Golang 中的 strings.TrimFunc()函数,示例为

Original: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/strings-trimfunc-function-in-golang-with-examples/

Golang 中的函数用于返回字符串 s 的片段,其中删除了满足 f(C)的所有前导和尾随 Unicode 代码点 c。


func TrimFunc(s string, f func(rune) bool) string

这里,s 是字符串,函数检查 rune 的值,如果可以修剪,则返回 true。


示例 1:

// Golang program to illustrate
// the strings.TrimFunc() Function
package main

// importing fmt, unicode and strings
import (

// Calling Main method
func main() {

    // Here we have a string. The function
    // returns true for the letters
    // and all other will trim out
    // from the string
    fmt.Print(strings.TrimFunc("77GeeksForGeeks!!!", func(r rune) bool {
        return !unicode.IsLetter(r)



示例 2:

// Golang program to illustrate
// the strings.TrimFunc() Function

package main

// importing fmt, unicode and strings
import (

// Calling Main method
func main() {

    // Here we have a string. The function
    // returns true for the letters
    // and numbers as well
    // and all other will trim out
    // from the string
    fmt.Print(strings.TrimFunc("1234GeeksForGeeks!!!!", func(r rune) bool {
        return !unicode.IsLetter(r) && !unicode.IsNumber(r)

