CSS 中动画和转场的区别

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/CSS 中动画和过渡的区别/

CSS 转场 让你可以流畅的改变属性值,但是它们总是需要像悬停一样触发。属性更改不会立即生效。一段时间后,财产发生变化。例如,如果将元素的颜色从白色更改为黑色,更改会立即发生。CSS 变化按照可定制的加速曲线的时间间隔发生。


图 1:过渡从 A 点开始,在 B 点结束,没有中间点。

CSS 动画 允许 HTML 元素的动画化,不像转场只执行 A 点到 B 点的操作,还可以在两者之间进行更多的操作。动画由两个步骤组成,样式表中定义的 CSS 动画和一组指示动画开始和结束状态的关键帧。

图 2:从 A 点开始的动画在 B 点结束,其他点在中间。


| cut to | animation | | Transitions cannot be cycled (you can cycle them, but they are not designed for this purpose). | There is no problem with the animation. | | A transition requires a trigger to run like a mouse hover. | The animation just started. They don't need any external trigger source. | | Transition is easy to implement in JavaScript. | Animation is difficult to accomplish with JavaScript. The syntax for manipulating keyframes and assigning new values to them is very complicated. | | Animate the transition object from one point to another. | Animation allows you to define keyframes, which have different attributes and time ranges in different states. | | Use transitional JavaScript to manipulate values. | Flexibility is provided by having multiple keyframes and easy loops. |

示例 1: 以下示例演示了在应用悬停后改变颜色的过渡效果。


<!DOCTYPE html>

        div {
            width: 100px;
            height: 100px;
            background: red;
            transition: width 2s;

        div:hover {
            background: yellow;

    <h1>The transition Property</h1>

        Hover over the div element below, 
        to see the transition effect:



示例 2: 以下示例演示了使用动画更改颜色。


<!DOCTYPE html>

        div {
            width: 100px;
            height: 100px;
            background-color: red;
            animation-name: example;
            animation-duration: 2s;

        @keyframes example {
            0% {
                background-color: red;

            50% {
                background-color: blue;

            100% {
                background-color: yellow;



