求 Golang 中复数的双曲正弦

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/find-the-双曲正弦复数 in-golang/

Go 语言借助 cmplx 包,为复数的基本常数和数学函数提供内置支持。您可以借助 math/cmplx 包提供的 Sinh()函数找到指定复数的双曲正弦。因此,您需要借助 import 关键字在程序中添加一个 math/cmplx 包来访问 Sinh()函数。


func Sinh(y complex128) complex128


例 1:

// Golang program to illustrate how to find the
// hyperbolic sine of the specified complex number
package main

import (

// Main function
func main() {

    // Finding hyperbolic sine of 
    // the specified complex number
    // Using Sinh() function
    res_1 := cmplx.Sinh(1 + 5i)
    res_2 := cmplx.Sinh(-2 + 8i)
    res_3 := cmplx.Sinh(-1 - 2i)

    // Displaying the result
    fmt.Println("Result 1:", res_1)
    fmt.Println("Result 2:", res_2)
    fmt.Println("Result 3:", res_3)


Result 1: (0.33336013894799293-1.4796974784869428i)
Result 2: (0.5277083119608631+3.722159332384543i)
Result 3: (0.4890562590412937-1.4031192506220405i)

例 2:

// Golang program to illustrate how to find the
// hyperbolic sine of the specified complex number
package main

import (

// Main function
func main() {

    cnumber_1 := complex(0, 2)
    cnumber_2 := complex(4, 6)

    // Finding hyperbolic sine
    cvalue_1 := cmplx.Sinh(cnumber_1)
    cvalue_2 := cmplx.Sinh(cnumber_2)

    // Sum of two hyperbolic sine values
    res := cvalue_1 + cvalue_2

    // Displaying results
    fmt.Println("Complex Number 1: ", cnumber_1)
    fmt.Println("Hyperbolic sine 1: ", cvalue_1)

    fmt.Println("Complex Number 2: ", cnumber_2)
    fmt.Println("Hyperbolic sine 2: ", cvalue_2)
    fmt.Println("Sum : ", res)



Complex Number 1:  (0+2i)
Hyperbolic sine 1:  (-0+0.9092974268256816i)
Complex Number 2:  (4+6i)
Hyperbolic sine 2:  (26.202967617830907-7.630343482807812i)
Sum :  (26.202967617830907-6.72104605598213i)