



  1. 探索游戏和设置
  2. 为游戏奠定基础
  3. 创建玩家的船
  4. 创建拍摄类
  5. 创建 PlayerShoot 类并使船射击
  6. 制造敌人
  7. 创建敌人射击类并让敌人射击
  8. 让敌人呈弧形移动
  9. 爆炸
  10. 添加滚动背景
  11. 添加生活量表



在第 5 章中,我们的方法是写一小段简单的代码,然后在开发过程中不断改进,在每一次迭代中玩游戏。我们在这里也是这样做的,但是因为街机射击游戏比打地鼠游戏更复杂,所以有更长的步骤。



  1. http://9leap.net/games/1034玩几次游戏,感受一下我们将要制作的游戏。特别注意敌人是如何随机出现的,当屏幕上有很多敌人子弹时,游戏会变得多么困难。这款游戏因其重玩价值而在9leap.net 上广受欢迎。由于随机产生的敌人,每次的体验都不一样。 * 在http://code.9leap.net/codes/show/29839叉模板。该模板包含您需要的必要图像文件。



  1. Initialize the enchant.js library and create the Core entity by copying the code in Listing 6-1 into the blank template. Because of the complexity of this section, we label sections of code with comments so we can refer to them later in the chapter.

    清单 6-1。 街机射手的基础

    ```js enchant(); //Class Definitions

    window.onload = function() {     game = new Core(320, 320);     //Game Properties     game.fps = 24;

    game.onload = function() {     };

    game.start(); }; ```

  2. Create a black background by typing the code in Listing 6-2 into the game.onload function. This specifies the backgroundColor of rootScene to be black.

    清单 6-2。 创建黑色背景

    js //In-Game Variables and Properties game.rootScene.backgroundColor = 'black';


  3. 单击运行。屏幕应该会变黑。

  4. Create a game variable for the player’s score by adding the code in Listing 6-3 to the //Game Properties section. Later, we'll make this variable increase in value whenever enemies are hit by bullets from the player’s ship.

    清单 6-3。 创建分数变量

    js game.score = 0;

  5. Create a ScoreLabel and add it to rootScene by adding the code in Listing 6-4 to the //In-game Variables and Properties section. The (8,8) specifies the top-left corner of the label to be placed 8 pixels to the right and 8 pixels down from the top-left corner of the game. Later, we’ll update the value of the ScoreLabel with the value of game.score every frame.

    清单 6-4。 为 rootScene 创建并添加分数标签

    js scoreLabel = new ScoreLabel(8, 8); game.rootScene.addChild(scoreLabel);

    ScoreLabel类是名为ui.enchant.js的插件的一部分,该插件包含在enchantjs.com的下载包中。如果你早点从 code.9leap.net 接手这个项目的话,它也包括在内。如果没有,在继续之前,您需要确保行<script src='/static/enchant.js-latest/plugins/ui.enchant.js'></script>被添加到您的index.html文件中。

  6. 单击运行。ScoreLabel应出现在屏幕顶部,并带有单词“SCORE:”。




  1. Create a class definition for the player by entering the code in Listing 6-5 to the //Class Definitions section. For a refresher, the enchant.Sprite declaration creates the new class as an extension of the Sprite class, which means all properties and methods of the Sprite class will work on the Player class as well. Everything in the initialize function will be run when a Player object is created.

    清单 6-5。 玩家类

    ```js // Player class var Player = enchant.Class.create(enchant.Sprite, {     initialize: function(x, y){

    } }); ```

  2. Preload graphic.png, which contains all the images used in this game, by adding the code in Listing 6-6 to the //Game Properties section. Figure 6-1 shows the graphic.

    清单 6-6。 预加载图像

    js game.preload('graphic.png');


    图 6-1 。Graphic.png

  3. Define the Player class as a 16x16 instance of the Sprite class and specify graphic.png as its image by entering the code in Listing 6-7 into the initialize function of the Player class.

    清单 6-7。 指定尺寸和图像

    js enchant.Sprite.call(this, 16, 16); this.image = game.assets['graphic.png'];

  4. Make the location of Player to be whatever was specified when it was created and set the frame by adding the code in Listing 6-8 directly under what you just added.

    清单 6-8。 设置位置和帧

    js this.x = x; this.y = y; this.frame = 0;

  5. Create a variable to keep track of when the screen is being touched by adding the code in Listing 6-9 to //Game Properties. This will set in the touch event listeners we’ll create next, and will be used to determine if bullets should be fired from the ship later.

