("p");

//Make the pointer
let pointer = makePointer(canvas);

//Add a custom `press` method
pointer.press = () => console.log("The pointer was pressed");

//Add a custom `release` method
pointer.release = () => console.log("The pointer was released");

//Add a custom `tap` method
pointer.tap = () => console.log("The pointer was tapped");

//Use a loop to display changes to the output text

function gameLoop() {

  //Display the pointer properties in the
  //HTML <p> tag called `output`
    = `Pointer properties: <br>
    pointer.x: ${pointer.x} <br>
    pointer.y: ${pointer.y} <br>
    pointer.isDown: ${pointer.isDown} <br>
    pointer.isUp: ${pointer.isUp} <br>
    pointer.tapped: ${pointer.tapped}`;


Image 注意这个例子也展示了你需要编写的最少的 HTML5 代码,并且仍然有一个有效的 HTML 文档。短小精悍!<html><body>标签是可选的。您可能仍然需要一个<body>标签作为添加和删除 HTML 元素的钩子,但是如果您忽略它,HTML5 规范会认为它是隐含的。


pointer.press = () => console.log("The pointer was pressed");
pointer.release = () => console.log("The pointer was released");
pointer.tap = () => console.log("The pointer was tapped");






你的游戏经常需要计算精灵之间的像素数。这对于找出精灵是否碰撞,或者接近碰撞是有用的。如果你的精灵有centerXcenterY属性,你可以使用下面的函数计算出它们之间的距离(s1代表“精灵 1”,s2代表“精灵 2”):

function distance(s1, s2) {
  let vx = s2.centerX - s1.centerX,
      vy = s2.centerY - s1.centerY;
  return Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);

vxvy值描述了从第一个子画面的中心到第二个子画面的中心的直线。(“v”代表“矢量”你可以把向量想象成任意两个 x,y 位置之间的一条线。关于矢量你需要知道的一切见附录)。Math.sqrt用于应用毕达哥拉斯定理,它告诉你这条线有多长,以像素为单位。

在本章的源文件中,你会发现一个名为distance.html的示例程序,它展示了这个函数的运行。有两个圆形精灵,用一条线将它们连接起来。当您移动指针时,一个文本精灵会告诉您两个圆圈之间的像素距离。图 6-3 说明了这一点。


图 6-3 。找出精灵之间的距离

让我们看看程序如何使用这个distance函数,并借此机会学习更多关于如何使用精灵的知识。下面是distance.html程序的完整 JavaScript 代码:

import {makeCanvas, text, circle, line, stage, render} from "../library/display";
import {assets, distance} from "../library/utilities";
import {makePointer} from "../library/interactive";

//Load a custom font
assets.load(["fonts/puzzler.otf"]).then(() => setup());

//Declare any variables shared between functions
let canvas, c1, c2, message, connection, pointer;

function setup() {

  //Make the canvas and initialize the stage
  canvas = makeCanvas(256, 256);
  stage.width = canvas.width;
  stage.height = canvas.height;

  //Make a text sprite
  message = text("", "12px puzzler", "black", 8, 8);

  //Create a circle sprite offset by 32 pixels to the
  //left and top of the stage
  c1 = circle(32, "gray");
  stage.putCenter(c1, -32, -32);

  //Create a circle sprite offset by 32 pixels to the
  //right and bottom of the stage
  c2 = circle(32, "gray");
  stage.putCenter(c2, 32, 32);

  //Create a line between the centers of the circles
  connection = line(
    "black", 2, c1.centerX, c1.centerY, c2.centerX, c2.centerY

  //Make the pointer
  pointer = makePointer(canvas);

  //Use a loop to update the sprites' positions

function gameLoop() {

  //Keep the center of c2 aligned with the
  //pointer's position
  c2.x = pointer.x - c2.halfWidth;
  c2.y = pointer.y - c2.halfHeight;

  //Draw the connecting line between the circles
  connection.ax = c1.centerX;
  connection.ay = c1.centerY;
  connection.bx = c2.centerX;
  connection.by = c2.centerY;

  //Use the imported `distance` function to figure
  //out the distance between the circles
  let distanceBetweenCircles = distance(c1, c2);

  //Use the message text sprite to display the distance.
  //Use `Math.floor` to truncate the decimal values
  message.content = Math.floor(distanceBetweenCircles);

  //Render the canvas



这也是你第一次看到神秘的“put”sprite 方法之一的运行(我们在第 4 章中为 sprite 添加了“put”方法)。所有显示对象(精灵和舞台)都有称为putCenterputTopputRightputBottomputLeft的方法,您可以使用这些方法来方便地对齐和定位精灵。在这个示例程序中,stage对象使用putCenter来定位舞台内部的圆:

c1 = circle(32, "gray");
stage.putCenter(c1, -32, -32);

c2 = circle(32, "gray");
stage.putCenter(c2, 32, 32);

