
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-带继承构造函数的异常处理/

Java 提供了一种处理异常的机制。要了解异常处理,可以参考 java 中的异常。在本文中,我们讨论了当涉及到继承时,构造函数的异常处理。在 Java 中,如果父类的构造函数抛出任何选中的异常,那么子类构造函数可以抛出相同的异常或其父类。如果父类或子类构造函数引发任何未检查的异常,这是没有问题的。子类构造函数可以抛出任意未检查异常 而无需寻找父类构造函数。



现在,处理异常有两种方法,一种是捕获异常,另一种是抛出异常。但是在构造器的情况下,我们不能使用试捕机制来处理。原因是我们将代码放入 try 块中,这样可以引发异常,然后捕获它。引发异常的原因是对父类构造函数的调用,如 super()。这意味着如果我们想使用 try-catch 处理异常,如下图所示。

插图 1

Child() {

    // Try- catch block 

    catch (FileNotFoundException exc) 
      // Handling exception(code)

实际上,这是不正确的,因为对 super 的调用必须是子类构造函数中的第一个语句(参见 java 中的super】,如下图所示:

插图 2

Child() {
   super(); // either called explicitly or added by the compiler in case of default constructor
   try {
       // your code 
      catch(FileNotFoundException exc) {
       // handling code;  

因此异常不能被捕获(因为它不在 try 块中),并且我们不能使用 try-catch 机制来处理它。这就是为什么我们需要抛出异常。下面的代码将编译良好,如下所示:

// parent class constructor throws FileNotFoundException 
Child() throws FileNotFoundException  {
  super(); // either called explicitly or added by the compiler in case of default constructor
  try {
      // your code
     catch(FileNotFoundException exc) {
      // handling code;  


  1. 父类构造函数不会引发任何选中的异常
  2. 父类构造函数引发选中的异常

现在让我们详细讨论每个案例,并通过干净的 java 程序来证明。

情况 1: 父类构造函数不会抛出任何选中的异常


例 1

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Illustrate Exception handling with
// Constructors in inheritance where Parent class
// constructor does not throw any checked exception

// Class 1
// Parent class
class Parent {

    // Constructor of Parent class
    // Not throwing any checked exception

        // Print statement whenever parent class
        // constructor is called
        System.out.println("parent class constructor");

// Class 2
// Child class
public class Child extends Parent {

    // Constructor of child class

        // Print statement whenever child class
        // constructor is called
        System.out.println("child class constructor");

    // main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Creating object of child class inside main()
        Child child = new Child();


parent class constructor
child class constructor

例 2

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Illustrate Exception handling with
// Constructors in inheritance where Parent class
// constructor does not throw any checked exception

// Class 1
// Parent class
class Parent {

    // Constructor of parent class
    // Not throwing any checked exception

        // Print statement when constructor of
        // parent class is called
        System.out.println("parent class constructor");

// Class 2
// Child class
public class Child extends Parent {
    Child() throws Exception

        // Print statement when constructor of
        // child class is called
            "child class constructor throwing Exception");

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

        // Creating object of child class
        Child child = new Child();


parent class constructor
child class constructor throwing Exception

情况 2: 父类构造函数抛出一个选中的异常


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Illustrate Exception handling with
// Constructors in inheritance where Child class constructor
// Not throwing exception of same type or its parent classes

// Importing I/O classes

// Class 1
// Parent class
class Parent {

    // Constructor of parent class
    // Throwing checked exception
    Parent() throws FileNotFoundException

        // Print statement when
        // parent class constructor is called
            "parent class constructor throwing exception");

// Class 2
// Child class
class Child extends Parent {

    // Constructor of child class
        // Print statement when
        // child class constructor is called
        System.out.println("child class constructor");

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        // Creating object of child class inside main()
        Child child = new Child();


error: unreported exception FileNotFoundException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
    Child() {


例 1

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Illustrate Exception handling with Constructors
// in Inheritance where we Resolve the Error we Need to
// Declare the Exceptions to be Thrown

// Importing I/O classes

// Parent class
class Parent {

    // throwing checked exception
    Parent() throws FileNotFoundException {

        System.out.println("parent class constructor throwing checked exception");

public class Child extends Parent {

    Child() throws FileNotFoundException {

        System.out.println("child class constructor throwing same exception");

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Child child = new Child();


parent class constructor throwing checked exception
child class constructor throwing same exception

例 2

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Illustrate Exception handling with
// Constructors in Inheritance where we Resolve the Error we
// Need to Declare the Exceptions to be Thrown

// Importing I/O classes

// Importing package
package package1;
// Importing required I/O classes

// Class 1
// Parent class
class Parent {

    // throwing checked exception
    Parent() throws FileNotFoundException
            "parent class constructor throwing checked exception");

// Class 2
// Child class
public class Child extends Parent {

    // It can also throw same exception or its parent
    // classes exceptions
    Child() throws IOException

            "child class constructor throwing super-class exception");

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

        // Creating object of child class
        // inside main() method
        Child child = new Child();


parent class constructor throwing checked exception
child class constructor throwing super-class exception