
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/print-string-忽略-交替出现-character/

给定一个由大写字母和小写字母组成的字符串,任务是打印字符串,并替换掉任何字符(包括空格,并认为大写和小写相同)。 例:

Input : It is a long day Dear.
Output : It sa longdy ear.
Print first I and then ignore next i.
Similarly print first space then 
ignore next space.

Input : Geeks for geeks
Output : Geks fore



  • 增加哈希表中当前字符的出现次数。
  • 检查计数是否为奇数,然后打印当前字符,否则不打印。


// C++ program to print the string in given pattern
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to print the string
void printStringAlternate(string str)
    unordered_map<char, int> occ;

    // Start traversing the string
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

        // Convert uppercase to lowercase
        char temp = tolower(str[i]);

        // Increment occurrence count

        // If count is odd then print the character
        if (occ[temp] & 1)
            cout << str[i];

    cout << endl;

// Drivers code
int main()
    string str = "Geeks for geeks";
    string str2 = "It is a long day Dear";


    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to print the string in given pattern
import java.io.*;

class GFG
    // Function to print the string
    static void printStringAlternate(String str)
        int[] occ = new int[122];

        // Convert uppercase to lowercase
        String s = str.toLowerCase();

        // Start traversing the string
        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)

            char temp = s.charAt(i);

            // Increment occurrence count

            // If count is odd then print the character
            if (occ[temp]%2 != 0)

    // driver program
    public static void main (String[] args)
        String str1 = "Geeks for geeks";
        String str2 = "It is a long day Dear";

// Contributed by Pramod Kumar

Python 3

# Python3 program to print the string
# in given pattern

# Function to print the string
def printStringAlternate(string):

    occ = {}

    # Start traversing the string
    for i in range(0, len(string)):

        # Convert uppercase to lowercase
        temp = string[i].lower()

        # Increment occurrence count
        occ[temp] = occ.get(temp, 0) + 1

        # If count is odd then print the character
        if occ[temp] & 1:
            print(string[i], end = "")


# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    string = "Geeks for geeks"
    string2 = "It is a long day Dear"


# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// C# program to print the
// string in given pattern
using System;

public class GFG {

    // Function to print the string
    static void printStringAlternate(String str)
        int[] occ = new int[122];

        // Convert uppercase to lowercase
        string s = str.ToLower();

        // Start traversing the string
        for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)

            char temp = s[i];

            // Increment occurrence count

            // If count is odd then print
            // the character
            if (occ[temp] % 2 != 0)

    // Driver Code
    public static void Main ()
        string str1 = "Geeks for geeks";
        string str2 = "It is a long day Dear";

// This code is contributed by Sam007.

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to print the string
// in given pattern

// Function to print the string
function printStringAlternate($str)
    $occ = array();

    // Convert uppercase to lowercase
    $s = strtolower($str);

    // Start traversing the string
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++)

        $temp = $s[$i];

        // Increment occurrence count

        // If count is odd
        // then print the character
        if ($occ[$temp] % 2 != 0)
    echo "\n";

// Driver Code
$str1 = "Geeks for geeks";
$str2 = "It is a long day Dear";

// This code is contributed by Code_Mech.

java 描述语言


    // JavaScript program to print the
    // string in given pattern

    // Function to print the string
    function printStringAlternate(str)
        let occ = new Array(122);

        // Convert uppercase to lowercase
        let s = str.toLowerCase();

        // Start traversing the string
        for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++)

            let temp = s[i];

            // Increment occurrence count

            // If count is odd then print
            // the character
            if (occ[temp.charCodeAt()] % 2 != 0)

    let str1 = "Geeks for geeks";
    let str2 = "It is a long day Dear";



Geks fore
It sa longdy ear

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