第一个参数是应该居中的 sprite:c1或者c2。第二个和第三个参数定义了精灵应该在 xy 轴上从中心偏移多少。这段代码将c1放在舞台的左上角,将c2放在右下角。你会发现你经常需要在游戏中做这种定位,而“put”方法让你不必编写大量繁琐的定位代码。



function followEase(follower, leader, speed) {

  //Figure out the distance between the sprites
  let vx = leader.centerX - follower.centerX,
      vy = leader.centerY - follower.centerY,
      distance = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);

  //Move the follower if it's more than 1 pixel
  //away from the leader
  if (distance >= 1) {
    follower.x += vx * speed;
    follower.y += vy * speed;

该函数计算精灵之间的距离。如果它们之间的距离超过 1 个像素,代码会以一定的速度移动跟随器,该速度会随着接近引导器而成比例降低。介于 0.1 和 0.3 之间的速度值是一个很好的起点(较高的数字使精灵移动得更快)。跟随者将逐渐减速,直到越过领头者的位置。打开本章源文件中的easing.html文件,看看如何使用这个函数让精灵轻松地跟随鼠标。图 6-4 展示了你将会看到的东西。


图 6-4 。轻松移动精灵


function gameLoop() {
  followEase(c1, pointer, 0.1);




function followConstant(follower, leader, speed) {

  //Figure out the distance between the sprites
  let vx = leader.centerX - follower.centerX,
      vy = leader.centerY - follower.centerY,
      distance = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);

  //Move the follower if it's more than 1 move
  //away from the leader
  if (distance >= speed) {
    follower.x += (vx / distance) * speed;
    follower.y += (vy / distance) * speed;

speed值应该是您希望跟随器移动的每帧像素数;在下面的示例代码中,每帧 3 个像素:

function gameLoop() {
  followConstant(c1, pointer, 3);

这对于创造一个追逐玩家的敌人 AI 精灵来说是一个非常有用的功能。



function angle(s1, s2) {
  return Math.atan2(
    s2.centerY - s1.centerY,
    s2.centerX - s1.centerX

它返回以弧度为单位的旋转角度。您可以用下面的语句将它应用到 sprite 的rotation属性,使 sprite 向另一个 sprite 或指针旋转:

box.rotation = angle(box, pointer);

你可以在本章的源文件中的rotateTowards.html文件中看到一个这样的例子;输出如图 6-5 中的所示。框向指针旋转,一条 32 像素长的红线从框的中心向旋转方向延伸。


图 6-5 。向指针旋转精灵

只要有点想象力,你可能会意识到红线框实际上是一个主要的视频游戏组件:一个旋转炮塔。是怎么做出来的?这是一个很好的例子,展示了如何使用父/子层次结构构建一个简单的复合 sprite。turret(红线)是box的子节点。代码如下:

//Make a square and center it in the stage
box = rectangle(32, 32, "gray", "black", 2);

//Make a turret by drawing a red, 4 pixel wide
//line that's 32 pixels long
turret = line("red", 4, 0, 0, 32, 0);

//Add the line as a child of the box and place its
//start point at the box's center
turret.x = 16;
turret.y = 16;


function gameLoop() {
  box.rotation = angle(box, pointer);




function rotateSprite(rotatingSprite, centerSprite, distance, angle) {
    = centerSprite.centerX - rotatingSprite.parent.x
    + (distance * Math.cos(angle))
    - rotatingSprite.halfWidth;

    = centerSprite.centerY - rotatingSprite.parent.y
    + (distance * Math.sin(angle))
    - rotatingSprite.halfWidth;

下面介绍如何用它让一个球绕着一个盒子旋转,如图图 6-6 所示。


图 6-6 。围绕另一个精灵旋转一个精灵

//Create a box and position it
box = rectangle(32, 32, "gray");
stage.putCenter(box, 32, -48);

//Create a circle sprite offset by 32 pixels to the
//left of the box
ball = circle(32, "gray");
box.putLeft(ball, -32);

//Add an `angle` property to the ball that we'll use to
//help make the ball rotate around the box
ball.angle = 0;

//Start the game loop

function gameLoop() {

  //Update the ball’s rotation angle
  ball.angle += 0.05;

  //Use the ball’s `angle` value to make it rotate around the
  //box at a distance of 48 pixels from the box’s center
  rotateSprite(ball, box, 48, ball.angle);


有时候,能够围绕另一个点旋转空间中的一个点是很有用的。例如,你可以通过让一条线的两端围绕空间中不可见的点旋转来创造一种“摇摆线”的效果,如图 6-7 所示。像这样把不稳定的线条连接在一起,你可以创造出不稳定的形状。


图 6-7 。使点围绕其他点旋转。您可以使用一个名为rotatePoint的函数来帮助创建这种效果

export function rotatePoint(pointX, pointY, distanceX, distanceY angle) {
  let point = {};
  point.x = pointX + Math.cos(angle) * distanceX;
  point.y = pointY + Math.sin(angle) * distanceY;
  return point;

rotatePoint函数返回一个带有代表旋转轴的 xy 值的point对象。distanceXdistanceY参数定义了从旋转中心到在空间中被描绘的假想圆的边缘的半径。如果distanceXdistanceY具有相同的值,该功能将描绘一个圆。如果给它们不同的值,该函数将跟踪一个椭圆。您可以使用rotatePoint返回的point对象使任何其他 x/y 点围绕该轴旋转。这里有一些代码使用rotatePoint来创建如图图 6-7 所示的摇摆线条效果。

movingLine = line("black", 4, 64, 160, 192, 208);

