开启浮点数的 Golang 程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/golang-program-on-switch-on-floating-numbers/

借助开关盒我们可以实现尽可能多的 if 语句的功能。在 Golang 中,开关案例可以处理字符串、变量列表,包括整数值和浮点值。


switch optstatementopt expression { case expression 1:语句.. 案例表述 2:陈述.. …… 默认:声明..

例 1: 在这个例子中,我们可以看到,通过使用开关情况,并假设变量为浮动类型,我们可以利用开关情况。一些编程语言不允许我们使用浮点值,但是 Golang 允许我们使用。

// Golang Program that switch
// on floating-point numbers
package main

// Here "fmt" is formatted IO which
// is same as C’s printf and scanf.
import "fmt"

// Main function
func main() {
    val := 1.1

    // Use switch on the day variable.
    switch {
    case val == 1.2:
        fmt.Println("One Point Two")
    case val == 1.3:
        fmt.Println("One Point Three")
    case val == 1.1:
        fmt.Println("One Point One")


One Point One

例 2:

// Golang Program that switch
// on floating-point numbers
package main

// Here "fmt" is formatted IO which
// is same as C’s printf and scanf.
import "fmt"

// Main function
func main() {
    gfg := 4.5

    // Use switch on the day variable.
    switch {
    case gfg == 1.2:
    case gfg == 4.5:
    case gfg == 5.5:

