Python 中 Elias Gamma 解码

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Elias-gamma-python 解码/

Elias gamma 码是一种通用码,用于对正整数序列进行编码。它是由彼得·埃利亚斯开发的。当不能事先确定整数的上限时,这是最有用的。


Elias Gamma 编码=一元(1+地板(log2(x)))+不带 MSB 的“x”的二进制表示

示例:我们考虑一个要解码 0001001 的示例,

Apply Step 1:
Count the number of '0's from MSB until you reach the first '1' and store the count in K.
In our example(0001001) K=3 

Apply Step 2:
Read 3 more bits including the first '1'=1001

Apply Step 3:
Convert the final binary into integer which gives us the original number.


第 1 步:从 MSB 开始计数‘0’的数量,直到到达第一个‘1’,并将计数存储在 k 中

Python 3

# define the function
def Elias_Gamma_Decoding(x):

    # convert to list
    x = list(x)

    # initialize k to 0
    K = 0
    while True:

        # check if k is not 0 in through
        # list index
        if not x[K] == '0':

        # increment k value
        K = K + 1

步骤 2: 将“1”视为第一位数字,并从当前“1”中多读取“K”位

Python 3

x = x[K:2*K+1]  # Reading K more bits from '1'


Python 3

# Converting binary to integer
for i in range(len(x)):
    if x[i] == '1':
        n = n+math.pow(2, i)
return int(n)


Python 3

# import the math module
import math

# function
def Elias_Gamma_Decoding(x):
    x = list(x)
    K = 0
    while True:
        if not x[K] == '0':
        K = K + 1

    # Reading K more bits from '1'
    x = x[K:2*K+1]

    n = 0

    # Converting binary to integer
    for i in range(len(x)):
        if x[i] == '1':
            n = n+math.pow(2, i)
    return int(n)

# value input
x = '0001001'

# call the function
