java 中的 类


网址是统一资源定位器的缩写。它是定位 www (万维网)中资源的指针。资源可以是任何东西,从一个简单的文本文件到任何其他像图像,文件目录等。



  • 协议:在这种情况下,协议是 HTTP,在某些情况下可以是 HTTPS
  • 主机名:主机名代表资源所在机器的地址,在本例中为
  • 端口号:这是一个可选属性。如果未指定,则返回-1。在上面的例子中,端口号是 80。
  • 资源名称:它是位于给定服务器上的我们想要查看的资源的名称



public final class extends java.lang.Object


| 构造函数 | 解释 | | --- | --- | | 中文 URL(URL 字符串) | This constructor is derived from the given string representation. | | Public URL(String protocol, String host, int port, String file) | This constructor creates an object of URL from the specified protocol, host, port number and file. | | Public URL(String protocol, String host, String file) | This constructor creates an object of URL from the specified protocol, port number and file. In this case, the default port number is used. | | 中文 URL(URL 979,src 字符串) | This constructor creates an instance of the URL by parsing the given src using the specified handler in the given context. |

URL 类提供的方法:

| way | explain | | --- | --- | | 等于(对象对象) | This method compares this URL with another object equally. | | [getAuthority()]( | This method gets the permission part of this URL. | | getContent() | This method gets the contents of this URL. | | 获取内容(类【】类) | This method gets the contents of this URL. | | [getDefaultPort()]( | This method gets the default port number of the protocol associated with this URL. | | get file() | This method gets the file name of this URL. | | get host() | This method gets the host name of this URL, if applicable. | | [获取路径()]( | This method gets the path part of this URL. | | [getPort()]( | This method gets the port number of this URL. | | [获取协议()]( | This method gets the protocol name of this URL. | | [获取查询()]( | This method gets the query part of this URL. | | [getRef()]( | This method gets the anchor point (also known as "reference") of this URL. | | [获取 seriinfo()]( | This method gets the UserInfo part of this URL. | | hashCode() | This method creates an integer suitable for hash table index. | | openConnection() | This method returns a URLConnection instance that represents the connection to the remote object referenced by the URL. | | openConnection(代理代理) | Same as openConnection (), except that the connection will be made through the specified proxy; Protocol handlers that do not support proxy will ignore proxy parameters and establish normal connection. | | openStream() | This method opens a connection to this URL and returns an InputStream to read from the connection. | | [同一文件(网址其他)]( | This method compares two URLs, excluding fragment components. | | 设置(字符串协议、字符串主机、int 端口、字符串文件、字符串引用) | This method sets the fields of the URL. | | 设置(字符串协议、字符串主机、int 端口、字符串权限、字符串用户信息、字符串路径、字符串查询、字符串引用) | This method sets the specified 8 fields of the URL. | | seturlstreamhandler factory(urlstreamhandler factory fac) | This method sets the URLStreamHandlerFactory of the application. | | [至外部形状()]( | This method constructs the string representation of this URL. | | toString() | This method constructs a string representation of this URL. | | [toURI()]( | This method returns a URI equivalent to this URL. |

示范 1


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// importing package required
import java.util.Scanner;

class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String url
            = "";
        // Calling method to get URL info
    static void getUrlInfo(String url_string)
        // Creating object of URL class
        try {
            URL url = new URL(url_string);

            System.out.println("Hostname: "
                               + url.getHost());
            System.out.println("Port Number: "
                               + url.getPort());
            System.out.println("File name: "
                               + url.getFile());
            System.out.println("Protocol:  "
                               + url.getProtocol());
        catch (Exception e) {


Port Number: -1
File name: /variables-in-java/
Protocol:  https