
在这一章中,我们将了解术语curry的含义。一旦我们理解了这意味着什么以及它可以用在什么地方,我们将转向函数式编程中的另一个概念,叫做局部应用。当我们在功能组合中使用 currying 和 partial application 时,理解它们非常重要。和前几章一样,我们将看一个样例问题,并解释如何应用像 currying 和局部应用这样的函数式编程技术。


章节示例和库源代码在第 6 章。回购的网址是https://github.com/antoaravinth/functional-es8.git

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在解释 currying 和 partial application 的意思之前,我们需要理解本章将要用到的几个术语。


A function is called unary if it takes a single function argument. For example, the identity function, shown in Listing 6-1, is a unary function.const identity = (x) => x; Listing 6-1


这个函数只有一个参数 x,所以我们可以称它为一元函数。


A function is called binary if it takes two arguments. For example, in Listing 6-2, the add function is a binary function.const add = (x,y) => x + y; Listing 6-2


add 函数有两个参数,x,y;因此我们称它为二元函数。

你可以猜到,有三个参数的三元函数,等等。JavaScript 还允许一种特殊类型的函数,我们称之为可变函数,它接受可变数量的参数。


A variadic function is a function that takes a variable number of arguments. Remember that we had arguments in older versions of JavaScript, which we can use to capture the variable number of arguments.function variadic(a){         console.log(a);         console.log(arguments) } Listing 6-3


We call the variadic function like this:variadic(1,2,3) => 1 => [1,2,3]



As you can see in Listing 6-3, using arguments we are able to capture the additional arguments one could call on a function. Using this technique, we used to achieve the variadic functions in ES5 versions. However, starting with ES6, we have an operator called Spread Operator that we can use to achieve the same result.const variadic = (a,...variadic) => {         console.log(a)         console.log(variadic) } Listing 6-4


Now if we call this function we get exactly what we would expect:variadic(1,2,3) => 1 => [2,3]

正如您在结果中看到的,我们被指向第一个传递的参数 1 和所有其他由我们的变量捕获的参数,该变量使用...休息论点!ES6 风格更简洁,因为它清楚地提到函数确实接受变量参数进行处理。

现在我们已经记住了一些关于函数的常用术语,是时候把注意力转向这个有趣的术语 curry 了。


你是否已经从博客上听过无数次“阿谀奉承”这个词,仍然想知道它是什么意思?不用担心;我们将把 currying 定义分解成更小的定义,这对你来说更有意义。

我们从一个简单的问题开始:什么是 currying?这个问题的一个简单答案是:curry 是一个将带有 n 个参数的函数转换成一个嵌套一元函数的过程。如果你还不明白,不要担心。让我们用一个简单的例子来看看这意味着什么。

Imagine we have a function called add:const add = (x,y) => x + y; It’s a simple function. We can call this function like add(1,1), which is going to give the result 2. Nothing fancy there. Now here is the curried version of the add function:const addCurried = x => y => x + y; The addCurried function is now a curried version of add. If we call addCurried with a single argument like this:addCurried(4) it returns a function where x value is captured via the closure concept as we saw in earlier chapters:=> fn = y => 4 + y We can call the addCurried function like this to get the proper result:addCurried(4)(4) => 8 Here we have manually converted the add function, which takes the two arguments into an addCurried function, which has nested unary functions. The process of converting a function from two arguments to a function that takes one argument (unary function) is called currying, as shown in Listing 6-5.const curry = (binaryFn) => {   return function (firstArg) {     return function (secondArg) {       return binaryFn(firstArg, secondArg);     };   }; }; Listing 6-5



我们已经用 ES5 格式编写了 curry 函数,这样我们可以可视化返回一个嵌套的一元函数的过程。

Now we can use our curry function to convert the add function to a curried version like this:let autoCurriedAdd = curry(add) autoCurriedAdd(2)(2) => 4

输出正是我们想要的。现在是时候修改 currying 的定义了:Currying 是将一个有 n 个参数的函数转换成一个嵌套的一元函数的过程。

正如你在我们的 curry 函数定义中看到的,我们正在将二元函数转换成嵌套函数,每个函数只需要一个参数;也就是说,我们返回的是嵌套的一元函数。现在我们已经在你的头脑中澄清了奉承这个术语,但是你仍然有一些明显的问题:我们为什么需要奉承?它有什么用?


