Java 中 HoursMinutes(int,int)方法的区域偏移量,示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/zone offset-of hours sminutesint-int-method-in-Java-with-examples/

java.time 包ZoneOffset 类of Horsimnutes(int,int) 方法用于使用作为参数传递的以小时和分钟为单位的偏移量来获取 ZoneOffset 的实例。该方法将小时和分钟作为 int 形式的参数,并将其转换为 ZoneOffset。


public static ZoneOffset 
    ofHoursMinutes(int hours, int minutes)


  • Hours : that is, the integer number of hours to be converted into a ZoneOffset instance. Its range is +18 to -18.
  • Minute : This is an integer to be converted into a ZoneOffset instance. The range is -59 to +59.



以下示例说明了 ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes()方法:

例 1:

// Java code to illustrate ofHoursMinutes() method

import java.time.*;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Get the hours and minutes
        int hours = 5;
        int minutes = 20;

        // ZoneOffset using ofHoursMinutes() method
        ZoneOffset zoneOffset
            = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(hours, minutes);





示例 2: 演示日期时间异常

// Java code to illustrate ofHoursMinutes() method

import java.time.*;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Get the invalid hours and minutes
        int hours = 20;
        int minutes = 5;

        try {
            // ZoneOffset using ofHoursMinutes() method
            ZoneOffset zoneOffset
                = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(hours, minutes);

        catch (Exception e) {


 Zone offset hours not in valid range:
 value 20 is not in the range -18 to 18

参考: 甲骨文文档