

继承是指将超类的属性继承到基类中,是面向对象编程中最重要的概念之一。由于 Golang 不支持类,所以继承是通过结构嵌入实现的。我们不能直接扩展结构,而是使用一个叫做合成的概念,其中结构被用来形成其他对象。所以,你可以说戈朗 有无继承观念。


例 1:

// Golang program to illustrate the
// concept of inheritance
package main

import (

// declaring a struct 
type Comic struct{

    // declaring struct variable
    Universe string

// function to return the
// universe of the comic
func (comic Comic) ComicUniverse() string {

    // returns comic universe
    return comic.Universe

// declaring a struct
type Marvel struct{

    // anonymous field,
    // this is composition where 
    // the struct is embedded

// declaring a struct
type DC struct{

    // anonymous field

// main function
func main() {

    // creating an instance
    c1 := Marvel{

        // child struct can directly
        // access base struct variables
            Universe: "MCU",

    // child struct can directly
    // access base struct methods

    // printing base method using child
        fmt.Println("Universe is:", c1.ComicUniverse())     

    c2 := DC{
            Universe : "DC",

    // printing base method using child
    fmt.Println("Universe is:", c2.ComicUniverse())


Universe is: MCU
Universe is: DC


例 2:

// Golang program to illustrate the
// concept of multiple inheritances
package main

import (

// declaring first 
// base struct 
type first struct{

    // declaring struct variable
    base_one string

// declaring second
// base struct
type second struct{

    // declaring struct variable
    base_two string

// function to return
// first struct variable
func (f first) printBase1() string{

    // returns a string
    // of first struct        
    return f.base_one

// function to return
// second struct variable
func (s second) printBase2() string{

    // returns a string
    // of first struct
    return s.base_two

// child struct which
// embeds both base structs
type child struct{

    // anonymous fields,
    // struct embedding
    // of multiple structs

// main function
func main() {

    // declaring an instance 
    // of child struct
    c1 := child{

        // child struct can directly
        // access base struct variables
            base_one: "In base struct 1.",
            base_two: "\nIn base struct 2.\n",

    // child struct can directly
    // access base struct methods

    // printing base method
    // using instance of child struct


In base struct 1.

In base struct 2.