如何在 C# 中创建队列
Queue()构造函数用于初始化 Queue 类的一个新实例,该实例将为空,并将具有默认的初始容量,并使用默认的增长因子。队列表示对象的先进先出集合。当您需要先进先出访问项目时,可以使用它。当您在列表中添加一个项目时,它被称为入队,当您移除一个项目时,它被称为出列。这个班属于系统。集合命名空间并实现 ICollection、IEnumerable 和 ICloneable 接口。
public Queue ();
- The capacity of the queue represents the number of elements that the queue can accommodate. As the element increases, it will automatically increase through redistribution.
- Trimtosize method is used to reduce the queue capacity.
- When more capacity is needed, the current capacity is multiplied by a number called growth factor .
- This constructor is an O(1) operation.
例 1:
// C# Program to illustrate how
// to create a Queue
using System;
using System.Collections;
class Geeks {
// Main Method
public static void Main(String[] args)
// qt is the Queue object
// Queue() is the constructor
// used to initializes a new
// instance of the Queue class
Queue qt = new Queue();
// Count property is used to get the
// number of elements in Queue
// It will give 0 as no elements
// are present currently
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