Java 中的 Java.util.BitSet.get()


Bitset 中有两个 get()的变体,本文将对这两个变体进行讨论。

1.布尔 get( int 值):如果位集中存在值,则返回 true,否则返回 false。****

****Declaration :** 
public boolean get(int value)
**Parameters :** 
**value :** The value to check.
**Return Value :** 
Returns boolean true, if element present else returns false.** 

```java // Java code to demonstrate the // working of get() in Bitset

import java.util.*;

public class BitGet1 {

public static void main(String[] args)     {

// declaring bitset         BitSet bset = new BitSet(5);

// adding values using set()         bset.set(0);         bset.set(1);         bset.set(2);         bset.set(4);

// checking if 3 is in BitSet         System.out.println("Does 3 exist in Bitset? : " + bset.get(3));

// checking if 4 is in BitSet         System.out.println("Does 4 exist in Bitset? : " + bset.get(4));     } } ```**


Does 3 exist in Bitset? : false
Does 4 exist in Bitset? : true
  1. BitSet get(int fromval,int toval) : 方法返回一个新的 Bitset,该 Bitset 由从 fromvale(包含)到 toval(不包含)的 Bitset 中存在的元素组成。
Declaration : 
public BitSet get(int fromval, int toval)
Parameters : 

fromval :  first value to include.
toval : last value to include(ex).

Return Value
This method returns a new BitSet from a range of this BitSet.
// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of get(int fromval, int toval)
// in Bitset

import java.util.*;

public class BitGet2 {

public static void main(String[] args)

        // declaring bitset
        BitSet bset = new BitSet(5);

        // adding values using set()

        // Printing values in range 0-2
        System.out.println("Values in BitSet from 0-2 are : " + bset.get(0, 3));


Values in BitSet from 0-2 are : {0, 1, 2}

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