We’ll start simple. Imagine we have to create a function for creating tables. For example, we need to create tableOf2, tableOf3, tableOf4, and so on. We can achieve this via Listing 6-6.const tableOf2 = (y) => 2 * y const tableOf3 = (y) => 3 * y const tableOf4 = (y) => 4 * y Listing 6-6


With that in place, the functions can be called this:tableOf2(4) => 8 tableOf3(4) => 12 tableOf4(4) => 16 Now you see that you can generalize the tables concept into a single function like this:const genericTable = (x,y) => x * y and then you can use genericTable to get tableOf2 like the following:genericTable(2,2) genericTable(2,3) genericTable(2,4) and the same for tableOf3 and tableOf4. If you notice the pattern, we are filling up 2 in the first argument for tableOf2, 3 for tableOf3, and so on! Perhaps you are thinking that we can solve this problem via curry? Let’s build tables from genericTable using curry:const tableOf2 = curry(genericTable)(2) const tableOf3 = curry(genericTable)(3) const tableOf4 = curry(genericTable)(4) Listing 6-7

使用 Currying 的表格功能

Now you can do your testing with these curried versions of the tables:console.log("Tables via currying") console.log("2 * 2 =",tableOf2(2)) console.log("2 * 3 =",tableOf2(3)) console.log("2 * 4 =",tableOf2(4)) console.log("3 * 2 =",tableOf3(2)) console.log("3 * 3 =",tableOf3(3)) console.log("3 * 4 =",tableOf3(4)) console.log("4 * 2 =",tableOf4(2)) console.log("4 * 3 =",tableOf4(3)) console.log("4 * 4 =",tableOf4(4)) This is going to print the value we expect:Table via currying 2 * 2 = 4 2 * 3 = 6 2 * 4 = 8 3 * 2 = 6 3 * 3 = 9 3 * 4 = 12 4 * 2 = 8 4 * 3 = 12 4 * 4 = 16

一个日志功能:使用 Currying

The example in the previous section helped us understand what currying does, but let’s use a more complicated example in this section. As developers when we write code, we do a lot of logging at several stages of the application. We could write a helper logger function that looks like Listing 6-8.const loggerHelper = (mode,initialMessage,errorMessage,lineNo) => {         if(mode === "DEBUG")                 console.debug(initialMessage,errorMessage + "at line: " + lineNo)         else if(mode === "ERROR")                 console.error(initialMessage,errorMessage + "at line: " + lineNo)         else if(mode === "WARN")                 console.warn(initialMessage,errorMessage + "at line: " + lineNo)         else                 throw "Wrong mode" } Listing 6-8

简单的 loggerHelper 函数

When any developer needs to print an error to the console from the Stats.js file, he or she can use the function like the following:loggerHelper("ERROR","Error At Stats.js","Invalid argument passed",23) loggerHelper("ERROR","Error At Stats.js","undefined argument",223) loggerHelper("ERROR","Error At Stats.js","curry function is not defined",3) loggerHelper("ERROR","Error At Stats.js","slice is not defined",31)

类似地,我们可以将 loggerHelper 函数用于调试和警告消息。正如你所看到的,我们在重复所有调用的参数,主要是 mode 和 initialMessage。我们能做得更好吗?是的,通过奉承,我们可以更好地打这些电话。我们可以使用前面定义的 curry 函数吗?不幸的是,不能,因为我们设计的 curry 函数只能处理二进制函数,而不能像 loggerHelper 那样处理四个参数的函数。

