
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/GUI-学生管理系统应用/

先决条件: Java Swing 编写一个程序,构建一个 GUI 应用程序,提供大学生的详细信息,关于他的课程和需要支付的费用。费用被计算并保存在文本文件中。该程序还必须能够打印收据。

方法:概念基于图形用户界面。想法是使用 Java Swing 和 AWT 。因此,我们需要定义基于功能的所有方法。程序中的方法如下:

  1. 收据:该方法的主要功能是显示在文本字段中输入的所有数据、要学习的课程以及需要支付的最终金额。这些操作可以通过将 ActionListeners 添加到名为回执的按钮来完成。
  2. 重置:此方法的功能是清除文本区域和文本字段中已经可见的信息,并添加新学生的详细信息和打印该特定学生的费用。可以通过在按钮上添加动作监听器来完成。
  3. 打印:该方法的功能是在打印机可用的情况下打印费用收据。我们可以通过向按钮添加 ActionListener 来实现这一点。文本区域中的全部信息被命名为区域 2 ,并以 java.txt 的名称保存在计算机中的一个文件中。还会显示数据保存成功的对话框。


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to implement a GUI
// application for the student
// management system

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.print.*;
import javafx.print.Printer;
import java.io.*;
import java.io.IOException;

// Creating the fee class
public class fee extends Frame {

    JLabel l1, l2, l3, l4,
        l5, l6, l7, l8,
        l9, l10, l12, l13,
        l14, l11, l15;

    JTextField tf1, tf2, tf3,
        tf4, tf5, tf6,
        tf7, tf8, tf9,

    JTextArea area2, area1;

    JRadioButton rb1, rb2, rb3,
        rb4, rb5, rb6,

    JFileChooser f1;

    // Default constructor to
    // initialize the parameters

        l1 = new JLabel("Fee Report");
        l1.setBounds(550, 100, 250, 20);

        l2 = new JLabel(
            "Name of the Student:");
        l2.setBounds(50, 150, 250, 20);

        tf1 = new JTextField();
        tf1.setBounds(250, 150, 250, 20);

        l3 = new JLabel(
            "Name of the Father:");
        l3.setBounds(50, 200, 250, 20);

        tf2 = new JTextField();
        tf2.setBounds(250, 200, 250, 20);

        l4 = new JLabel("Roll Number:");
        l4.setBounds(50, 250, 250, 20);

        tf3 = new JTextField();
        tf3.setBounds(250, 250, 250, 20);

        l5 = new JLabel("Email ID:");
        l5.setBounds(50, 300, 250, 20);

        tf4 = new JTextField();
        tf4.setBounds(250, 300, 250, 20);

        l6 = new JLabel("Contact Number:");
        l6.setBounds(50, 350, 250, 20);

        tf5 = new JTextField();
        tf5.setBounds(250, 350, 250, 20);

        l7 = new JLabel("Address:");
        l7.setBounds(50, 400, 250, 20);

        area1 = new JTextArea();
        area1.setBounds(250, 400, 250, 90);

        l9 = new JLabel("Gender:");
        l9.setBounds(50, 500, 250, 20);

        JRadioButton r5
            = new JRadioButton(" Male");
        JRadioButton r6
            = new JRadioButton(" Female");

        r5.setBounds(250, 500, 100, 30);
        r6.setBounds(350, 500, 100, 30);

        ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();

        l10 = new JLabel("Nationality:");
        l10.setBounds(50, 550, 250, 20);

        tf6 = new JTextField();
        tf6.setBounds(250, 550, 250, 20);

        l11 = new JLabel(
            "Year of passing 10th");
        l11.setBounds(50, 600, 250, 20);

        String language[]
            = { "2016", "2015", "2014" };

        final JComboBox cb1
            = new JComboBox(language);

        cb1.setBounds(250, 600, 90, 20);

        l12 = new JLabel(
            "Year of passing 12th");
        l12.setBounds(50, 650, 250, 20);

        String languagess[]
            = { "2019", "2018", "2017" };

        l13 = new JLabel(
            "Points Secured in 10th:");
        l13.setBounds(50, 700, 250, 20);

        tf7 = new JTextField();
        tf7.setBounds(250, 700, 250, 20);

        l14 = new JLabel("Percentage in 12th:");
        l14.setBounds(50, 750, 250, 20);

        tf8 = new JTextField();
        tf8.setBounds(250, 750, 250, 20);

        ImageIcon i2 = new ImageIcon("2.png");
        JLabel l15
            = new JLabel("", i2, JLabel.CENTER);

        l15.setBounds(900, 50, 600, 200);

        final JComboBox cb2
            = new JComboBox(languagess);

        cb2.setBounds(250, 650, 90, 20);
        l8 = new JLabel(
            "Groups Offered here are:");
        l8.setBounds(800, 150, 250, 20);

        rb1 = new JRadioButton("SEAS");
        rb1.setBounds(550, 150, 100, 30);

        rb2 = new JRadioButton("SLABS");
        rb2.setBounds(650, 150, 100, 30);

