Tkinter | Python 中的不同消息

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/different-messages-in-tkinter-python/

Tkinter 提供了一个消息框类,可以显示各种消息,用户可以根据这些消息进行响应。消息,如确认消息、错误消息、警告消息等。 要使用该类,必须导入该类,如下所示:

# import all the functions and constants of this class.
from tkinter.messagebox import *


# Ask if operation should proceed; 
# return true if the answer is ok.

# Ask a question.

# Ask if operation should be retried;
# return true if the answer is yes.

# Ask a question; return true
# if the answer is yes.

# Ask a question; return true
# if the answer is yes, None if cancelled.

# Show an error message.

# Show an info message.

# Show a warning message.


Python 3

# importing messagebox class
from tkinter.messagebox import *

# Showing various messages

print(askokcancel("askokcancel", "Ok or Cancel"))

print(askquestion("askquestion", "Question?"))

print(askretrycancel("askretrycancel", "Retry or Cancel"))

print(askyesno("askyesno", "Yes or No"))

print(askyesnocancel("askyesnocancel", "Yes or No or Cancel"))

print(showerror("showerror", "Error"))

print(showinfo("showinfo", "Information"))

print(showwarning("showwarning", "Warning"))

# print statement is used so that we can
# print the returned value by the function


注意:注意,在上面的程序中,我们不必导入 Tkinter 模块,只需 messagebox molude/class 就足够了,因为这些函数的定义在 messagebox class 中。