c# 中的析构函数
C# 中的析构函数是类内的方法,用于在不再需要时销毁类的实例。析构函数由隐式调用。NET Framework 的垃圾收集器,因此程序员无法控制何时调用析构函数。当实例变量或对象不再可达时,它有资格被销毁。
- Destructors are unique to their classes, that is, a class cannot have more than one destructor.
- The destructor has no return type and is exactly the same as the class name (including the same case).
- It is different from constructor because its name is preceded by tilde (~) .
- The destructor does not accept any parameters and modifiers.
- Cannot be defined in a structure. It is only used for classes.
- Cannot overload or inherit.
- Called when the program exits.
- Internally, the destructor calls the Finalize method of the object base class.
class Example
// Rest of the class
// members and methods.
// Destructor
// Your code
例 1:
// C# Program to illustrate how
// a destructor works
using System;
namespace GeeksforGeeks {
class Complex {
// Class members, private
// by default
int real, img;
// Defining the constructor
public Complex()
real = 0;
img = 0;
// SetValue method sets
// value of real and img
public void SetValue(int r, int i)
real = r;
img = i;
// DisplayValue displays
// values of real and img
public void DisplayValue()
Console.WriteLine("Real = " + real);
Console.WriteLine("Imaginary = " + img);
// Defining the destructor
// for class Complex
Console.WriteLine("Destructor was called");
} // End class Complex
// Driver Class
class Program {
// Main Method
static void Main(string[] args)
// Creating an instance of class
// Complex C invokes constructor
Complex C = new Complex();
// Calling SetValue method using
// instance C Setting values of
// real to 2 and img to 3
C.SetValue(2, 3);
// Displaying values of real
// and imaginary parts
// Instance is no longer needed
// Destructor will be called
} // End Main
} // End class Program
Real = 2
Imaginary = 3
Destructor was called
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