    清单 6-9。T5【跟踪触摸】

    js game.touched = false;

  6. Back in the initialize function, add an event listener to move the Player to Y position of the touch event when a touchstart event occurs by entering the code in Listing 6-10. When the touchstart event occurs, we also set the game.touched variable to true. Notice how we don’t need to put a line break between player.y = e.y; and game.touched = true;. The semicolons delineate the commands.

    清单 6-10。 添加 Touchstart 事件监听器

    js game.rootScene.addEventListener('touchstart',         function(e){ player.y = e.y; game.touched = true; });

  7. Below that, add event listeners for both touchend and touchmove events to take care of all possible interaction from the player by adding the code in Listing 6-11.

    清单 6-11。 附加事件监听器

    js game.rootScene.addEventListener('touchend',         function(e){ player.y = e.y; game.touched = false; }); game.rootScene.addEventListener('touchmove',         function(e){ player.y = e.y; });

  8. Create an instance of the Player class and add it to rootScene by entering the code in Listing 6-12 directly below what you just added, still inside the initialize function.

    清单 6-12。Player添加到rootScene

    js game.rootScene.addChild(this);

  9. Create an instance of Player by adding the code in Listing 6-13 to the //In-game Variables and Properties section. The instance of Player is automatically added to rootScene because of the last step.

    清单 6-13。 创建Player 的实例

    js player = new Player(0, 152);

  10. Click Run. The ship appears on the screen. If you click and hold, the ship will follow your cursor up and down on the screen.




  1. Create the basic Shoot class by entering the code in Listing 6-14 beneath the //Player Class definition. It should have two functions: initialize and remove. It should also extend the Sprite class. When an instance of the Shoot class is created, we will pass three values to it: an X coordinate, a Y coordinate, and a direction.

    清单 6-14。T5】创建射击类

    js // Shoot class var Shoot = enchant.Class.create(enchant.Sprite, {     initialize: function(x, y, direction){     },     remove: function(){     } });

  2. Create the Shoot class as a 16x16 instance of the Sprite class, and create and assign necessary variables by entering the code in Listing 6-15 into the initialize function of the Shoot class. We will use the moveSpeed variable next to control the speed of movement and allow for easy modification of ammunition speed later on.

    清单 6-15。Shoot类的实例变量

    js enchant.Sprite.call(this, 16, 16); this.image = game.assets['graphic.png']; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.frame = 1; this.direction = direction; this.moveSpeed = 10;

  3. Create an enterframe event listener to control movement by entering the code in Listing 6-16 directly beneath this.movespeed = 10;. Code entered here will be run on instances of Shoot every frame.

    清单 6-16。 创建一个enterframe事件监听器

    js this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){         });


用 Cos 和 Sin 控制方向


要理解这些功能,首先需要理解单位圆的方向,如图图 6-2 所示。


图 6-2 。单位圆

单位圆用弧度表示方向。一弧度等于一个圆的半径的长度,在它的圆周上排成一行。圆圈中的pi符号是一个数学常数,等于一个圆的周长除以其直径(约 3.14)。这有什么关系?因为 cos 和 sin 只接受以弧度表示的值,而左右主方向分别等于pi0(或2 * pi)。

假设你想从圆心画一条长度为 1 的线。Cossin将分别给出该线端点的 x 和 y 坐标,根据pi给出一个方向。例如,如果我们想向点的右边移动 1,我们可以将pi传递给cos来找出我们需要沿着 x 轴移动多少才能到达那里(-1)。我们还将通过pisin来找出我们需要沿着 y 轴(0)移动多少。


  • 4.  Inside the event listener you just created, specify how instances of the Shoot class should move based off cos and sin by entering the code in Listing 6-17. Multiplying the results of the calculations by moveSpeed allows the ammunition to be manipulated in terms of speed later, if needed.

    清单 6-17。CosSin 控制移动

    js this.x += this.moveSpeed * Math.cos(this.direction); this.y += this.moveSpeed * Math.sin(this.direction);

  • 5.  Designate instances of the Shoot class to call the remove function if the shots stray far outside the bounds of the game screen by entering the code in Listing 6-18 inside the enterframe event listener, below what you just added. We could use 0 for the minimum allowed values of X and Y before the remove function is called, but using –this.width and –this.height ensures the shots don’t disappear off the screen unnaturally. Do not worry about defining what the remove function does just yet.

