如何创建 COVID19 数据表示图形用户界面?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/如何创建-a-co vid 19-数据表示-gui/

先决条件:Python RequestsPython GUI–tkinter 有时候我们只是想要一个快速的工具来真正告诉当前更新是什么,我们只需要最少的数据。网络废弃是指从网络上获取一些数据,然后对其进行处理,并以简洁明了的方式显示相关内容。 代码在做什么?

  • 首先,我们使用 Tkinter 库使我们的脚本需要图形用户界面
  • 我们使用请求库从非官方 api 获取数据
  • 然后,我们显示我们需要的数据,在这种情况下,它的总活跃病例:和确诊病例


Python 3

import requests
import json
from tkinter import *

window = Tk()

# creating the Box

# Determining the size of the Box

# Including labels
lbl = Label(window,
            text ="Total active cases:-......")
lbl1 = Label(window,
             text ="Total confirmed cases:-...")

lbl.grid(column = 1, row = 0)
lbl1.grid(column = 1, row = 1)
lbl2 = Label(window, text ="")
lbl2.grid(column = 1, row = 3)

def clicked():
    # Opening the url and loading the
    # json data using json Library
    url = "https://api.covid19india.org / data.json"
    page = requests.get(url)
    data = json.loads(page.text)

    lbl.configure(text ="Total active cases:-"
                  + data["statewise"][0]["active"])

    lbl1.configure(text ="Total Confirmed cases:-"
                   + data["statewise"][0]["confirmed"])

    lbl2.configure(text ="Data refreshed")

btn = Button(window, text ="Refresh", command = clicked)
btn.grid(column = 2, row = 0)
