新鲜出炉的 Java 开发人员职位常见问题
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/常见问题-Java-developer-position-fresh/
基于 Java:
- OOPs concept (mostly polymorphism and the difference between encapsulation and abstraction)
- The difference between abstract class and interface.
- The difference between = = and. Equals () function.
- What is a hash map?
- What is a hash table?
- Type exception.
- The difference between exceptions and errors.
- The difference between throwing, throwing and throwing.
- Final, stereotyped and final differences.
- What is class?
- What is an object?
- The difference between class and object.
Method overload.
What is a thread?
- Different ways to create threads.
- Difference between C and Java.
- The difference between CPP and Java.
- File processing in Java.
- [method of bisection]
- Quick sort (complexity and logic)
- Merge sort (complexity and logic)
- The difference between merge sort and quick sort
- Which is better, merge sort or quick sort, and why?
- 深度优先搜索
What is a binary tree?
What is linked list and its type.
- Use linked list to implement stack/queue.
- Memory management (heap and stack)
- AVL 树
- And list of arrays.
- Reverse linked list.
- Find the middle element of the linked list.
- How to detect loops in linked list?
- Top view/left view/right view/diagonal view of binary tree
- Rotate a matrix to the right.
- Check whether a binary tree is a subtree of another binary tree.
- 进程和线程的区别。
- 什么是死锁?
- 临界区问题
- 什么是颠簸?
- 传呼。
- 页面错误。
- And the difference between primary key and candidate key.
- What is a connection and the type of connection.
- Find the second highest salary from the employee list.
- Acid.
- Reverse a string.
- Find the most frequently occurring characters/words in a given string.
- Recursively checks whether the given string is a palindrome.
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