
在前一章中,我们看到了高阶函数如何帮助开发人员对常见问题进行抽象。正如我们所知,这是一个非常强大的概念。我们已经创建了 sortBy 高阶函数来展示用例的有效且相关的示例。尽管 sortBy 函数是在高阶函数的基础上工作的(这也是将函数作为参数传递给其他函数的概念),但它与 JavaScript 中另一个叫做闭包的概念有关。

在我们继续函数式编程技术的旅程之前,我们需要理解 JavaScript 世界中的闭包。这就是这一章的意义所在。在这一章中,我们将详细讨论闭包的含义,同时继续我们编写有用的和真实世界中的高阶函数的旅程。闭包的概念与 JavaScript 中的作用域有关,所以让我们在下一节从闭包开始。


章节示例和库源代码在第 4 章分支中。回购的网址是https://github.com/antoaravinth/functional-es8.git

一旦你检查出代码,请检查分支第 4 章:


git checkout -b 第 04 章来源/第 04 章




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在这一节中,我们将通过一个简单的例子来解释闭包的含义,然后通过解开它如何与闭包一起工作来继续我们的 sortBy 函数。


Simply put, a closure is an inner function. So what is an inner function? It is just a function within another function, something like the following:function outer() {    function inner() {    } }

是的,这就是终结。这个函数内部被称为闭包 函数 闭包是强大的,因为它可以访问作用域链(或作用域级别)。我们将在这一节讨论作用域链。



Technically the closure has access to three scopes:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.


Let’s talk about these three points separately with a simple example. Consider the following code snippet:function outer() {    function inner() {         let a = 5;         console.log(a)    }    inner() //call the inner function. }

当内部函数被调用时,控制台会输出什么?该值将为 5。这主要是由于第一点。一个闭包函数可以访问在它自己的声明中声明的所有变量(见第 1 点)。这里没有火箭科学!



Now modify the preceding code snippet to the following:let global = "global" function outer() {    function inner() {         let a = 5;         console.log(global)    }    inner() //call the inner function. }

现在,当内部函数被执行时,它打印出值 global。因此闭包可以访问全局变量(见第 2 点)。

Points 1 and 2 are now clear with the example. The third point is very interesting, and the claim can be seen in the following code:let global = "global" function outer() {    let outer = "outer"    function inner() {         let a = 5;         console.log(outer)    }    inner() //call the inner function. }






Take a look at the following code:var fn = (arg) => {         let outer = "Visible"         let innerFn = () => {                 console.log(outer)                 console.log(arg)         }         return innerFn }

代码很简单。innerFn 是 Fn 的闭包函数,调用时 fn 返回 innerFn。这里没有什么花哨的东西。

Let’s play around with fn:var closureFn = fn(5); closureFn() will print the following:Visible 5

调用 closureFn 如何打印 Visible 和 5 到控制台?幕后发生了什么?我们来分解一下。

There are two steps happening in this case:

  1. 1.


var closureFn = fn(5); our fn gets called with argument 5. As per our fn definition, it returns the innerFn.

  1. 2.

    有趣的事情在这里发生。当返回 innerFn 时,JavaScript 执行引擎将 innerFn 视为一个闭包,并相应地设置其作用域。正如我们在上一节中看到的,闭包可以访问三个作用域级别。当 innerFn 返回时,所有这三个作用域级别都被设置(arg,outer 值将在 innerFn 的作用域级别中设置)。返回的函数引用存储在 closureFn 中。因此,当通过作用域链调用时,closureFn 将有 arg,outer 值。

  2. 3.

    当我们最终宣布结束时 Fn:

closureFn() it prints:Visible 5

现在您可以猜到,closureFn 记得它的上下文(作用域;即 outer 和 arg)。因此,对 console.log 的调用会相应地打印出来。

您可能想知道闭包的用例是什么?。我们已经在 sortBy 函数中看到了它的作用。让我们快速重温一下。

重新审视 sortBy 函数

Recall the sortBy function that we defined and used in the previous chapter:const sortBy = (property) => {     return (a,b) => {         var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0;         return result;     } }

当我们像这样调用 sortBy 函数时:

sortBy("firstname")sortBy returned a new function that takes two arguments, like this:(a,b) => { / implementation / } Now we are comfortable with closures and we are aware that the returned function will have access to the sortBy function argument property. Because this function will be returned only when sortBy is called, the property argument is linked with a value; hence the returned function will carry this context throughout its life://scope it carries via closure property = "passedValue" (a,b) => { / implementation / }

现在,因为返回的函数在其上下文中携带属性值,所以它将在适当的地方和需要的时候使用返回值。有了这样的解释,我们就可以完全理解闭包和高阶函数,它们允许我们编写一个像 sortBy 这样的函数来抽象出内部细节。前进到我们的功能世界。






