如何在 Node.js 中将已有的回调转换为承诺?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何将现有的回调转换为节点中的承诺-js/

回调:就 JavaScript 而言,回调是作为参数传递给另一个函数的函数。调用函数的结果一准备好,函数就执行。简单来说,它处理 JavaScript 的异步需求。

示例:演示这个的最佳示例是使用 setTimeout()函数,该函数接受回调并延迟 JavaScript 代码的执行。一旦设置为函数的时间结束,回调函数就会执行。

// Defining a callback function 
var callback = ()=>{
    console.log("Hello! GeeksforGeeks");

// Passing the callback function
// as a parameter
setTimeout(callback, 2000);

// The callback gets executed as
// soon as 2 seconds are over.
// This behavior shows the 
// execution of a callback.


Hello! GeeksforGeeks

承诺:非常类似于运行中的回调。但是,使用 Promises 的好处是提高代码的可读性,因为它将我们从回调的地狱中拯救出来。 许诺有四个州

  • 待定:承诺尚未完成。它没有成功,也没有失败。
  • 兑现:承诺以成功告终。
  • 拒绝:承诺以错误结束。
  • 解决:承诺要么出错,要么成功。


// Existing Callback
var callback = function(err, success) {
    if(err) {
        console.log("Geek is very sad!");
    else {
        console.log("Geek is optimistic, "
            + "thus becomes successful");

var caller = function(status, callback){
    if(status === 'Happy')
        callback(null, true);
    else {
        callback(new Error(), false);

// Calling the caller method

// Executes the success part
caller('Happy', callback);

// Executes the error part
caller('Sad', callback);


Geek is optimistic, thus becomes successful
Geek is very sad!


  • 定义一个名为 error 的函数,并将回调函数的错误代码块插入其中。
  • 定义一个名为 success 的函数,并将 success 代码块插入其中。
  • 然后通过返回 promise 对象修改调用者代码。
  • 以下列任何一种方式使用成功和错误方法。
  • 为了更好地理解,请参见下面的代码片段。
// This snippet briefly shows
// the implementation
var error = function(){

    // The error codeblock from
    // the existing callback.
    console.log("Geek is very sad!");

var success = function(){

    // The success codeblock from
    // the existing callback
    console.log("Geek is optimistic, "
        + "thus becomes successful");

var caller = function(status) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        if(status === 'Happy') {

            // Calling the resolve function 
            // when function returns success
        else {

            // Calling the reject function
            // when function returns failure

// Throw success

// Throw error


Geek is optimistic, thus becomes successful
Geek is very sad!

让我们将下面的代码片段变成一个承诺实现。为了使实现运行,我们需要设置一个运行在节点服务器上的 web 应用程序。



示例:这里,场景是我们有一个学生数组,id 和 name 作为值。我们需要获得拥有给定 id 的学生的姓名。我们得到了一个现有的回调,需要转换成一个承诺。

/* The following code snippet depicts a GET request
to the server made by the client, which requests for
the name of the student with a given student id. Here we
have a student array that stores JSON objects of
student id and name. We are going to create a GET
Request using expressjs in node first. Then we will
write a route to get name of student based on id. */
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

// Students array
var students = [
        id: 101,
        name: "Geek A"
        id: 102,
        name: "Geek B"
        id: 103,
        name: "Geek C"
        id: 104,
        name: "Geek D"

// Definition of the callback function
const callback = (err, student) => {
    if(err) {
        return `Student with given id ${err} not found`;
    else {
        return "Here is the student: " + student.name;

// Passing studentid and callback function as parameter
const findName = (studentId, callbackFunction) => {
    let student = students.find(function(studentValue) {
        return studentValue.id == studentId;

    // Student not found
    if(typeof student === 'undefined')  {
        return callbackFunction(studentId, false);
    else {  // Student found
       return callbackFunction(null, student);

const getName = (req, res)=>{

    // Sending back the response to the server
    res.send(findName(req.params.studentId, callback));

app.get('/getName/:studentId', getName);

app.listen(8000, 'localhost', function () {
    console.log('Server Listening');



const express = require('express');
const app = express();

var students = [
        id: 101,
        name: "Geek A"
        id: 102,
        name: "Geek B"
        id: 103,
        name: "Geek C"
        id: 104,
        name: "Geek D"

// Writing the success logic here
const success = (student) => {
    return "Here is the student: " + student.name;

// Writing the failure logic here.
const failure = (fail) => {
    return `Student with the given id ${fail} was not found`;

const findName = (studentId) => {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        let student = students.find(function (studentValue) {
            return studentValue.id == studentId;
        if (student) {
        else {

const getName = async (req, res) => {
    let answer = await findName(


app.get('/getName/:studentId', getName);

app.listen(8000, 'localhost', function () {
    console.log('Server Listening');