//We're going to make the line's start and end points
//rotate in space. The line will need two new angle properties
//to help us do this. Both are initialized to 0
movingLine.angleA = 0;
movingLine.angleB = 0;

//Start the game loop

function gameLoop() {

  //Make the line's `ax` and `ay` points rotate clockwise around
  //point 64, 160\. `rotatePoint` returns an
  //object with `x` and `y` properties
  //containing the point's new rotated position
  movingLine.angleA += 0.02;
  let rotatingA = rotatePoint(64, 160, 20, 20, movingLine.angleA);
  movingLine.ax = rotatingA.x;
  movingLine.ay = rotatingA.y;

  //Make the line's `bx` and `by` point rotate counter-
  //clockwise around point 192, 208
  movingLine.angleB -= 0.03;
  let rotatingB = rotatePoint(192, 208, 20, 20, movingLine.angleB);
  movingLine.bx = rotatingB.x;
  movingLine.by = rotatingB.y;

  //Render the canvas



如果你知道精灵的角度,你可以让它朝它所指的方向移动。运行moveTowards.html文件,你会发现一个可以使用箭头键移动的精灵的例子。向左和向右旋转精灵,向上使它向它所指的方向移动。释放向上箭头键,它会慢慢停下来。图 6-8 显示了您将看到的内容。


图 6-8 。使用箭头键旋转一个精灵,并向它所指的方向移动它

让我们再次发挥我们的想象力,把标有红线的移动箱想象成一辆“坦克”现在让我们重新思考一下我们在前面的例子中构建这个对象的方式。把盒子和炮塔放在一个叫做tank 的小组里可能是有意义的。我们可以使用我们在第四章的中创建的group函数来完成这项工作;方法如下:

//Make the box and turret
let box = rectangle(32, 32, "gray");
let turret = line("red", 4, 0, 0, 32, 0);
turret.x = 16;
turret.y = 16;

//Group them together as a compound sprite called `tank`
tank = group(box, turret);


//Add some physics properties
tank.vx = 0;
tank.vy = 0;
tank.accelerationX = 0.2;
tank.accelerationY = 0.2;
tank.frictionX = 0.96;
tank.frictionY = 0.96;

//The speed at which the tank should rotate,
//initialized to 0
tank.rotationSpeed = 0;

//Whether or not the tank should move forward
tank.moveForward = false;


//Make key objects
let leftArrow = keyboard(37),
    rightArrow = keyboard(39),
    upArrow = keyboard(38);

//Set the tank's `rotationSpeed` to -0.1 (to rotate left) if the
//left arrow key is being pressed
leftArrow.press = () => tank.rotationSpeed = -0.1;

//If the left arrow key is released and the right arrow
//key isn't being pressed down, set the `rotationSpeed` to 0
leftArrow.release = () => {
  if (!rightArrow.isDown) tank.rotationSpeed = 0;

//Do the same for the right arrow key, but set
//the `rotationSpeed` to 0.1 (to rotate right)
rightArrow.press = () => tank.rotationSpeed = 0.1;
rightArrow.release = () => {
  if (!leftArrow.isDown) tank.rotationSpeed = 0;

//Set `tank.moveForward` to `true` if the up arrow key is
//pressed, and set it to `false` if it's released
upArrow.press = () => tank.moveForward = true;
upArrow.release = () => tank.moveForward = false;


function gameLoop() {

  //Use the `rotationSpeed` to set the tank's rotation
  tank.rotation += tank.rotationSpeed;

  //If `tank.moveForward` is `true`, use acceleration with a
  //bit of basic trigonometry to make the tank move in the
  //direction of its rotation
  if (tank.moveForward) {
    tank.vx += tank.accelerationX * Math.cos(tank.rotation);
    tank.vy += tank.accelerationY * Math.sin(tank.rotation);

  //If `tank.moveForward` is `false`, use
  //friction to slow the tank down
  else {
    tank.vx *= tank.frictionX;
    tank.vy *= tank.frictionY;

  //Apply the tank's velocity to its position to make the tank move
  tank.x += tank.vx;
  tank.y += tank.vy;

  //Display the tank's angle of rotation
  message.content = tank.rotation;

  //Render the canvas


tank.vx += tank.accelerationX * Math.cos(tank.rotation);
tank.vy += tank.accelerationY * Math.sin(tank.rotation);

这只是一点基本的三角学,把坦克的加速度和它的旋转结合起来。当应用到坦克的 x,y 位置时,产生的vxvy值将使坦克向正确的方向移动。

tank.x += tank.vx;
tank.y += tank.vy;