让我们来解决这个问题,实现全功能的 curry 函数,它可以处理任何带有 n 个参数的函数。


We all know that we can curry (Listing 6-5) only a function. How about many functions? It’s simple but important to have it in our implementation of curry. Let’s add the rule first, as shown in Listing 6-9.let curry =(fn) => {     if(typeof fn!=='function'){         throw Error('No function provided');     } }; Listing 6-9

修改 curry 函数定义

With that check in place, if others call our curry function with an integer like 2, and so on, they get back the error. That’s perfect! The next requirement to our curried function is that if anyone provided all arguments to a curried function, we need to execute the real function by passing the arguments. Let’s add that using Listing 6-10.let curry =(fn) => {     if(typeof fn!=='function'){         throw Error('No function provided');     }     return function curriedFn(...args){       return fn.apply(null, args);     }; }; Listing 6-10

处理参数的 curry 函数

Now if we have a function called multiply:const multiply = (x,y,z) => x * y * z; We can use our new curry function like the following:curry(multiply)(1,2,3) => 6 curry(multiply)(1,2,0) => 0 Let’s look at how it really works. We have added the logic in our curry function like this:return function curriedFn(...args){         return fn.apply(null, args); }; The returned function is a variadic function , which returns the function result by calling the function via apply along by passing the args:. . . fn.apply(null, args); . . . With our curry(multiply)(1,2,3) example, args will be pointing to [1,2,3] and because we are calling apply on fn, it’s equivalent to:multiply(1,2,3)


Now let us get back to the problem of converting the n argument function into a nested unary function (that’s the definition of curry itself)!let curry =(fn) => {     if(typeof fn!=='function'){         throw Error('No function provided');     }     return function curriedFn(...args){       if(args.length < fn.length){         return function(){           return curriedFn.apply(null, args.concat( [].slice.call(arguments) ));         };       }       return fn.apply(null, args);     }; }; Listing 6-11

将 n 参数函数转换为一元函数的 curry 函数

We have added the part:if(args.length < fn.length){         return function(){           return curriedFn.apply(null, args.concat( [].slice.call(arguments) ));         }; } Let’s understand what’s happening in this piece of code, one element at a time.args.length < fn.length

这一行检查通过...args 长度和函数参数列表长度小于或等于。如果是这样,我们就进入 If 块,否则我们就像以前一样调用完整的函数。

Once we enter the if block, we use the apply function to call curriedFn recursively like this:curriedFn.apply(null, args.concat( [].slice.call(arguments) )); The snippetargs.concat( [].slice.call(arguments) ) is important. Using the concat function , we are concatenating the arguments that are passed one at a time and calling the curriedFn recursively. Because we are combining all the passed arguments and calling it recursively, we will meet a point in which the line if (args.length < fn.length) condition fails. The argument list length (args) and function argument length (fn.length) will be equal, thus skipping the if block and callingreturn fn.apply(null, args);


With that understanding in place, we can use our curry function to invoke the multiply function:curry(multiply)(3)(2)(1) => 6




let curriedMul3 = curry(乘)(3)

let curriedMul2 = curriedMul3(2)

let curriedMul1 = curriedMul2(1)

