如何使用 Python 从 SQLite 表中删除特定行?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/如何使用 python 从 sqlite 表中删除特定行/

在本文中,我们将讨论如何使用 Python 从 SQLite 表中删除特定行。

为了从 SQL 中的表中删除特定的行,我们使用 delete 查询,SQL 中的 DELETE 语句用于从表中删除现有的记录。根据我们在 WHERE 子句中指定的条件,我们可以删除一条记录或多条记录。





Python 3

# importing sqlite module
import sqlite3

# create connection to the database 
# my_database
connection = sqlite3.connect('my_database.db')

# create table named address of customers 
# with 4 columns id,name age and address
connection.execute('''CREATE TABLE ship (ship_id INT, ship_name \
TEXT NOT NULL, ship_destination CHAR(50) NOT NULL); ''')

print("Ship table created successfully")

# close the connection


Ship table created successfully

例 1:

Python 程序插入数据和删除数据,其中 2 是发货 id。

Python 3

# import sqlite module database
import sqlite3

# create connection to the database
# my_database
connection = sqlite3.connect('my_database.db')

# insert query to insert values
connection.execute("INSERT INTO ship  VALUES (1, 'tata-hitachi','noida' )")
connection.execute("INSERT INTO ship  VALUES (2, 'tata-mumbai','mumbai' )")
connection.execute("INSERT INTO ship  VALUES (3, 'tata-express','hyderabad' )")

# query to display all data in the table
cursor = connection.execute("SELECT * from ship")
print("Actual data")

# display row by row
for row in cursor:

# query to delete all data where ship_id = 2
connection.execute("DELETE from ship where ship_id=2")

print("After  deleting ship id = 2 row")

# display row by row
cursor = connection.execute("SELECT * from ship")
for row in cursor:

# close the connection