只需多一点代码,你就可以让你的精灵发射子弹。运行bullets.html按空格键向坦克指向的方向发射子弹,如图图 6-9 所示。


图 6-9 。向四面八方发射子弹



let bullets = [];


  tank,           //The shooter
  tank.rotation,  //The angle at which to shoot
  32,             //The bullet's offset from the center
  7,              //The bullet's speed (pixels per frame)
  bullets,        //The array used to store the bullets

  //A function that returns the sprite that should
  //be used to make each bullet
  () => circle(8, "red")


() => circle(8, "red")

这是一个函数,它创建并返回你想用作项目符号的精灵类型。在这种情况下,它是一个直径为 8 个像素的红色圆圈。你可以使用到目前为止在本书中学到的任何精灵创建函数,或者创建你自己的自定义函数。


function shoot(
  shooter, angle, offsetFromCenter,
  bulletSpeed, bulletArray, bulletSprite
) {

  //Make a new sprite using the user-supplied `bulletSprite` function
  let bullet = bulletSprite();

  //Set the bullet's start point
    = shooter.centerX - bullet.halfWidth
    + (offsetFromCenter * Math.cos(angle));
    = shooter.centerY - bullet.halfHeight
    + (offsetFromCenter * Math.sin(angle));

  //Set the bullet's velocity
  bullet.vx = Math.cos(angle) * bulletSpeed;
  bullet.vy = Math.sin(angle) * bulletSpeed;

  //Push the bullet into the `bulletArray`



let space = keyboard(32);


space.press = () => {
    tank, tank.rotation, 32, 7, bullets,
    () => circle(8, "red")


function gameLoop() {
  //Move the bullets here...

移动项目符号并检查与stage边界冲突的代码也发生在循环内部。我们将使用一个filter循环,这样如果一颗子弹击中舞台的边缘,它将从bullets数组中移除。我们还将使用一个名为outsideBounds 的自定义函数,它将告诉我们子弹是否穿过了舞台的边界,以及子弹击中了边界的哪一侧。下面是完成这一切的filter循环:

bullets = bullets.filter(bullet => {

  //Move the bullet
  bullet.x += bullet.vx;
  bullet.y += bullet.vy;

  //Check for a collision with the stage boundary
  let collision = outsideBounds(bullet, stage.localBounds);

  //If there's a collision, display the side that the collision
  //happened on, remove the bullet sprite, and filter it out of
  //the `bullets` array
  if(collision) {

    //Display the boundary side that the bullet crossed
    message.content = "The bullet hit the " + collision;

    //The `remove` function will remove a sprite from its parent
    //to make it disappear

    //Remove the bullet from the `bullets` array
    return false;

  //If the bullet hasn't hit the edge of the stage,
  //keep it in the `bullets` array
  return true;

outsideBounds函数返回一个collision变量,其值为"top""right""bottom""left",这取决于子弹穿过边界的哪一侧。如果没有碰撞,它将返回undefinedoutsideBounds与你在前一章学到的contain函数非常相似——只是简单得多。它检查 sprite 的整个形状是否已经越过了包含边界,并由您来决定如何处理这些信息。

function outsideBounds(sprite, bounds, extra = undefined){

  let x = bounds.x,
      y = bounds.y,
      width = bounds.width,
      height = bounds.height;

  //The `collision` object is used to store which
  //side of the containing rectangle the sprite hits
  let collision;

  if (sprite.x < x - sprite.width) {
    collision = "left";
  if (sprite.y < y - sprite.height) {
    collision = "top";
  if (sprite.x > width) {
    collision = "right";
  if (sprite.y > height) {
    collision = "bottom";

  //The `extra` function runs if there was a collision
  //and `extra` has been defined
  if (collision && extra) extra(collision);

  //Return the `collision` object
  return collision;



在这个新的例子中,坦克的行为就像一个真正的轮式车辆。改变其旋转也会改变其向前运动的方向,如图图 6-10 所示。这不是一个很难达到的效果;我们只需要稍微重新思考如何计算和应用坦克的物理属性。


图 6-10 。储罐沿其旋转方向移动


tank.friction = 0.96;
tank.speed = 0;


tank.vx = 0;
tank.vy = 0;
tank.accelerationX = 0.1;
tank.accelerationY = 0.1;
tank.rotationSpeed = 0;
tank.moveForward = false;
tank.friction = 0.96;
tank.speed = 0;


//Use the `rotationSpeed` to set the tank's rotation
tank.rotation += tank.rotationSpeed;

//If `tank.moveForward` is `true`, increase the speed
if (tank.moveForward) {
  tank.speed += 0.1;

//If `tank.moveForward` is `false`, use
//friction to slow the tank down
else {
  tank.speed *= tank.friction;

//Use the `speed` value to figure out the acceleration in the
//direction of the tank’s rotation
tank.accelerationX = tank.speed * Math.cos(tank.rotation);
tank.accelerationY = tank.speed * Math.sin(tank.rotation);

//Apply the acceleration to the tank's velocity
tank.vx = tank.accelerationX;
tank.vy = tank.accelerationY;

//Apply the tank's velocity to its position to make the tank move
tank.x += tank.vx;
tank.y += tank.vy;