    清单 6-18。 调用remove函数

    js if(this.y > 320 || this.x > 320 || this.x < -this.width || this.y < -this.height){             this.remove(); }

  • 6.  Inside the definition of the remove function, under the definition of the initialize function, specify what should happen when the remove function is called by entering the code in Listing 6-19. The delete command removes a given instance of the Shoot class from memory. In a very long game, if this is not specified it could bog down the system.

    清单 6-19。remove功能

    js game.rootScene.removeChild(this); delete this;

  • 7.  Add instances of the Shoot class to rootScene on creation by adding the code in Listing 6-20 to the initialize function, after the event listener.

    清单 6-20。Shoot添加到rootScene

    js game.rootScene.addChild(this);

创建 PlayerShoot 类并让船射击


  1. In the //Class Definitions section, create the PlayerShoot class and its initialize function by entering the code in Listing 6-21.

    清单 6-21。 创建 PlayerShoot 类

    js // PlayerShoot class var PlayerShoot = enchant.Class.create(Shoot, { // Succeeds bullet class     initialize: function(x, y){     } });

  2. Create the PlayerShoot class as an instance of the Shoot class, specifying 0 as the direction, by inserting the code in Listing 6-22 into the initialize function. Remember the unit circle? The value of 0 is equal to a direction facing the right side of the screen. Because the ship is on the left side of the screen, bullets fired will head toward the right.

    清单 6-22。 创建Shoot类的实例

    js Shoot.call(this, x, y, 0);

  3. We now need make the ship fire instances of the PlayerShoot class. Go back to the Player class definition and create an enterframe event listener inside the initialize function by entering the code in Listing 6-23 right above the line game.rootScene.addChild(this);.

    清单 6-23。 Enterframe 事件监听器

    js this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){ });

  4. Inside this event listener, add the code in Listing 6-24 to create an if statement to be executed once every three frames and to be executed if the game is being touched.

    清单 6-24。 If 语句控制出手

    js if(game.touched && game.frame % 3 === 0){ }

  5. Inside the if statement, create a new instance of the PlayerShoot class by entering the code in Listing 6-25.

    清单 6-25。 创建一个PlayerShoot实例

    js var s = new PlayerShoot(this.x, this.y);

  6. 单击运行。当你点击屏幕时,你的船会发射弹药穿过屏幕。




  1. Create the basic Enemy class definition with an initialize and remove function by adding the code in Listing 6-26 to the //Class Definitions section, below the Player class definition.

    清单 6-26。 基础Enemy

    js //Enemy class var Enemy = enchant.Class.create(enchant.Sprite, {     initialize: function(x, y){     },     remove: function(){     } });

  2. Make the Enemy class a 16x16 instance of the Sprite class and assign the frame, x, and y variables by entering Listing 6-27 into the initialize function.

    清单 6-27。 制作 Sprite 实例并赋值变量

    js enchant.Sprite.call(this, 16, 16); this.image = game.assets['graphic.png']; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.frame = 3;

  3. Specify the direction of movement for enemies to be to the left in terms of the unit circle (Math.PI), and create a variable for movement speed by entering the code in Listing 6-28 below what you just entered.

    清单 6-28。 为方向和运动创建变量

    js this.direction = 0; this.moveSpeed = 3;

  4. Under what you just entered, create an event listener to move the enemy using the variables you just created by entering the code in Listing 6-29.

    清单 6-29。 移动敌人

    js // Define enemy movement this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){         this.x -= this.moveSpeed * Math.cos(this.direction);         this.y += this.moveSpeed * Math.sin(this.direction); });

  5. Make the Enemy call the remove function (which we’ll define soon) if it is outside the dimensions of the screen by entering the code in Listing 6-30 directly under the line this.y += this.moveSpeed * Math.sin(this.direction);.

    清单 6-30。 除去屏幕外的敌人若

    js // Disappear when outside of screen if(this.y > 320 || this.x > 320 || this.x < -this.width || this.y < -this.height){         this.remove(); }

  6. Finally, have the Enemy add itself to rootScene when it is created by entering the code in Listing 6-31 into the initialize function, under the event listener you just added.

