Java 程序将两个文件交替合并成第三个文件

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-program-merge-two-file-alternative-third-file-2/

先决条件: 打印作者缓冲器

假设给定的两个文件是 file1.txt 和 file2.txt。我们的任务是将这两个文件合并成第三个文件,比如 file3.txt,但是合并应该逐行交替进行。以下是交替合并的步骤。

  1. Create a PrintWriter object for the file 3.txt
  2. 为文件 1.txt 打开 buffere 阅读器
  3. 为文件 2.txt 打开 buffere 阅读器
  4. Run a loop to copy every line of file 1.txt, and then copy file 2.txt to file 3.txt.
  5. Refresh the PrintWriter stream and close the resource.

要成功运行以下程序,文件 1.txt 和文件 2.txt 必须存在于同一个文件夹中,或者为它们提供完整路径。

// Java program to merge two 
// files  into third file alternatively


public class FileMerge 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 
        // PrintWriter object for file3.txt
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("file3.txt");

        // BufferedReader object for file1.txt
        BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file1.txt"));
        BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file2.txt"));

        String line1 = br1.readLine();
        String line2 = br2.readLine();

        // loop to copy lines of 
        // file1.txt and file2.txt 
        // to  file3.txt alternatively
        while (line1 != null || line2 !=null)
            if(line1 != null)
                line1 = br1.readLine();

            if(line2 != null)
                line2 = br2.readLine();


        // closing resources

        System.out.println("Merged file1.txt and file2.txt 
alternatively into file3.txt");


Merged file1.txt and file2.txt into file3.txt

注意:如果 cwd(当前工作目录)中存在 file3.txt,那么它将被上述程序覆盖,否则将创建新文件。

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