到目前为止,在这一章中,你已经学会了如何通过给键盘键分配pressrelease方法来让精灵移动,以及如何让精灵跟随指针的位置。但是如果你想以一种更复杂的方式和精灵互动呢?你的游戏精灵可能需要对点击、触摸或拖动做出反应,你可能想要制作按钮来为你的游戏构建 UI。



最重要的第一步是我们需要某种方法来判断指针是否接触到了一个精灵。我们可以通过向名为hitTestSpritepointer对象添加一个方法来做到这一点。它的工作是检查指针的 x/y 位置是否在精灵的区域内。我们将把hitTestSprite添加到我们在本章开始时使用makePointer函数创建的同一个pointer对象中:

function makePointer(element, scale = 1) {
  let pointer = {

    //... the pointer's previous properties and methods...

    hitTestSprite(sprite) {
      //The new code goes here

  //... the rest of the makePointer function...

  return pointer;

hitTestSprite是做什么的?它将指针的位置与 sprite 定义的区域进行比较。如果指针在该区域内,该方法返回true;如果不是,它返回false。作为一个额外的特性,hitTestSprite对圆形精灵和矩形精灵都有效。(你会记得在第四章中我们所有的精灵都有一个叫做circular的布尔属性,你可以用它来找到精灵的大致形状。)

hitTestSprite(sprite) {

  //The `hit` variable will become `true` if the pointer is
  //touching the sprite and remain `false` if it isn't
  let hit = false;

  //Is the sprite rectangular?
  if (!sprite.circular) {

    //Yes, it is.
    //Get the position of the sprite's edges using global
    let left = sprite.gx,
        right = sprite.gx + sprite.width,
        top = sprite.gy,
        bottom = sprite.gy + sprite.height;

    //Find out if the pointer is intersecting the rectangle.
    //`hit` will become `true` if the pointer is inside the
    //sprite's area
      = this.x > left && this.x < right
      && this.y > top && this.y < bottom;

  //Is the sprite circular?
  else {

    //Yes, it is.
    //Find the distance between the pointer and the
    //center of the circle
    let vx = this.x - (sprite.gx + sprite.radius),
        vy = this.y - (sprite.gy + sprite.radius),
        distance = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);

    //The pointer is intersecting the circle if the
    //distance is less than the circle's radius
    hit = distance < sprite.radius;

  return hit;

在矩形精灵的情况下,代码检查指针的 x,y 位置是否在精灵的区域内。在圆形精灵的情况下,它检查指针中心和精灵中心之间的距离是否小于圆的半径。在这两种情况下,如果指针接触到子画面,代码将设置hit为真。指针的 x,y 坐标总是相对于画布的,这就是为什么代码使用精灵的全局gxgy坐标。



运行pointerCollision.html文件,交互演示hitTestSprite如何工作,如图图 6-11 所示。一个文本精灵会告诉你指针是否接触到了盒子或球精灵。


图 6-11 。找出指针是否接触到一个精灵


if(pointer.hitTestSprite(ball)) {
  message.content = "Ball!"
} else if(pointer.hitTestSprite(box)) {
  message.content = "Box!"
} else {
  message.content = "No collision..."



按钮是一个重要的用户界面组件,你肯定想在你的游戏中使用。你可以使用 HTML 和 CSS 很容易地创建它们,但是为基于画布的精灵渲染系统创建你自己的定制按钮,比如我们在本书中开发的那个,还有很多要说的。您将能够将按钮集成到您现有的场景图形和渲染器中,像操作任何其他游戏精灵一样操作它们,并保持您的代码库统一在 JavaScript 中,而不必跳过 HTML 和 CSS。使用我们在上一节中学到的指针交互性,并通过对 sprite 系统做一些小的添加,我们可以创建一个多功能的新按钮 sprite 对象。你可以把我们要做的按钮想象成“可点击/可触摸的精灵”,你可以在各种各样的游戏中使用它们。



  • 向上:当指针没有碰到按钮时
  • 上:当指针在按钮上时
  • 按下:当指针按下按钮时

图 6-12 显示了这三种按钮状态的例子。


图 6-12 。向上、向上和向下按钮状态






  • 按下:当指针按下按钮时
  • 释放:当指针从按钮上释放时
  • 结束:当指针移动到按钮区域时
  • Out:当指针移出按钮区域时
  • 点击:点击(或点击)按钮时


playButton.press = () => console.log("pressed");
playButton.release = () => console.log("released");
playButton.over = () => console.log("over");
playButton.out = () => console.log("out");
playButton.tap = () => console.log("tapped");





首先,从定义三种按钮状态的三幅图像开始。你可以称他们为"up.png""over.png""down.png"。然后将这三幅图像添加到 tileset 中,或者作为纹理贴图集中的帧。图 6-13 显示了包含这三种状态的简单纹理图谱。


图 6-13 。将按钮图像状态添加到纹理贴图集

Image 注意虽然有三种图像状态是标准的,但有时候按钮只有两种图像状态。这对于只有触摸的按钮来说尤其如此,因为它们没有“结束”状态。我们将在前面创建的按钮 sprite 将使用三个图像(如果它们可用的话),但是如果它只有两个图像,代码将假定它们指的是“向上”和“向下”状态。


assets.load(["img/button.json"]).then(() => setup());

