CSS |笔画宽度属性


描边宽度属性用于设置 SVG 形状中边框的宽度。此属性只能应用于具有形状或为文本内容元素的元素。


stroke-width: <length> | <percentage>


  • length: It is used to set the stroke width in measurement units. It can take values in whole numbers or percentages decimals. A value is not required to have a unit identifier like ‘px’ or ’em’. The value without units will be based on the coordinate system of the SVG view box.

    示例 1: 本示例设置不带单位的笔画宽度。

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

        CSS | stroke-width

            .stroke1 {             stroke-width: 10;             stroke: green;         }         .stroke2 {             stroke-width: 30;             stroke: red;         }         .stroke3 {             stroke-width: 50;             stroke: orange;         }     



    CSS | stroke-width



    输出: width-no-units

    示例 2: 本示例以像素为单位设置笔画宽度。

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

        CSS | stroke-width

            .stroke1 {             stroke-width: 5px;             stroke: green;         }         .stroke2 {             stroke-width: 10px;             stroke: red;         }         .stroke3 {             stroke-width: 20px;             stroke: orange;         }     



    CSS | stroke-width



    输出: width-pixels

  • percentage: It is used to set the stroke width in percentage.


    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

        CSS | stroke-width

            .stroke1 {             stroke-width: 1%;             stroke: green;         }         .stroke2 {             stroke-width: 2%;             stroke: red;         }         .stroke3 {             stroke-width: 3%;             stroke: orange;         }     



    CSS | stroke-width



    输出: width-percentage


  • 火狐浏览器
  • 旅行队
  • 歌剧
  • Internet Explorer 9