十大顺风 CSS 插件


Tailwind CSS: 这被称为实用优先的 CSS 框架,用于构建自定义 UI 这是一个非常可定制的低级 CSS 框架,gIt 为您提供了构建模块,帮助您构建出色的设计,而没有任何烦人的风格。

排名前十的顺风 CSS 插件如下:

1。顺风 CSS 排版:

  • If you want to design the style of an article or document, or it may be a blog post. With the help of the wind, this is very difficult, which requires more attention to typesetting and a large number of complicated customized CSS.
  • This feature helps to build applications on their front end, because you spend very little time on component modeling.


// Using npm
npm install @tailwindcss/typography

// Using Yarn
yarn add @tailwindcss/typography.

2。顺风 CSS 自定义表单:

  • The tailwind CSS custom form is used to provide a better appearance, and by adding some utilities
  • To help provide better customization for easily customizing and making better forms.


// Using npm
npm install @tailwindcss/custom-forms --save-dev

// Using Yarn
yarn add @tailwindcss/custom-forms -D

3。顺风 css 表格插件:

  • This plug-in is used to create a guide table in downwind CSS.
  • Inherit in Bootstrap, with the help of which the nested table can be made the same as the parent table.


// With using NPM
npm install tailwindcss-tables --save

// With usingYarn
yarn add tailwindcss-tables

4。顺风 CSS 主题化插件:

  • Downwind theming is a CSS plug-in that is responsible for changing multiple themes in the website.
  • Generally used to make dark themes in websites.


$ yarn add tailwindcss-theming@next --dev

5。顺风 CSS 截断多行:

  • It is helpful when we want to truncate the text inside some cards and realize that it may be difficult to do this with CSS alone.
  • For this, we can use Tailwind CSS, which is a veterinary plug-in for customization. The element it use to truncate multiline text is that addition class. Truncate-key-line, where the key is the number of lines displayed before truncation.


// With using npm
npm install tailwindcss-truncate-multiline --save

// With using yarn
yarn add tailwindcss-truncate-multiline 

6。顺风 CSS-Elevation:

  • This plug-in provides the elevation angles of two different images or components.
  • Whenever you want to apply elevation, you need to use. Elevation utilities.
  • This is a basic example of adding CSS elevation to button . Click me! 按钮>


npm install tailwindcss-elevation

7。顺风 CSS 长宽比:

  • This type of plug-in is created before the aspect ratio and is supported by any browser.
  • This plug-in requires downwind CSS 1.2 or higher. It offers customized sizes in different shapes.
  • This plug-in uses the configured theme and variant objects to create the aspect ratio utility.


npm install tailwindcss-aspect-ratio

8。 顺风 CSS 渐变:

  • This plug-in can help you provide a very smooth transition between the two added colors.
  • These plug-ins are regularly updated by developers.


npm install tailwindcss-gradients

9。 顺风 CSS 调试屏幕:

  • The downwind CSS debugging screen is a plug-in that displays response breakpoints.
  • You can easily customize a theme and debug the tailwind.config.js file.
  • You can set debugger options to easily find breakpoints.


npm install tailwindcss-debug-screens --save-dev

10。顺风 CSS Spinner:

  • All network applications need an old one to load data, so the downwind CSS Spinner is a loader that can be easily customized according to user's needs. You can also change its color, size, width and so on according to your requirements.
  • Can be used with a single utility class.
// With using yarn
yarn add -D tailwindcss-spinner

// With using npm
npm install --save-dev tailwindcss-spinner