CSS |变换原点属性

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/CSS-transform-origin-property/

CSS 的变换原点属性用于指定元素的旋转原点。它是元素旋转的点。它可以用于 2D 和三维旋转。


transform-origin: position | initial | inherit


  • position: This specifies the position of the origin of rotation. It takes 3 values corresponding to the distance from the left edge of the box, the distance from the top edge of the box and the z-axis of rotation.

    这些值可以用长度单位、百分比或关键字来指定。z 轴值始终使用长度单位指定。

    示例 1: 以长度单位指定位置

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 .outer {             margin: 50px;             border: 1px dotted;             position: relative;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             background-color: lightgreen;         }

    .box {             position: absolute;             border: 1px solid;             background: url( "https://contribute.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/geeksforgeeks-logo.png"             ) no-repeat;

    background-size: cover;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             transform: rotate(15deg);             transform-origin: 10px 30px;         }     


    CSS transform-origin Property


    The CSS transform-origin Property is used to set       the origin of the element's transformation



    输出: values

    示例 2: 以百分比指定位置

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 .outer {             margin: 50px;             border: 1px dotted;             position: relative;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             background-color: lightgreen;         }

    .box {             position: absolute;             border: 1px solid;             background: url( "https://contribute.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/geeksforgeeks-logo.png"             ) no-repeat;

    background-size: cover;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             transform: rotate(15deg);             transform-origin: 50% 75%;         }     


    CSS transform-origin Property


    The CSS transform-origin Property is        used to set the origin of the element's       transformation



    输出: percentage

    示例 3: 指定关键字中的位置

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 .outer {             margin: 50px;             border: 1px dotted;             position: relative;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             background-color: lightgreen;         }

    .box {             position: absolute;             border: 1px solid;             background: url( "https://contribute.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/geeksforgeeks-logo.png"             ) no-repeat;

    background-size: cover;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             transform: rotate(15deg);             transform-origin: bottom left;         }     


    CSS transform-origin Property


    The CSS transform-origin Property is        used to set the origin of the element's       transformation



    输出: keyword-value

  • initial: This is used to set the property to its default value.


    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 .outer {             margin: 50px;             border: 1px dotted;             position: relative;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             background-color: lightgreen;         }

    .box {             position: absolute;             border: 1px solid;             background: url( "https://contribute.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/geeksforgeeks-logo.png"             ) no-repeat;

    background-size: cover;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             transform: rotate(15deg);             transform-origin: initial;         }     


    CSS transform-origin Property


    The CSS transform-origin Property is       used to set the origin of the element's       transformation



    输出: initial

  • inherit: This is used to inherit the property from its parent.


    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 / this acts as the parent /

    .outer {             margin: 50px;             border: 1px dotted;             position: relative;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             background-color: lightgreen;             / set the property of the parent /             transform-origin: bottom left;         }

    .box {             position: absolute;             border: 1px solid;             background: url( "https://contribute.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/geeksforgeeks-logo.png"             ) no-repeat;

    background-size: cover;             height: 100px;             width: 400px;             transform: rotate(15deg);             / inherits the property of the parent /             transform-origin: inherit;         }     


    CSS transform-origin Property


    The CSS transform-origin Property is used to set       the origin of the element's transformation



    输出: inherit


  • Chrome 35.0
  • Internet Explorer 10.0
  • Firefox 16.0
  • Safari 9.0
  • Opera 23.0