同样通过使用三个帧作为按钮的源参数来初始化一个新的button sprite:

let buttonFrames = [

playButton = button(buttonFrames, 32, 96);

要查看这个按钮的运行,运行button.html文件,其输出显示在图 6-14 中。当您将指针移到按钮上时,光标会变成手形图标。游戏循环更新了一些显示按钮状态和动作的文本。

stateMessage.content = `State: ${playButton.state}`;
actionMessage.content = `Action: ${playButton.action}`;


图 6-14 。交互式按钮精灵




export let buttons = [];

将这个buttons数组与stage对象和 sprite 类一起保存在你的display模块中。确保导出它,因为您需要将它导入到任何需要按钮的游戏的应用程序代码中。

接下来,做一个Button类。它所做的就是扩展Sprite类并将 sprite 的interactive属性设置为true。为按钮创建一个全新的类并不重要,但是您很快就会看到,这样做将帮助我们基于指针交互性自动显示图像状态。

class Button extends Sprite {
  constructor(source, x = 0, y = 0) {
    super(source, x, y);
    this.interactive = true;

export function button(source, x, y) {
  let sprite = new Button(source, x, y);
  return sprite;


this.interactive = true;

你会记得,当我们在第四章的中制作精灵系统时,我们给了所有的精灵一个名为interactive的属性,你可以将它设置为true。下面是从DisplayObject中摘录的代码(如果你需要的话,可以查看第 4 章中的代码)。

get interactive() {
  return this._interactive;

set interactive(value) {

  if (value === true) {

    //Add interactive properties to the sprite
    //so that it can act like a button

    //Add the sprite to the global `buttons` array so
    //it can be updated each frame

    this._interactive = true;

  if (value === false) {

    //Remove the sprite's reference from the
    //`buttons` array so that it's no longer affected
    //by mouse and touch interactivity
    buttons.splice(buttons.indexOf(this), 1);
    this._interactive = false;



makeInteractive函数为 sprite 分配了一些新方法:pressreleaseovertapout。它还向 sprite 添加了一些属性,以便我们可以监视它的交互状态。这些方法将使任何精灵的行为像一个按钮。但是如果 sprite 实际上是Button类的一个实例,makeInteractive增加了一个额外的特性:它根据指针所做的事情将 sprite 的图像状态设置为"up""over""down"


function makeInteractive(o) {

  //The `press`, `release`, `over`, `out`, and `tap` methods. They're `undefined`
  //for now, but they can be defined in the game program
  o.press = o.press || undefined;
  o.release = o.release || undefined;
  o.over = o.over || undefined;
  o.out = o.out || undefined;
  o.tap = o.tap || undefined;

  //The `state` property tells you the button's
  //current state. Set its initial state to "up"
  o.state = "up";

  //The `action` property tells you whether it’s being pressed or
  o.action = "";

  //The `pressed` and `hoverOver` Booleans are mainly for internal
  //use in this code to help figure out the correct state.
  //`pressed` is a Boolean that helps track whether
  //the sprite has been pressed down
  o.pressed = false;

  //`hoverOver` is a Boolean that checks whether the pointer
  //has hovered over the sprite
  o.hoverOver = false;

  //The `update` method will be called each frame
  //inside the game loop
  o.update = (pointer, canvas) => {

    //Figure out if the pointer is touching the sprite
    let hit = pointer.hitTestSprite(o);

    //1\. Figure out the current state
    if (pointer.isUp) {

      //Up state
      o.state = "up";

      //Show the first image state frame, if this is a `Button` sprite
      if (o instanceof Button) o.gotoAndStop(0);

    //If the pointer is touching the sprite, figure out
    //if the over or down state should be displayed
    if (hit) {

      //Over state
      o.state = "over";

      //Show the second image state frame if this sprite has
      //3 frames and it's a `Button` sprite
      if (o.frames && o.frames.length === 3 && o instanceof Button) {

      //Down state
      if (pointer.isDown) {
        o.state = "down";

        //Show the third frame if this sprite is a `Button` sprite and it
        //has only three frames, or show the second frame if it
        //has only two frames
        if(o instanceof Button) {
          if (o.frames.length === 3) {
          } else {

    //Perform the correct interactive action

    //a. Run the `press` method if the sprite state is "down" and
    //the sprite hasn't already been pressed
    if (o.state === "down") {
      if (!o.pressed) {
        if (o.press) o.press();
        o.pressed = true;
        o.action = "pressed";

    //b. Run the `release` method if the sprite state is "over" and
    //the sprite has been pressed
    if (o.state === "over") {
      if (o.pressed) {
        if (o.release) o.release();
        o.pressed = false;
        o.action = "released";

        //If the pointer was tapped and the user assigned a `tap`
        //method, call the `tap` method
        if (pointer.tapped && o.tap) o.tap();

