
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/golang-and-dart 之间的差异/

Go 是一种过程编程语言。它于 2007 年由罗伯特·格里森、罗布·派克和肯·汤普森在谷歌开发,但于 2009 年作为开源编程语言推出。程序通过使用包来组装,以便有效地管理依赖关系。这种语言也支持环境采用与动态语言相似的模式。Go 在语法上类似于 C,但具有内存安全、垃圾收集、结构类型和 CSP 风格的并发性。围棋又称戈朗。

Dart 也是最初由谷歌开发的开源编程语言。它既适用于服务器端,也适用于用户端。Dart SDK 附带了它的编译器——Dart 虚拟机和一个实用工具 dart2js,该工具旨在生成 Dart 脚本的 Javascript 等价物,以便它可以在不支持 Dart 的网站上运行。Dart 支持面向对象的编程特性,如类、对象、接口等。

Golang 诉 Dart 案

| Go | 【飞镖】 | | --- | --- | | Go is a concurrent and procedural programming language. | Dart is an object-oriented programming language. | | Go is used for programming across large-scale network servers and large-scale distributed systems. | Nowadays Dart is widely used to develop mobile applications. | | Go does not contain classes with constructors and destructors. | Dart does contain classes with constructors and destructors. | | Go language provides automatic garbage collection for memory allocation. | Garbage collection is automatically performed by Dart VM. | | Go language contains pointers, but not arithmetic pointers. | Dart also contains pointers, without arithmetic pointers. | | In Go language, maps are passed by reference. | In the dart diagram, it is transmitted by numerical value. | | Function overloading and custom operators are not supported. | Dart also does not support function overloading or user-defined operators. | | It does not support constants or variable qualifiers. | Dart supported constants and default values are not included in this list, because future versions of Dart may support non-constant default values. | | It does not use header files. Instead of using header files, use packages. It uses import to import external packages. | Dart also uses bags. | | It has no while or do-while statement. But the for loop can be used as a while loop. | 镖有在…期间和边做边看语句。 | | 去包含 goroutines 和频道. | Dart/Flutter is single-threaded and cannot share global variables. | | Go does not support inheritance. But it provides another option in the form of embedding. | Dart supports inheritance. |