    清单 6-31。 给 rootScene 添加敌人

    js game.rootScene.addChild(this);

  7. Define the remove function by entering Listing 6-32 into the remove function. This will remove the enemy from rootScene and delete it from memory. Also, it will remove the enemy from an array we’re going to create to keep track of enemies. (Hence the delete enemies[this.key];, which will be explained soon.)

    清单 6-32。 清除功能

    js game.rootScene.removeChild(this); delete enemies[this.key]; delete this;

  8. In the //In-Game Variables and Properties section, create an array to keep track of enemies by entering the code in Listing 6-33.

    清单 6-33。 制造敌阵

    js enemies = [];

  9. Under the new array, create an enterframe event listener for the game to create enemies randomly by entering the code in Listing 6-34. We create a variable inside the Enemy called enemy.key and assign the game’s current frame to it because this gives us something to keep track of the enemies with. If we do not do this, we would not be able to reference a specific enemy later on, which is needed when the enemies stray off screen or are hit with ammunition from the ship. Enemies have approximately a 1 in 10 chance of being created because of if(Math.random()*100 < 10) and, if created, are placed randomly on the y-axis.

    清单 6-34。 在游戏中制造敌人

    js game.rootScene.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){     if(Math.random()*100 < 10){         var y = Math.random() * 320;         var enemy = new Enemy(320, y);         enemy.key = game.frame;         enemies[game.frame] = enemy;     } });

  10. Update the game’s scoreLabel every frame by entering the code in Listing 6-35 underneath the if statement, but still inside the event listener.

    清单 6-35。 每帧更新游戏分数

    js scoreLabel.score = game.score;

  11. 点击运行。敌人被创造出来并飞过屏幕。然而,当船上的子弹击中他们时,什么也没有发生。

  12. Make the ship’s ammunition destroy enemies with an event listener by entering the code in Listing 6-36 into the PlayerShoot class definition, under Shoot.call(this, x, y, 0);. The way this for loop is constructed causes the program to go through every single member of the enemies array, checking to see if the given bullet is in contact with it. If so, both the bullet and the enemy in the array are removed, and the player’s score is increased by 100.

    清单 6-36。 制伏敌人

    js this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){     // Judges whether or not player's bullets have hit enemy     for(var i in enemies){         if(enemies[i].intersect(this)){             // Eliminates enemy if hit             this.remove();             enemies[i].remove();             //Adds to score             game.score += 100;         }     } });

  13. 单击运行。你现在可以通过射击来消灭敌人。如果您在本节中遇到问题,可以在http://code.9leap.net/codes/show/29929找到一个工作代码示例。



  1. Create the enemyShoot class by adding the code in Listing 6-37 in the //Class Definitions section. Create it as an instance of the Shoot class, with the direction set as Math.PI, as that faces left in the unit circle.

    清单 6-37。 排敌班

    js // Class for enemy bullets var EnemyShoot = enchant.Class.create(Shoot, { // Succeeds bullet class     initialize: function(x, y){         Shoot.call(this, x, y, Math.PI);     } });

  2. Add an enterframe event listener inside the initialize function by adding the code in Listing 6-38 under the line that begins with Shoot.call. This event listener should contain an if statement specifying that the game should end if the center of player and the center of a given enemy bullet is 8 pixels or less at any given time.

    清单 6-38。 指定playerShootplayer 之间的点击次数

    js this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){     if(player.within(this, 8)){         game.end(game.score, "SCORE: " + game.score);     } });

  3. Make the Enemy class create instances of the enemyShoot class every 10 frames by changing the if statement inside the Enemy enterframe event listener to match what is shown in Listing 6-39. The variable age can be called on any Entity and gives the number of frames the Entity has been alive.

    清单 6-39。 制敌射击

    js // Disappear when outside of screen if(this.y > 320 || this.x > 320 || this.x < -this.width || this.y < -this.height){     this.remove(); }else if(this.age % 10 === 0){ // Fire every 10 frames     var s = new EnemyShoot(this.x, this.y); }

  4. 点击运行。敌人现在开始反击。



敌人现在沿直线移动。这使得玩游戏相当直接,但有点简单。让我们让敌人以弧线移动,让游戏更有趣。我们将通过创建一个变量来指定方向应该向上运动还是向下运动(theta ),这取决于敌人在哪里被创建,然后在每一帧稍微改变方向。为此,请执行以下操作:

  1. Each enemy needs to have a variable that will be used to change its direction. Create a variable (theta) that is passed as an argument when an Enemy is created by changing the opening line of the initialize function to match the code in Listing 6-40.