        ButtonGroup bg1 = new ButtonGroup();


        rb3 = new JRadioButton("HOSTELLER");
        rb3.setBounds(550, 200, 100, 30);

        rb4 = new JRadioButton("DAY SCHOLAR");
        rb4.setBounds(650, 200, 120, 30);

        ButtonGroup bg2 = new ButtonGroup();

        String languages[]
            = { "CSE", "ECE", "EEE",
                "CIVIL", "MECH" };
        final JComboBox cb
            = new JComboBox(languages);
        cb.setBounds(800, 200, 90, 20);

        final JLabel label
            = new JLabel();
        label.setBounds(600, 430, 500, 30);
        JButton b = new JButton("Show");
        b.setBounds(1000, 300, 80, 30);

        final DefaultListModel<String> li1
            = new DefaultListModel<>();

        li1.addElement("CSE(2, 50, 000)");
        li1.addElement("ECE(2, 50, 000)");
        li1.addElement("EEE(2, 50, 000)");
        li1.addElement("MECH(2, 50, 000)");
        li1.addElement("CIVIL(2, 50, 000)");

        final JList<String> list1
            = new JList<>(li1);

        list1.setBounds(600, 300, 125, 125);

        DefaultListModel<String> li2
            = new DefaultListModel<>();

            "2 SHARE(1, 50, 000)");
            "3 SHARE(1, 40, 000)");
            "5 SHARE(1, 20, 000)");
            "8 SHARE(1, 10, 000)");
            "bus(40, 000)");

        final JList<String> list2
            = new JList<>(li2);
            800, 300, 125, 125);

        JButton Receipt
            = new JButton("Generate Receipt");
        Receipt.setBounds(600, 490, 150, 30);
        JButton b2 = new JButton("Reset");
        b2.setBounds(750, 490, 150, 30);
        JButton Print = new JButton("Print");
        Print.setBounds(900, 490, 150, 30);

        area2 = new JTextArea();
        area2.setBounds(600, 540, 450, 240);


        b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            // Method to display the data
            // entered in the text fields
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                String data = "";
                if (list1.getSelectedIndex() != -1) {
                    data = "You had selected the Group:"
                           + list1.getSelectedValue();
                if (list2.getSelectedIndex() != -1) {
                    data += " and Hostel with the "
                            + "facility of: ";

                    for (Object frame :
                         list2.getSelectedValues()) {
                        data += frame + " ";

        // Reset the text fields
            new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(
                    ActionEvent e)
                    area1.setText(" ");
                    tf6.setText(" ");

        // Implementing the Print action
            new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(
                    ActionEvent e)
                    try {
                    catch (java.awt.print
                               .PrinterException a) {
                            "NoPrinter Found",

        // Generating the receipt
        Receipt.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

                    + "-----------FEE RECEIPT----"
                    + "--------------------------"
                    + "--------------------------"
                    + "-------------------\n");

                              + "Student Name: "
                              + tf1.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Father's Name: "
                              + tf2.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "RollNumber: "
                              + tf3.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Email ID: "
                              + tf4.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Contact Number: "
                              + tf5.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Wants to take: "
                              + cb.getSelectedItem()
                              + "\n");

                if (rb1.isSelected()) {
                                  + "Wants to Join in "
                                  + "School of Engineering "
                                  + "and Applied Sciences\n");
                if (rb2.isSelected()) {
                                  + "Wants to Join in "
                                  + "School of Liberal "
                                  + "Arts and Sciences\n");
                if (rb3.isSelected()) {
                                  + "Wants to be a "
                                  + "Hosteller \n");
                if (rb4.isSelected()) {
                                  + "Wants to be a "
                                  + "Day Scholar \n");
                              + "Had chosen: "
                              + list1.getSelectedValue()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Had chosen: "
                              + list2.getSelectedValue()
                              + "\n");

                int index2 = list2.getSelectedIndex();
                if (index2 == 0) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be "
                                  + "paid is 4 Lakhs   \n");

                if (index2 == 1) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be paid "
                                  + "is 3.9 Lakhs   \n");

                if (index2 == 2) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be paid "
                                  + "is 3.8 Lakhs   \n");

                if (index2 == 3) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be paid "
                                  + "is 3.7 Lakhs   \n");

                if (index2 == 4) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be paid "
                                  + "is 2.9 Lakhs   \n");

                if (e.getSource() == Receipt) {
                    try {
                        FileWriter fw
                            = new FileWriter(
                                "java.txt", true);
                    catch (Exception ae) {

                    area2, "DATA SAVED SUCCESSFULLY");
            new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(
                    WindowEvent we)
        setSize(800, 800);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new fee();