Java 字符串连接()带示例


java.lang.string.join() 方法用分隔符连接给定的元素,并返回连接的字符串。请注意,如果元素为空,则添加空。从 JDK 1.8 开始,java 字符串中就包含了 join() 方法。 Java 字符串中有两种类型的 join() 方法。 语法:

public static String **join**(CharSequence deli, CharSequence... ele) 
public static String join
(CharSequence deli, Iterable<? extends CharSequence> ele)     
deli- delimiter to be attached with each element 
ele- string or char to be attached with delimiter
Returns :  string joined with delimiter.
// Java program to demonstrate
// working of join() method

class Gfg1 {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // delimiter is "<" and elements are "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven"
        String gfg1 = String.join(" < ", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven");



Four < Five < Six < Seven
// Java program to demonstrate
// working of join() method

class Gfg2 {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // delimiter is "  " and elements are "My",
        // "name", "is", "Niraj", "Pandey"
        String gfg2 = String.join("  ", "My", "name", "is", "Niraj", "Pandey");



My name is Niraj Pandey
// Java program to demonstrate
// working of join() method

class Gfg3 {
    public static void main(String args[])
        // delimiter is "->" and elements are "Wake up", 
        // "Eat", "Play", "Sleep", "Wake up"

        String gfg3 = String.join("-> ", "Wake up", "Eat",
                      "Play", "Sleep", "Wake up");



Wake up-> Eat-> Play-> Sleep-> Wake up