Let’s design a simple function called tap:const tap = (value) =>   (fn) => (     typeof(fn) === 'function' && fn(value),     console.log(value)   )

这里 tap 函数接受一个值并返回一个具有闭包值的函数,它将被执行。


在 JavaScript 中,(exp1,exp2)意味着它将执行两个参数并返回第二个表达式的结果,即 exp2。在前面的示例中,语法将调用函数 fn,并将值打印到控制台。

Let’s play around with the tap function:tap("fun")((it) => console.log("value is ",it)) =>value is fun =>fun


So where can the tap function be used? Imagine you are iterating an array that has data come from a server. You feel that the data are wrong, so you want to debug and see what the array really contains, while iterating. How will you do that? This is where the tap function comes into the picture. For the current scenario, we can do this:forEach([1,2,3], (a) =>    tap(a)(() =>      {        console.log(a)      }    ) )



数组原型中有一个默认的方法叫做 map。不用担心;我们将在下一章发现数组的许多函数,在那里我们也将看到如何创建我们自己的地图。目前,map 是一个函数,它与我们已经定义的 forEach 函数非常相似。唯一的区别是 map 返回回调函数的结果。

To get the gist of it, let’s say we want to double the array and get back the result; using the map function, we can do that like this:[1, 2, 3].map((a) => { return a * a }) =>[1, 4, 9] The interesting point to note here is that map calls the function with three arguments, which are element, index, and arr. Imagine we want to parse the array of strings to the array of int; we have a built-in function called parseInt that takes two argument parses and radixes and converts the passed parse into a number if possible. If we pass the parseInt to our map function, map will pass the index value to the radix argument of parseInt, which will result in unexpected behavior.['1', '2', '3'].map(parseInt) =>[1, NaN, NaN]

哎呀!在这个结果中可以看到,数组[1,NaN,NaN]并不是我们所期望的。这里我们需要将 parseInt 函数转换成另一个只需要一个参数的函数。我们如何实现这一目标?见见我们的下一个朋友,一元函数。一元函数的任务是获取带有 n 个参数的给定函数,并将其转换为单个参数。

Our unary function looks like the following:const unary = (fn) =>   fn.length === 1     ? fn     : (arg) => fn(arg)

我们正在检查传递的 fn 是否有一个大小为 1 的参数列表(可以通过 length 属性找到);如果是这样,我们什么都不会做。如果没有,我们返回一个新函数,它只接受一个参数 arg,并使用该参数调用函数。

To see our unary function in action, we can rerun our problem with unary:['1', '2', '3'].map(unary(parseInt)) =>[1, 2, 3]

这里我们的一元函数返回一个新函数(parseInt 的克隆),它将只接受一个参数。因此,传递 index,arr 参数的 map 函数不受影响,因为我们得到了预期的结果。


也有像 binary 和其他函数将转换函数以接受相应的参数。



在很多情况下,我们只需要运行一次给定的函数。JavaScript 开发人员在日常生活中会遇到这种情况,因为他们只想建立一次第三方库,只需启动一次支付设置,只需进行一次银行支付请求,等等。这些是开发人员面临的常见情况。

In this section we are going to write a higher order function called once, which will allow the developer to run the given function only once. Again the point to note here is that we have to keep on abstracting away our day-to-day activities into our functional toolkits.const once = (fn) => {   let done = false;   return function () {     return done ? undefined : ((done = true), fn.apply(this, arguments))   } }

这个 once 函数接受一个参数 fn,并通过用 apply 方法调用它来返回它的结果(稍后给出 apply 方法的注释)。这里需要注意的重要一点是,我们已经声明了一个名为 done 的变量,并在最初将其设置为 false。返回的函数将有一个闭包作用域;因此,它将访问它来检查 done 是否为真,如果 return undefined else 将 done 设置为真(从而阻止下一次执行),并使用必要的参数调用函数。


apply 函数将允许我们设置函数的上下文,并传递给定函数的参数。你可以在https://developer . Mozilla . org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global _ Objects/Function/apply找到更多关于它的信息。

With the once function in place, we can do a quick check of it.var doPayment = once(() => {    console.log("Payment is done") }) doPayment() =>Payment is done //oops bad, we are doing second time! doPayment() =>undefined!

