将一个句子中出现的所有单词精确打印 K 次

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/print-all-words-in-a-in-in-a-their-k-times/

给定一个由小写字母和整数组成的字符串 S ,任务是打印字符串 S 中出现 K 次的所有单词。


输入: S =“香蕉是黄色的,太阳花也是黄色的”,K = 2 输出:“是”“黄色的”“在” 解释:单词“是”“黄色的”“在”在字符串中出现两次。

输入: S =“极客为极客”,K = 2 输出:“极客”


  • 初始化一个列表 l 来存储字符串中出现的单词。
  • 拆分单词并存储在列表中。
  • 遍历列表,对于每个单词:
    • 如果发现单词的频率为 K :
      • 把那个字打印出来。
      • 从列表中删除该单词当前出现的位置。



// CPP program for the above approach
using namespace std;

// Function to print all the words
// occurring k times in a string
void kFreqWords(string S, int K)

  // Stores the words
  string temp = "";
  vector<string> l;
  for (auto x: S)
    if(x == ' ')
      temp = "";
      temp += x;

  // Traverse the list
  for (auto x: l)

    // Check for count
    if (count(l.begin(), l.end(), x) == K)

      // Print the word
      cout << x << endl;

      // Remove from list
      remove(l.begin(),l.end(), x);

// Driver Code
int main()

  // Given string
  string S = "banana is in yellow and sun flower is also in yellow ";

  // Given value of K
  int K = 2;

  // Function call to find
  // all words occurring K times
  kFreqWords(S, K);


// This code is contributed by SURENDRA_GANGWAR.

Python 3

# Python3 program for the above approach

# Function to print all the words
# occurring k times in a string

def kFreqWords(S, K):

    # Stores the words
    l = list(S.split(" "))

    # Traverse the list
    for i in l:

        # Check for count
        if l.count(i) == K:

            # Print the word

            # Remove from list

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Given string
    S = "banana is in yellow and sun flower is also in yellow"

    # Given value of K
    K = 2

    # Function call to find
    # all words occurring K times
    kFreqWords(S, K)



时间复杂度:O(N) T5辅助空间:** O(1)

方法 2:使用内置的 python 函数:

  • 因为一个句子中的所有单词都用空格隔开。
  • 我们必须用 split()将句子用空格分开。
  • 我们将所有的单词用空格分开,并存储在一个列表中。
  • 使用计数器功能统计单词的出现频率
  • 遍历频率字典,打印频率为 k 的单词


Python 3

# Python program for the above approach
from collections import Counter

# Python program to print words
# which occurs k times
def printWords(sentence, k):

    # splitting the string
    lis = list(sentence.split(" "))

    # Calculating frequency of every word
    frequency = Counter(lis)

    # Traversing the frequency
    for i in frequency:

        # checking if frequency is k

        if(frequency[i] == k):

            # print the word
            print(i, end=" ")

# Driver code
# Given string
sentence = "sky is blue and my favourite color is blue"

# Given value of K
K = 2

printWords(sentence, K)
# this code is contributed by vikkycirus

java 描述语言

// JavaScript program for the above approach

Function to print words
which occur k times
function printWords(sentence, k)

    // splitting the string
    let lis = sentence.split(" ");

    // Calculating frequency of each word
    frequency = {};
    for(const word of lis)

        // if word exists, increase the value by 1, otherwise mark it as 1
        frequency[word] = frequency[word] ? frequency[word] + 1 : 1;

    // Iterating through frequency
    for(const key of Object.keys(frequency)){

        // if frequency is k
        if(frequency[key] == k){

            // print the word
            document.write(key + " ");

// Driver code
// Given string
let sentence = "sky is blue and my favourite color is blue"

// Given value of K
let K = 2
printWords(sentence, K)

// This code is contributed by mostaptname


is blue 

时间复杂度: O(N)

空间复杂度: O(N)