    清单 6-40。 添加了theta变量

    js initialize: function(x, y, theta){

  2. Although direction is specified in terms of the unit circle, it’s easier to work in degrees for specific amounts other than 0 or Math.PI. We’ll be passing a value in degrees to theta, so convert it to radians by entering the code in Listing 6-41 right before the line that reads this.direction = 0;.

    清单 6-41。theta转换成弧度

    js this.theta = theta * Math.PI / 180;

  3. Inside the enterframe event listener of the Enemy class, make theta change the direction of the Enemy every frame by entering the code in Listing 6-42 directly under the line that reads this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){.

    清单 6-42。 递增Enemy方向

    js this.direction += this.theta;

  4. Now enemies can accept a value for theta, and this will change the direction of the Enemy every frame, but we need to specify how the enemies are created to really use this. To accomplish this, change the if statement inside the game’s rootScene enterframe event listener to match the code in Listing 6-43. If the Enemy is created in the upper half of the screen, the enemy will arc upwards (direction angle will increase by 1 each frame). If it is created in the lower half of the screen, it will arc downwards (direction angle will decrease by 1 each frame).

    清单 6-43。 制造敌人那道弧线

    js if(rand(100) < 10){         // Make enemies appear randomly         var y = rand(320);         if (y < 160) {                 theta = 1;         } else {                 theta = -1;         }         var enemy = new Enemy(320, y, theta);         enemy.key = game.frame;         enemies[game.frame] = enemy; }

  5. Click Run. Enemies move in an arc, making the game more compelling. Your game should appear as it does in Figure 6-3.


    图 6-3 。简单的射击游戏







  1. Download the explosion (Figure 6-4) sprite sheet from http://enchantjs.com/assets/img/effect0.gif and add it to your project. We’ll use this sprite sheet for our explosion.


    图 6-4 。爆炸效果图

  2. Create a basic class, called Blast, as an extension of the Sprite class by adding the code in Listing 6-44 into the //Class Definitions section. The class should have an initialize and remove function.

    清单 6-44。 爆炸类

    js // Class for explosions var Blast = enchant.Class.create(enchant.Sprite, {     initialize: function(x, y){     },     remove: function(){     } });

  3. Inside the initialize function, create the Blast class as a 16x16 instance of the Sprite class, and pass the x and y arguments to the local variables x and y by entering the code in Listing 6-45.

    清单 6-45。 在爆炸中分配变量

    js enchant.Sprite.call(this,16,16); this.x = x; this.y = y;

  4. Jump down to the window.onload function and add a preload statement under game.preload('graphic.png'); to add the sprite sheet of the explosion by entering the code in Listing 6-46.

    清单 6-46。 预载爆炸图像

    js game.preload('effect0.gif');

  5. Back in the initialize definition of the Blast class, under this.y = y;, add a statement to use effect0.gif as the image for the explosion by adding the code in Listing 6-47.

    清单 6-47。 指定effect0.gifBlast图像

    js this.image = game.assets['effect0.gif'];

  6. Specify the frame to start at 0, and specify a duration of 20 frames by entering Listing 6-48 on the next line. We will use the duration soon to draw out the animation over a specific amount of time.

    清单 6-48。 指定起始帧和持续时间

    js this.frame = 0; this.duration = 20;

  7. Below that, create an enterframe event listener by entering the code in Listing 6-49. We’ll use this event listener to control the frame of the explosion.

    清单 6-49。 事件监听器为Blast

    js this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){ }

  8. Inside the event listener, create a statement to set the frame of the explosion to go from 0 to 4 over a period of 20 frames by entering the code in Listing 6-50. This is accomplished with an algorithm. This algorithm first takes the current number of frames the explosion has been alive for (this.age) and divides it by the desired duration of the animation (this.duration) to get a fraction representing how far through the animation sequence the explosion should be. This is multiplied by 5 because the total sequence, shown in the sprite sheet, is 5 frames long. At this point, the result most likely has a decimal value (such as 4.42), so it is rounded down with Math.floor, and the result is what is assigned to the current frame of the explosion. The result is that the explosion progresses smoothly over 20 frames, and this value can be changed simply by editing the value of duration from 20 to something else.