其中 curriedMul1 将等于 6。不过,我们使用 curry(multiply)(3)(2)(1),因为它可读性更好。

需要注意的重要一点是,我们的 curry 函数现在将一个有 n 个参数的函数转换为一个可以作为一元函数调用的函数,如示例所示。


Now let’s solve our logger function using the defined curry function. Bringing up the function here for easy reference (Listing 6-8):const loggerHelper = (mode,initialMessage,errorMessage,lineNo) => {         if(mode === "DEBUG")                 console.debug(initialMessage,errorMessage + "at line: " + lineNo)         else if(mode === "ERROR")                 console.error(initialMessage,errorMessage + "at line: " + lineNo)         else if(mode === "WARN")                 console.warn(initialMessage,errorMessage + "at line: " + lineNo)         else                 throw "Wrong mode" } The developer used to call the function:loggerHelper("ERROR","Error At Stats.js","Invalid argument passed",23) Now let’s solve the repeating first two arguments problem via curry:let errorLogger = curry(loggerHelper)("ERROR")("Error At Stats.js"); let debugLogger = curry(loggerHelper)("DEBUG")("Debug At Stats.js"); let warnLogger = curry(loggerHelper)("WARN")("Warn At Stats.js"); Now we can easily refer to the earlier curried functions and use them under the respective context://for error errorLogger("Error message",21) => Error At Stats.js Error messageat line: 21 //for debug debugLogger("Debug message",233) => Debug At Stats.js Debug messageat line: 233 //for warn warnLogger("Warn message",34) => Warn At Stats.js Warn messageat line: 34

太棒了!我们已经看到了 curry 函数如何在现实世界中帮助删除函数调用中的大量样板文件。不要忘记感谢闭包概念,它支持了 curry 函数。节点的调试模块在其 API 中使用了库里概念(见https://github.com/visionmedia/debug)。


在上一节中,我们创建了自己的 curry 函数。我们还看到了一个使用这个 curry 函数的简单例子。



Imagine we want to find the array content that has a number. We can solve the problem via the following code snippet:let match = curry(function(expr, str) {   return str.match(expr); }); The returned match function is a curried function. We can give the first argument expr a regular expression /[0-9]+/ that will indicate whether the content has a number in it.let hasNumber = match(/[0-9]+/) Now we will create a curried filter function :let filter = curry(function(f, ary) {   return ary.filter(f); }); With hasNumber and filter in place, we can create a new function called findNumbersInArray:let findNumbersInArray = filter(hasNumber) Now you can test it:findNumbersInArray(["js","number1"]) => ["number1"]


We know how to square contents of an array. We have also seen the same problem in previous chapters. We use the map function and pass on the square function to achieve the solution to our problem. Here we can use the curry function to solve the same problem in another way:let map = curry(function(f, ary) {   return ary.map(f); }); let squareAll = map((x) => x * x) squareAll([1,2,3]) => [1,4,9]

正如你在这个例子中看到的,我们已经创建了一个新的函数 squareAll,现在我们可以在代码库中的其他地方使用它。类似地,您也可以对 findEvenOfArray、findPrimeOfArray 等执行此操作。


在使用 currying 的两节中,我们已经设计了 curried 函数,使得它们总是在最后使用数组。这是一种有意创建定制函数的方式。如前几章所讨论的,我们作为程序员经常处理像 array 这样的数据结构,所以把 array 作为最后一个参数允许我们创建许多可重用的函数,比如 squareAll 和 findNumbersInArray,我们可以在整个代码库中使用它们。


在我们的源代码中,我们调用了 curry 函数 curryN。这只是为了保持原来的 curry,它应该对二元函数进行 curry。


在这一节中,我们将看到另一个名为 partial 的函数,它允许开发人员部分地应用函数参数。

Imagine we want to perform a set of operations every 10 milliseconds. Using the setTimeout function , we can do this:setTimeout(() => console.log("Do X task"),10); setTimeout(() => console.log("Do Y task"),10); As you can see, we are passing on 10 for every one of our setTimeout function calls. Can we hide that from the code? Can we use a curry function to solve this problem? The answer is no, because the curry function applies the argument from the leftmost to rightmost lists. Because we want to pass on the functions as needed and keep 10 as a constant (which is most of the argument list), we cannot use curry as such. One workaround is that we can wrap our setTimeout function so that the function argument becomes the rightmost one:const setTimeoutWrapper = (time,fn) => {   setTimeout(fn,time); } Then we can use our curry function to wrap our setTimeout to a 10-millisecond delay:const delayTenMs = curry(setTimeoutWrapper)(10) delayTenMs(() => console.log("Do X task")) delayTenMs(() => console.log("Do Y task"))

