JavaFX |维度 2D 类


Dimension2D 类是 JavaFX 的一部分。Dimension2D 类是一个存储高度和宽度的对象。它继承了 java.lang.Object 类。


  1. 尺寸 2D(双倍宽度,双倍高度):创建具有指定宽度和高度的尺寸对象。


方法 说明
等于(对象对象) 返回二维对象是否相等
getHeight() 返回尺寸 2d 对象的高度
getWidth() 返回尺寸 2d 对象的宽度
hashCode() 返回维度 2D 对象的哈希代码值。

以下程序将说明尺寸 2D 类的使用:

  1. Java program to create a Dimension2D object and display its contents: This program creates a Dimension2D object named dimension. The height and width of the dimension is passed as arguments. Then the height and width are extracted from the object using getHeight() and getWidth() function and the respective values are displayed.

    ```java // Java program to create a Dimension2D  // object and display its contents import javafx.geometry.*;

    public class Dimension_1 {

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {

    // create a dimension object         Dimension2D dimension = new Dimension2D(20.0f, 50.0f);

    double height, width;

    // get the height and width of the dimension2D         height = dimension.getHeight();         width = dimension.getWidth();

    // display the height and width of dimension2D         System.out.println("Height = " + height + " Width = " + width);     } } ```


    ```java Height = 50.0 Width = 20.0


  2. Java program to create 3 Dimension2D objects display its contents and how whether one object is equal to the other or not: This program creates three Dimension2D object named dimension_1, dimension_2, dimension_3. The height and width of the dimension is passed as arguments. Then the height and width are extracted from the object using getHeight() and getWidth() function and the respective values are displayed. The three objects are then compared using the equals() functions and the result is displayed.

    ```java // Java program to create 3 Dimension2D objects display // its contents and how whether one object is equal to  // the other or not import javafx.geometry.*;

    public class Dimension_2 {

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {

    // create three dimension objects         Dimension2D dimension_1 = new Dimension2D(20.0f, 50.0f);         Dimension2D dimension_2 = new Dimension2D(120.0f, 150.0f);         Dimension2D dimension_3 = new Dimension2D(20.0f, 50.0f);

    // display the coordinates of the 3 dimensions         display(dimension_1);         display(dimension_2);         display(dimension_3);

    // check whether any dimension is equal to other or not         System.out.println("Dimension 1 equals Dimension 2 = "                             + dimension_1.equals(dimension_2));

    System.out.println("Dimension 2 equals Dimension 3 = "                              + dimension_2.equals(dimension_3));

    System.out.println("Dimension 3 equals Dimension 1 = "                              + dimension_3.equals(dimension_1));     }

    // Display Method     public static void display(Dimension2D dimension)     {

    double height, width;

    // get the cheight and width of the dimension         height = dimension.getHeight();         width = dimension.getWidth();

    // display the height and width of dimension2D         System.out.println("Height = " + height + " Width = " + width);     } } ```


    ```java Height = 50.0 Width = 20.0 Height = 150.0 Width = 120.0 Height = 50.0 Width = 20.0 Dimension 1 equals Dimension 2 = false Dimension 2 equals Dimension 3 = false Dimension 3 equals Dimension 1 = true


注意:上述程序可能无法在在线 IDE 中运行。请使用离线编译器。

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/JavaFX/API/JavaFX/geometry/dimension 2d . html