    清单 6-50。frame 赋值

    js // Explosion animation this.frame = Math.floor(this.age/this.duration * 5);

  9. Beneath that, but still in the event listener, enter the code in Listing 6-51 to create an if statement that calls the remove function if the explosion has been alive for the desired duration. Note that if there is only one statement after the if statement, curly braces ({}) are not required.

    清单 6-51。 调用remove函数

    js if(this.age == this.duration) this.remove();

  10. Under the if statement, outside of the event listener, but still inside the initialize function, add the blast to rootScene by entering the code in Listing 6-52.

    清单 6-52。rootScene 添加冲击波

    js game.rootScene.addChild(this);

  11. Make the remove function remove the blast from rootScene by entering the code in Listing 6-53 into the definition of the remove function.

    清单 6-53。 清除根景爆炸

    js game.rootScene.removeChild(this);

  12. Make playerShoot create an instance of the Blast class if it hits an enemy by rewriting the definition of playerShoot to match the code in Listing 6-54. The line you should add is in bold type.

    清单 6-54。playerShoot创建Blast 的实例

    js // PlayerShoot class var PlayerShoot = enchant.Class.create(Shoot, { // Succeeds bullet class     initialize: function(x, y){         Shoot.call(this, x, y, 0);         this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){                 // Judges whether or not player's bullets have hit enemy                 for(var i in enemies){                     if(enemies[i].intersect(this)){                     //Start Explosion                     var blast = new Blast(enemies[i].x,enemies[i].y);                         // Eliminates enemy if hit                         this.remove();                         enemies[i].remove();                         //Adds to score                         game.score += 100;                         }                 }                 });     } });

  13. 单击运行。尝试玩游戏,看看当敌人被玩家船上的子弹击中时,爆炸是如何出现的。如果你做的一切都正确,游戏应该会出现在图 6-5 中。


图 6-5 。具有爆炸功能的街机射击游戏





我们一次向左滚动一个像素,当我们到达终点时,我们循环回到起点,在整个游戏中不断重复这个过程。这就是为什么我们希望背景图片的左右两边是一样的。如果玩家注意到背景中的突然变化,看起来会很不自然。我们将使用图 6-6 中所示的图像。


图 6-6 。png 图形


  • 14.  In the //Class Definitions section, create a class for the background as an extension of the Sprite class by entering the code in Listing 6-55. The only method needed is the initialize method, as we never remove it from rootScene.

    清单 6-55。 Background

    js // Background class var Background = enchant.Class.create(enchant.Sprite, {     initialize: function(){     } });

  • 15.  Inside the initialize function, create Background as a 640x320 Sprite by entering in Listing 6-56. This dimension is just as tall and twice as wide as the game screen.

    清单 6-56。 创建为精灵的实例

    js enchant.Sprite.call(this,640,320);

  • 16.转到http://enchantjs.com/?p=731并下载图像文件bg.png,用作背景。

  • 17.将文件上传到您在code.9leap.net中的项目。
  • 18.  Inside the window.onload function, under the //Game Properties section, add Listing 6-57 to preload bg.png.

    清单 6-57。 预加载背景图像

    js game.preload('bg.png');

  • 19.  Back inside the initialize function of the Background class, add Listing 6-58 to the variable declarations to position the background and assign bg.png to be used as the background image.

    清单 6-58。 定位和图像变量

    js this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.image = game.assets['bg.png'];

  • 20.  Below that, but still inside the initialize function, add an enterframe event listener to move the background to the left by one pixel every frame by entering in the code in Listing 6-59.

    清单 6-59。 移动Background每一帧

    js this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){         this.x--; });

  • 21.  Inside the event listener, underneath this.x--;, write a statement to reset the position of Background if it has been scrolled all the way over by entering the code in Listing 6-60. We know if the image has been scrolled all the way over if its x position is -320 or less.

    清单 6-60。 重置背景位置

    js if(this.x<=-320) this.x=0;

  • 22.  Under the event listener, but still inside the initialize function, add Background to rootScene by entering the code in Listing 6-61.

    清单 6-61。 给 rootScene 添加背景

    js game.rootScene.addChild(this);

  • 23.  Finally, in the game.onload function, replace the line that reads game.rootScene.backgroundColor = 'black'; with the code in Listing 6-62 to create an instance of Background.

    清单 6-62。 创建Background 的实例

    js background = new Background();

  • 24.单击运行。游戏应该出现在图 6-7 中。


图 6-7 。背景滚动的街机射击游戏




  1. In the game.onloadfunction, under the //In-Game Variables and Properties section, add a variable as part of the Core object (game) to keep track of a player’s life by entering the code in Listing 6-63.

