Java 中 getCanonicalPath()和 getAbsolutePath()的区别

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/getcanonicalpath-and-getabsolutepath-in-Java/之间的区别

getCanonicalPath()getAbsolutePath() 方法属于 java 中的 类。而这些方法基本上都是用来获取文件对象在系统目录结构中的路径。


  • If we use the abstract path to create file objects, the absolute file path is the same as the abstract file path.
  • If we use relative paths to create file objects, then the absolute file path is the path that we get after analyzing the relative path according to the current directory.

CanonicalFilePath 是文件对象的路径名

  • If we use the abstract path to create a file object, the canonical file path is the same as the abstract file path.
  • If we use relative paths to create file objects, the canonical file path is both the shortest absolute path and the only path.

举个例子吧。比方说,我们使用路径“C:/folder 1/folder 2/folder 3/file . txt”创建一个文件对象。显然,上述路径是一个抽象路径,因此绝对文件路径以及规范文件路径将与上面相同。

但是如果文件对象创建时提到的文件路径像“C:/folder 1/folder 2/folder 3/folder 4/../../folder3/file.txt ,那么绝对文件路径将与上述路径相同,但规范文件路径将是最短的绝对路径,即C:/folder 1/folder 2/folder 3/file . txt”

方法 1: getAbsolutePath()

public String getAbsolutePath() 

方法 2: 获取经典路径()

public String getCanonicalPath() throws IOException


方法 1: getAbsolutePath()

// It returns absolute path of file object in system's directory structure

方法 2: 获取经典路径()

// It returns canonical path of file object in system's directory structure

例 1:


// Java Program to illustrate Difference Between
// getCanonicalPath() and getAbsolutePath()

// Importing input output classes

// Main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException

        // Path of Test.txt is E:\workspace\gfg\Test.txt
        // Test.txt is created inside project directory,

        // Here project name is gfg
        File file1 = new File("Test.txt");

        // Getting th absolute path of the file
        // using getAbsolutePath() method
        System.out.println("Absolute Path: "
                           + file1.getAbsolutePath());

        // Getting the canonical path of the file
        // using getCanonicalPath() method
        System.out.println("Canonical Path: "
                           + file1.getCanonicalPath());