这个代码片段展示了包装一次的 doPayment 函数将只执行一次,不管我们调用它们多少次。once 函数是我们工具箱中一个简单但有效的函数。


Before we close this section, let’s take a look at the function called memoize . We know that the pure function is all about working on its argument and nothing else. It does not depend on the outside world for anything. The results of the pure function are purely based on its argument. Imagine that we have a pure function called factorial, which calculates the factorial for a given number. The function looks like this:var factorial = (n) => {   if (n === 0) {     return 1;   }   // This is it! Recursion!!   return n * factorial(n - 1); } You can quickly check that factorial function with a few inputs :factorial(2) =>2 factorial(3) =>6

这里没什么特别的。但是,我们知道值 2 的阶乘是 2,3 是 6,以此类推,主要是因为我们知道阶乘函数确实有效,但只是基于它的参数,而不是其他。这里出现了一个问题:如果输入已经存在于对象中,为什么我们不能存储每个输入(某种对象)的结果并返回输出呢?此外,为了计算 3 的阶乘,我们需要计算 2 的阶乘,那么为什么我们不能在函数中重用这些计算呢?这正是 memoize 函数要做的。memoize 函数是一种特殊的高阶函数,它允许函数记住或记忆其结果。

Let’s see how we can implement such a function in JavaScript. It is as simple as it looks here:const memoized = (fn) => {   const lookupTable = {};   return (arg) => lookupTable[arg] || (lookupTable[arg] = fn(arg)); } Here we have a local variable called lookupTable that will be in the closure context for the returned function. This will take the argument and check if that argument is in the lookupTable:. . lookupTable[arg] . . If so, return the value; otherwise update the object with new input as a key and the result from fn as its value:(lookupTable[arg] = fn(arg)) Perfect. Now we can go and wrap our factorial function into a memoize function to keep remembering its output:let fastFactorial = memoized((n) => {   if (n === 0) {     return 1;   }   // This is it! Recursion!!   return n * fastFactorial(n - 1); }) Now go and call fastFactorial:fastFactorial(5) =>120 =>lookupTable will be like: Object {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 6, 4: 24, 5: 120} fastFactorial(3) =>6 //returned from lookupTable fastFactorial(7) => 5040 =>lookupTable will be like: Object {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 6, 4: 24, 5: 120, 6: 720, 7: 5040}

它将以同样的方式工作,但现在比以前快得多。在运行 fastFactorial 时,我希望您检查 lookupTable 对象,以及它如何帮助加快速度,如前面的代码片段所示。这就是高阶函数的美妙之处:闭包和纯函数在起作用!


我们的记忆函数是为只有一个参数的函数编写的。你能为所有有 n 个参数的函数想出一个解决方案吗?



JavaScript (JS) objects are mutable, which means the state of the object can be changed after it is created. Often, you will come across a scenario in which you have to merge objects to form a new object. Consider the following objects:var a = {  name: "srikanth" }; var b = {  age: 30 }; var c = {  sex: 'M' }; What if I want to merge all objects to create a new object? Let us go ahead and write the relevant function.function objectAssign(target, source) {     var to = {};     for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {       var from = arguments[i];       var keys = Object.keys(from);       for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j += 1) {         to[keys[j]] = from[keys[j]];       }     }     return to;   } arguments is a special variable available to every JS function. JS functions allow you to send any number of arguments to a function, which means that if a function is declared with two arguments, JS allows you to send more than two arguments. Object.keys is an inbuilt method that gives you the property names of every object, in our case, the name, age, and sex. The following usage shows how we abstracted the functionality to merge any number of JS objects into one object.var customObjectAssign = objectAssign(a, b, c); //prints { name: 'srikanth', age: 30, sex: 'M' } However, if you’re following ES6 standards, you may not have to write a new function. The following function also does the same.// ES6 Object.Assign var nativeObjectAssign = Object.assign(a, b, c); //prints { name: 'srikanth', age: 30, sex: 'M' } Note that when we use Object.assign to merge objects a, b, and c, even object a is changed. This does not occur with our custom implementation. That is because object a is considered to be the target object we merge into. Because the objects are mutable, a is now updated accordingly. If you require the preceding behavior, you can do this:var nativeObjectAssign = Object.assign({}, a, b, c);

对象 a 在前面的用法中保持不变,因为所有的对象都合并到一个空对象中。

Let me show you another new addition to ES6, Object.entries. Suppose you have an object such as the following:var book = {         "id": 111,         "title": "C# 6.0",         "author": "ANDREW TROELSEN",         "rating": [4.7],         "reviews": [{good : 4 , excellent : 12}]    }; If you’re only interested in the title property, the following function can help you convert that property into an array of strings.console.log(Object.entries(book)[1]); //prints Array ["title", "C# 6.0"]

如果您不想升级到 ES6,但又对获取对象条目感兴趣,该怎么办?唯一的方法是实现一个功能性的方法来做同样的事情,就像我们之前做的那样。你准备好迎接挑战了吗?如果是,我将把它作为一个练习留给你。



我们从一系列关于函数能看到什么的问题开始了这一章。通过从小处着手并构建示例,我们展示了闭包如何让函数记住它诞生的上下文。有了这样的理解,我们实现了一些 JavaScript 程序员日常生活中使用的高阶函数。我们已经看到了如何将常见问题抽象成一个特定的函数并重用它。现在我们理解了闭包、高阶函数、抽象和纯函数的重要性。在下一章中,我们将继续构建高阶函数,但是是关于数组的。