    清单 6-63。 创建一个生命变量

    js game.life = 3;


  2. Rewrite the EnemyShoot class to reduce the amount of life the player has by 1 if hit by an enemy bullet by making the class match the code in Listing 6-64. You should erase the line that reads game.end(game.score, "SCORE: " + game.score); and replace it with the code in bold type.

    清单 6-64。 命中时减少生命

    js // Class for enemy bullets var EnemyShoot = enchant.Class.create(Shoot, { // Succeeds bullet class     initialize: function(x, y){         Shoot.call(this, x, y, Math.PI);         this.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){             if(player.within(this, 8)){     // Bullet has hit player                     game.life--;                 }         });     } });

  3. Under game.life--;, but still inside the if statement, write another if statement to end the game if the player’s life is less than or equal to 0 by entering the code in Listing 6-65.

    清单 6-65。 结束游戏如果没有生命

    js if(game.life<=0) game.end(game.score, "SCORE: " + game.score);

    我们已经重写了游戏,当玩家被击中时生命值减少 1,如果生命值为 0,游戏就结束了。我们可以创建一个类来显示生活,但是不需要在屏幕上添加太多内容,所以在这种情况下,简单地在game.onload中创建指示器会更有效。

    我们将使用作为ui.enchant.js插件的一部分提供的MutableText类来制作指示器。MutableText类与Label类非常相似,但是它不使用计算机中已经安装的字体在屏幕上创建文本,而是使用 sprite 表中文本字符的图像,很像Sprite

    image 注意ScoreLabel类是MutableText类的扩展,行为类似。


  4. Within the game.onload function, below the line that reads player = new Player(0, 152);, create a new instance of MutableText by entering the code in bold type from Listing 6-66. The first argument (8), specifies the X position of the upper-left corner of the new instance, the second argument (320 – 32) specifies the Y position, the third (game.width) specifies the width of the label, and the fourth specifies the text that should be shown.

    清单 6-66。 创造了lifeLabel

    ```js game.onload = function() {     //In-Game Variables and Properties     background = new Background();     game.life = 3;

    scoreLabel = new ScoreLabel(8, 8);     game.rootScene.addChild(scoreLabel);     player = new Player(0, 152);     enemies = [];     // Display life     lifeLabel = new MutableText(8, 320 - 32, game.width, ""); ```

  5. Beneath the line that reads lifeLabel = new MutableText(8, 320 – 32, game.width, "");, but still inside the game.onload function, create an event listener to update the text of lifeLabel with a number of 0s equal to however many lives the player has left by entering the code in Listing 6-67.

    清单 6-67。 显示生命数量

    js lifeLabel.addEventListener('enterframe', function(){     this.text = "LIFE " + "OOOOOOOOO".substring(0, game.life); });


    我们来看看"OOOOOOOOO".substring(0, game.life);部分。这个“O”代表游戏中的单身生活。"OOOOOOOOO"是一个 JavaScript 字符串对象,所以我们可以直接调用应用于该字符串的方法。我们可以通过使用substring()方法从一个字符串的开头到指定的点提取文本。

    应该注意的是,substring()方法的第二个参数表示子字符串应该从中提取字符的点。请记住,字符串和数组中的位置引用以 0 开头。这意味着如果game.life等于 3,子串用"OOOOOOOOO".substring(0, game.life);处理,子串将在位置 0、位置 1 和位置 2 返回 0,但在到达第三个位置之前会停止。

    这也是为什么游戏以三条命开头,在游戏中用三个 0 来代表("LIFE 000")。随着生命的减少,它会显示"LIFE OO"然后是"LIFE O."

    正如你所看到的,enchant.js 允许你轻松地创建游戏指示器,而不必创建一个全新的类。

  6. Finally, under the event listener, add the lifeLabel to rootScene by entering in the code in Listing 6-68.

    清单 6-68。 给 rootScene 添加 life label

    js game.rootScene.addChild(lifeLabel);

  7. 单击运行。寿命计将出现在图 6-8 的中。


图 6-8 。带生命计的街机射击游戏






在下一章,我们将看看如何在code.9leap.net之外创建独立游戏,并研究如何使用 3D 来创建带有gl.enchant.js插件的游戏。`