
SELECT TOP 子句用于从数据库中获取有限数量的行。这个子句在处理大型数据库时非常有用。

  • 基本语法:

    ```sql SELECT TOP value column1,column2 FROM table_name; value: number of rows to return from top column1 , column2: fields in the table table_name: name of table


  • 语法使用百分比

    ```sql SELECT TOP value PERCENT column1,column2 FROM table_name; value: percentage of number of rows to return from top column1 , column2: fields in the table table_name: name of table




  • To fetch first two data set from Student table.

    ```sql SELECT TOP 2 * FROM Student;



    滚动 _ 否 名称 地址 PHONE 年龄
    one 随机存取存储器(random access memory 的缩写)ˌ随机访问内存(random-access memory 的缩写) 德里 XXXXXXXXXX Eighteen
    Two RAMESH 古尔冈 XXXXXXXXXX Eighteen
  • To fetch 50 percent of the total records from Student table.

    ```sql SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT * FROM Student;



    滚动 _ 否 名称 地址 PHONE 年龄
    one 随机存取存储器(random access memory 的缩写)ˌ随机访问内存(random-access memory 的缩写) 德里 XXXXXXXXXX Eighteen
    Two RAMESH 古尔冈 XXXXXXXXXX Eighteen
    three SUJIT 罗塔克 XXXXXXXXXX Twenty

注意:要在 MySQL 和 Oracle 数据库上获得相同的功能,基本语法有一点不同;

  1. 对于 MySQL 数据库:

    ```sql SELECT column1,column2 FROM table_name LIMIT value; column1 , column2: fields int the table table_name: name of table value: number of rows to return from top


  2. For Oracle databases:

    ```sql SELECT column1,column2 FROM table_name WHERE ROWNUM <= value; column1 , column2: fields int the table table_name: name of table value: number of rows to return from top


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