      //Run the `over` method if it has been assigned
      if (!o.hoverOver) {
        if (o.over) o.over();
        o.hoverOver = true;

    //c. Check whether the pointer has been released outside
    //the sprite's area. If the button state is "up" and it has
    //already been pressed, then run the `release` method
    if (o.state === "up") {
      if (o.pressed) {
        if (o.release) o.release();
        o.pressed = false;
        o.action = "released";

      //Run the `out` method if it has been assigned
      if (o.hoverOver) {
        if (o.out) o.out();
        o.hoverOver = false;

前面代码中的一个重要特性是makeInteractive向 sprite 添加了一个名为update的方法:

o.update = (pointer, canvas) => { /*...*/ }


function gameLoop() {

  //Only run the code if there are buttons in the array
  if (buttons.length > 0) {

    //Set the mouse pointer to the default arrow icon
    canvas.style.cursor = "auto";

    //Loop through all the buttons
    buttons.forEach(button => {

      //Update the buttons
      button.update(pointer, canvas);

      //Figure out if the mouse arrow should be a hand icon
      if (button.state === "over" || button.state === "down") {

        //If the button (or interactive sprite) isn't the
        //stage, change the cursor to a pointer.
        //(This works because the `stage` object has a
        //`parent` value of `undefined`)
        if(button.parent !== undefined) {

          //Display the mouse arrow as a hand
          canvas.style.cursor = "pointer";

  //Render the canvas



既然您已经知道了所有这些组件是如何工作的,那么让我们来看看button.html文件的完整 JavaScript 代码。您可以将此作为在自己的项目中使用按钮的起点。

//Import code from the library
import {
  makeCanvas, button, buttons, frames,
  text, stage, render
} from "../library/display";
import {assets} from "../library/utilities";
import {makePointer} from "../library/interactive";

//Load the button’s texture atlas and the custom font
]).then(() => setup());

//Declare any variables shared between functions
let canvas, playButton, stateMessage, actionMessage, pointer;

function setup() {

  //Make the canvas and initialize the stage
  canvas = makeCanvas(256, 256);
  stage.width = canvas.width;
  stage.height = canvas.height;

  //Define the button's frames
  let buttonFrames = [

  //Make the button sprite
  playButton = button(buttonFrames, 32, 96);

  //Define the button's actions
  playButton.over = () => console.log("over");
  playButton.out = () => console.log("out");
  playButton.press = () => console.log("pressed");
  playButton.release = () => console.log("released");
  playButton.tap = () => console.log("tapped");

  //Add some message text
  stateMessage = text("State:", "12px puzzler", "black", 12, 12);
  actionMessage = text("Action:", "12px puzzler", "black", 12, 32);

  //Make the pointer
  pointer = makePointer(canvas);

  //Start the game loop

function gameLoop() {

  //Update the buttons
  if (buttons.length > 0) {
    canvas.style.cursor = "auto";
    buttons.forEach(button => {
      button.update(pointer, canvas);
      if (button.state === "over" || button.state === "down") {
        if(button.parent !== undefined) {
          canvas.style.cursor = "pointer";

  //Display the button's state and action
  stateMessage.content = `State: ${playButton.state}`;
  actionMessage.content = `Action: ${playButton.action}`;

  //Render the canvas

我前面提到过,按钮只是一种交互式精灵,碰巧有三种定义的图像状态。这意味着你可以给任何 sprite 添加类似按钮的交互性。让我们找出方法。


您可以通过将任何 sprite 的interactive属性设置为true来使其行为像一个按钮:

anySprite.interactive = true;

这会将 sprite 添加到buttons数组中,并赋予它与任何其他按钮相同的方法属性。这意味着你可以分配pressrelease方法给精灵,并访问它的状态和动作属性。

Image 注意你也可以让stage对象交互。如果您想知道玩家是否点击或按下了画布,这将非常有用。

运行interacteractiveSprites.html演示该功能,如图图 6-15 所示。如果你点击这个圆,它的填充和描边颜色会随机改变。


图 6-15 。点按以使圆显示随机颜色


//Make the pointer
pointer = makePointer(canvas);

//Create the sprite and put it in the center of the stage
ball = circle(96, "red", "blue", 8);

//Make the ball interactive
ball.interactive = true;

//Assign the ball's `press` method
ball.press = () => {

  //An array of color names
  var colors = ["Gold", "Lavender", "Crimson", "DarkSeaGreen"];

  //Set the ball's `fillStyle` and `strokeStyle` to a random color
  ball.fillStyle = colors[randomInt(0, 3)];
  ball.strokeStyle = colors[randomInt(0, 3)];


Image 注意记住如果你设置一个 sprite 的交互属性为true,你还需要导入buttons数组,更新游戏循环中的所有按钮。



anySprite.draggable = true;

这是我的另一个“以后我会告诉你的!”时刻。设置draggabletrue的作用是让你用指针在画布上拖动精灵。图 6-16 显示了让你这样做的draggableSprites.html示例文件的输出。您可以在画布上拖动精灵,并将它们堆叠在一起。选定的精灵显示在栈的顶部,当鼠标箭头光标在可拖动的精灵上时会变成一个手形。


图 6-16 。拖拽小精灵



export let draggableSprites = [];

当设置为true时,DisplayObject类上的draggable属性将 sprite 推入draggableSprites,如果设置为false则将其拼接出来。下面是来自DisplayObject类的代码:

get draggable() {
  return this._draggable;

set draggable(value) {

  if (value === true) {

    //Push the sprite into the `draggableSprites` array
    this._draggable = true;

  if (value === false) {

    //Splice the sprite from the `draggableSprites` array
    draggableSprites.splice(draggableSprites.indexOf(this), 1);


function makePointer(element, scale = 1) {

  let pointer = {

    //... the pointer's existing properties and methods...

