使用 Python 从网络下载文件

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/下载-文件-web-使用-python/

Requests 是 python 中的一个多功能 HTTP 库,有多种应用。它的一个应用是使用文件网址从网上下载一个文件。 安装:首先,你需要下载请求库。通过键入以下命令,您可以使用 pip 直接安装它:

pip install requests



# imported the requests library
import requests
image_url = "https://www.python.org/static/community_logos/python-logo-master-v3-TM.png"

# URL of the image to be downloaded is defined as image_url
r = requests.get(image_url) # create HTTP response object

# send a HTTP request to the server and save
# the HTTP response in a response object called r
with open("python_logo.png",'wb') as f:

    # Saving received content as a png file in
    # binary format

    # write the contents of the response (r.content)
    # to a new file in binary mode.




HTTP 响应内容( r.content )只不过是一个存储文件数据的字符串。因此,在大文件的情况下,不可能将所有数据保存在一个字符串中。为了克服这个问题,我们对程序做了一些更改:

  • Since all file data can’t be stored by a single string, we use r.iter_content method to load data in chunks, specifying the chunk size.

    py r = requests.get(URL, stream = True)

    参数设置为将只下载响应头,连接保持打开。这避免了将内容一次性读入内存以获得大响应。每次迭代 r.iter_content 时都会加载一个固定的块。


    ```py import requests file_url = "http://codex.cs.yale.edu/avi/db-book/db4/slide-dir/ch1-2.pdf"

    r = requests.get(file_url, stream = True)

    with open("python.pdf","wb") as pdf:     for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):

    # writing one chunk at a time to pdf file          if chunk:              pdf.write(chunk) ```



    ```py import requests  from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 

    '''  URL of the archive web-page which provides link to  all video lectures. It would have been tiring to  download each video manually.  In this example, we first crawl the webpage to extract  all the links and then download videos.  '''

    specify the URL of the archive here

    archive_url = "http://www-personal.umich.edu/~csev/books/py4inf/media/"

    def get_video_links(): 

    # create response object      r = requests.get(archive_url) 

    # create beautiful-soup object      soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content,'html5lib') 

    # find all links on web-page      links = soup.findAll('a') 

    # filter the link sending with .mp4      video_links = [archive_url + link['href'] for link in links if link['href'].endswith('mp4')] 

    return video_links 

    def download_video_series(video_links): 

    for link in video_links: 

    '''iterate through all links in video_links          and download them one by one'''

    # obtain filename by splitting url and getting          # last string          file_name = link.split('/')[-1] 

    print( "Downloading file:%s"%file_name) 

    # create response object          r = requests.get(link, stream = True) 

    # download started          with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:              for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size = 1024*1024):                  if chunk:                      f.write(chunk) 

    print( "%s downloaded!\n"%file_name )

    print ("All videos downloaded!")     return

    if name == "main": 

    # getting all video links      video_links = get_video_links() 

    # download all videos      download_video_series(video_links) 



    • 人们可以通过递归迭代网站来轻松下载网络目录!
    • 这是一个独立于浏览器的方法,而且速度更快!
    • One can simply scrape a web page to get all the file URLs on a webpage and hence, download all files in a single command-

      用美图实现 Python 网页抓取 T2】

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