我们需要它的时候它就会工作。但问题是,我们必须创建像 setTimeoutWrapper 这样的包装器,这将是一个开销。这就是我们可以使用部分应用技术的地方。



The implementation of the partial function looks like Listing 6-12.const partial = function (fn,...partialArgs){   let args = partialArgs;   return function(...fullArguments) {     let arg = 0;     for (let i = 0; i < args.length && arg < fullArguments.length; i++) {       if (args[i] === undefined) {         args[i] = fullArguments[arg++];         }       }       return fn.apply(null, args);   }; }; Listing 6-12


Let’s quickly use the partial function with our current problem:let delayTenMs = partial(setTimeout,undefined,10); delayTenMs(() => console.log("Do Y task")) which will print to the console as you expect. Now let’s walk through the implementation details of the partial function. Using closures, we are capturing the arguments that are passed to the function for the first time:partial(setTimeout,undefined,10) //will lead to let args = partialArgs => args = [undefined,10] We return a function that will remember the args value (yes, we are using closures again). The returned function is very easy. It takes an argument called fullArguments, so we call functions like delayTenMs by passing this argument:delayTenMs(() => console.log("Do Y task")) //fullArguments points to //[() => console.log("Do Y task")] //args using closures will have //args = [undefined,10] Now in the for loop we iterate and create the necessary arguments array for our function:if (args[i] === undefined) {       args[i] = fullArguments[arg++];   } } Now let’s start with value i as 0://args = [undefined,10] //fullArguments = [() => console.log("Do Y task")] args[0] => undefined === undefined //true //inside if loop args[0] = fullArguments[0] => args[0] = () => console.log("Do Y task") //thus args will become => [() => console.log("Do Y task"),10]

正如您在这些代码片段示例中看到的,我们的参数指向数组,正如我们对 setTimeout 函数调用的预期。一旦我们在 args 中有了必要的参数,我们就通过 fn.apply(null,args)调用函数。

Remember that we can apply partial for any function that has n arguments. To make the point concrete, let’s look at an example. In JavaScript we use the following function call to do JSON pretty print:let obj = {foo: "bar", bar: "foo"} JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2); As you can see, the last two arguments for the function called stringify are always going to be the same: null,2. We can use partial to remove the boilerplate:let prettyPrintJson = partial(JSON.stringify,undefined,null,2) You can then use prettyPrintJson to print the JSON:prettyPrintJson({foo: "bar", bar: "foo"}) which will give you this output:"{   "foo": "bar",   "bar": "foo" }"


在部分函数的实现中有一个小错误。如果用不同的参数再次调用 prettyPrintJson 呢?有用吗?



Currying 与部分应用

我们已经看到了这两种技术,所以问题是何时使用哪一种。答案取决于你的 API 是如何定义的。如果你的 API 被定义为 map,filter,那么我们可以很容易地使用 curry 函数来解决我们的问题。正如上一节所讨论的,生活并不总是一帆风顺的。可能有些函数不是为 curry 设计的,比如我们例子中的 setTimeout。在这些情况下,最好的选择是使用部分函数。毕竟,我们使用 curry 或 partial 是为了让函数参数和函数设置变得简单和更强大。

还需要注意的是,currying 将返回嵌套的一元函数;我们已经实现了 curry,为了方便起见,它需要 n 个参数。开发人员需要 curry 或 partial,但不是两者都需要,这也是一个被证明的事实。


Currying 和局部应用始终是函数式编程中的一个工具。我们从解释 currying 的定义开始这一章,currying 只不过是将一个有 n 个参数的函数转换成嵌套的一元函数。我们已经看到了 currying 的例子以及它非常有用的地方,但是有些情况下,您希望填充函数的前两个参数和最后一个参数,而让中间的参数在一段时间内未知。这就是局部应用发挥作用的地方。为了充分理解这两个概念,我们实现了自己的 curry 和部分函数。我们已经取得了很大的进步,但我们还没有完成。
