Java 令牌



  1. 关键词
  2. 标识符
  3. 常数
  4. 特殊符号
  5. 经营者

  6. 关键词 : 关键词是编程语言中预先定义或保留的词。每个关键字都意味着在程序中执行特定的功能。因为关键字是编译器的参考名称,所以它们不能用作变量名,因为这样做,我们试图给关键字赋予一个不允许的新含义。 Java 语言支持以下关键词:

    java abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char class const continue default do double else enum exports extends final finally float for goto if implements import instanceof int interface long module native new open opens package private protected provides public requires return short static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws to transient transitive try uses void volatile while with

  7. IdentifiersIdentifiers are used as the general terminology for naming of variables, functions and arrays. These are user-defined names consisting of an arbitrarily long sequence of letters and digits with either a letter or the underscore(_) as a first character. Identifier names must differ in spelling and case from any keywords. You cannot use keywords as identifiers; they are reserved for special use. Once declared, you can use the identifier in later program statements to refer to the associated value. A special kind of identifier, called a statement label, can be used in goto statements.


    java MyVariable MYVARIABLE myvariable x i x1 i1 _myvariable $myvariable sum_of_array geeks123


    ```java My Variable // contains a space 123geeks // Begins with a digit a+c // plus sign is not an alphanumeric character variable-2 // hyphen is not an alphanumeric character sum_&_difference // ampersand is not an alphanumeric character


  8. Constants/LiteralsConstants are also like normal variables. But, the only difference is, their values can not be modified by the program once they are defined. Constants refer to fixed values. They are also called as literals.

    常量可以属于任何数据类型。 语法:

    java final data_type variable_name;

  9. 特殊符号:以下特殊符号在 Java 中使用,有一些特殊含义,因此不能用于其他目的。

    java [] () {}, ; * =

    • 括号[]: 左右括号作为数组元素引用。这些表示单一和多维下标。
    • 括号():这些特殊符号用来表示函数调用和函数参数。
    • 大括号{}: 这些开始和结束的大括号标记了包含多个可执行语句的代码块的开始和结束。
    • 逗号(,:用于分隔多个语句,就像分隔函数调用中的参数一样。
    • 分号:它是一个运算符,本质上调用一个叫做初始化列表的东西。
    • 星号(*): 用于创建指针变量。
    • 赋值运算符:用于赋值。
    • 运算符 : Java 提供了多种类型的运算符,可以根据需要使用。它们根据提供的功能进行分类。有些类型是-
    • 算术运算符
    • 一元运算符
    • 赋值运算符
    • 关系运算符
    • 逻辑运算符
    • 三元运算符
    • 按位运算符
    • 轮班操作员
    • 操作员实例
    • 优先和结合