    //New drag and drop properties:

    dragSprite: null,
    dragOffsetX: 0,
    dragOffsetY: 0,

    //New `updateDragAndDrop` method:

    updateDragAndDrop(sprite) {
      //The new code goes here


  //... the rest of the `makePointer` function...

  return pointer;

dragSprite对象是指针当前拖动的 sprite,dragOffsetXdragOffsetY用于帮助移动dragSpriteupdateDragAndDrop方法负责选择可拖动的精灵,在画布上拖动它们,并使选中的精灵堆叠在未选中的精灵之上。

updateDragAndDrop(draggableSprites) {

  //Check whether the pointer is pressed down
  if (this.isDown) {

    //You need to capture the coordinates at which the pointer was
    //pressed down and find out if it's touching a sprite

    //Only run this code if the pointer isn't already dragging a sprite
    if (this.dragSprite === null) {

      //Loop through the `draggableSprites` in reverse so that
      //you start searching at the top of the stack.
      //This means the last array element
      //will be the first one checked.
      //(Sprites at the end of the array are displayed
      //above sprites at the beginning of the array)
      for (let i = draggableSprites.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
        let sprite = draggableSprites[i];

       //Check for a collision with the pointer using `hitTestSprite`
        if (this.hitTestSprite(sprite) && sprite.draggable) {

         //Calculate the difference between the pointer's
         //position and the sprite's position
          this.dragOffsetX = this.x - sprite.gx;
          this.dragOffsetY = this.y - sprite.gy;

         //Set the sprite as the pointer's `dragSprite` property
          this.dragSprite = sprite;

         //The next two lines reorder the `sprites` array so that the
         //selected sprite is displayed above all the others.
         //First, splice the sprite out of its current position in
         //its parent's `children` array
          let children = sprite.parent.children;
          children.splice(children.indexOf(sprite), 1);

          //Next, push the `dragSprite` to the end
          //of its `children` array so that it's
          //displayed last, above all the other sprites

          //Reorganize the `draggableSprites` array in the same way
          draggableSprites.splice(draggableSprites.indexOf(sprite), 1);

          //Break the loop, because we only need to drag the topmost sprite

    //If the pointer is down and it has a `dragSprite`, make the
    //sprite follow the pointer's position, with the calculated offset
    else {
      this.dragSprite.x = this.x - this.dragOffsetX;
      this.dragSprite.y = this.y - this.dragOffsetY;

  //If the pointer is up, drop the `dragSprite` by setting it to `null`
  if (this.isUp) {
    this.dragSprite = null;

  //Change the mouse arrow pointer to a hand if it's over a
  //draggable sprite
  draggableSprites.some(sprite => {
    if (this.hitTestSprite(sprite) && sprite.draggable) {
      this.element.style.cursor = "pointer";
      return true;
    } else {
      this.element.style.cursor = "auto";
      return false;


function gameLoop() {

为了让你明白这一切是如何在适当的环境下工作的,这里是来自draggableSprites.html文件的所有 JavaScript 代码,它创建了三个可拖动的动物精灵,如图图 6-16 所示。

//Import code from the library, including the `draggableSprites` array
import {makeCanvas, stage, draggableSprites, sprite, render} from "../library/display";
import {assets} from "../library/utilities";
import {makePointer} from "../library/interactive";

//Load the texture atlas containing the animal sprite images
assets.load(["img/animals.json"]).then(() => setup());

//Declare any variables shared between functions
let canvas, cat, tiger, hedgehog, pointer;

function setup() {

  //Make the canvas and initialize the stage
  canvas = makeCanvas(256, 256);
  stage.width = canvas.width;
  stage.height = canvas.height;

  //Make three sprites and set their `draggable` properties to `true`
  cat = sprite(assets["cat.png"]);
  stage.putCenter(cat, -32, -32);
  cat.draggable = true;

  tiger = sprite(assets["tiger.png"]);
  tiger.draggable = true;

  hedgehog = sprite(assets["hedgehog.png"]);
  stage.putCenter(hedgehog, 32, 32);
  hedgehog.draggable = true;

  //Make the pointer
  pointer = makePointer(canvas);

  //Start the game loop

function gameLoop() {

  //Update the pointer's drag and drop system

  //Render the canvas

您可以将此代码用作向任何 sprite 添加拖放功能的基本模型。


