什么是爪哇 JDBC 的行集?


RowSet 是 java.sql 包中存在的 java 接口。极客请注意不要将行集与结果集混淆。

注意:行集存在于包 javax.sql 中,而 ResultSet 存在于包 java.sql 中

RowSet 的实例是 java bean 组件,因为它具有属性和 java bean 通知机制。在 JDK5 中有介绍。JDBC 行集提供了一种以表格形式存储数据的方法。它使数据比结果集更加灵活和容易。行集对象和数据源之间的连接在其整个生命周期中保持不变。


  • JdbcRowSet
  • CachedRowSet
  • 网络浏览器
  • 过滤器数据集
  • JoinRowSet

RowSet 的优势如下:

  1. Simple and flexible to use.
  2. The default is scrollable, the default is updatable, and the ResultSet can only be forwarded by default, and the read-only operation is only valid there.

JDBC 行集接口是行集扩展。它是 ResultSet 对象的包装器,增加了一些额外的特性。

语法:Jdbc 行集接口的声明

public interface JdbcRowSet
extends RowSet, Joinable

为了连接行集和数据库,行集接口提供了配置 Java bean 属性的方法,如下所示:

void setURL(String url):
void setUserName(String user_name):
void setPassword(String password):

最后,我们只需要创建一个 JdbcRowSet 对象,其中示例如下图所示:


JdbcRowSetrowSet = RowSetProvider.newFactory().createJdbcRowSet();

// 1\. Oracle database considered 

// 2\. username is set customly as - root 

// 3\. Password is set customly as - pass

// 4\. Query 
rowSet.setCommand("select * from Students");


|  RollNo |   Name   | Marks |
|    1    |   jack   |    92     |
|    2    |   jenny  |    90     | 
|    3    |   mark   |    80     |
|    4    |   joe    |    82     |

实现 JdbcRowSet 并检索记录

// Java Program to Illustrate RowSet in JDBC

// Importing database
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import javax.sql.RowSetEvent;
import javax.sql.RowSetListener;
import javax.sql.rowset.JdbcRowSet;
import javax.sql.rowset.RowSetProvider;

// Main class
class RowSetDemo {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])

        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {

            // Loading and registering drivers

            // Creating a RowSet
            JdbcRowSetrowSet = RowSetProvider.newFactory()

            // Setting URL, username, password

            // Creating a query
            rowSet.setCommand("select * from Student");

            // Executing the query

            // Processign the results
            while (rowSet.next()) {

                // Print and display commands
                System.out.println("RollNo: "
                                   + rowSet.getInt(1));
                System.out.println("Name: "
                                   + rowSet.getString(2));
                System.out.println("Marks: "
                                   + rowSet.getString(3));

        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {

            // Print and display the exception along with
            // line number using printStackTrace() method


RollNo: 1
Name: jack 
Marks: 92
RollNo: 2
Name: jenny  
Marks: 90
RollNo: 3
Name: mark
Marks: 80
RollNo: 4
Name: joe
Marks: 82