Java 中的路径解析()方法,示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/path-resolve-method-in-Java-with-examples/

resolve()Java . nio . file . path方法,用于根据此路径解析给定路径。


  1. resolve(String other) method of java.nio.file.Path used to converts a given path string to a Path and resolves it against this Path in the exact same manner as specified by the resolve method. For example, If the name separator is “/” and a path represents “c/drive/files”, then invoking this method with the path string “file1” will result in the Path “c/drive/files/file1”.


    ```java default Path resolve(String other)





    以下程序说明了解析(字符串其他)方法: 程序 1:

    ```java // Java program to demonstrate // Path.resolve(String other) method

    import java.nio.file.*;

    public class GFG {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // create an object of Path         Path path             = Paths.get("drive\temp\Spring");

    // create a string object         String passedPath = "drive";

    // call resolve() to create resolved Path         Path resolvedPath             = path.resolve(passedPath);

    // print result         System.out.println("Resolved Path:"                            + resolvedPath);     } } ```

    Output: 2. resolve(Path other) method of java.nio.file.Path used to resolve the given path against this path. This method will going to connect both paths together.If this path is “C/temp” and passed path is “drive/newFile” then this method will add passed path in the end of this path and use “/” as a separator. So resolved path will be “C/temp/drive/newFile”.

    如果另一个参数是绝对路径,那么这个方法通常会返回其他。如果 other 是一个空路径,那么这个方法通常会返回这个路径。否则,此方法将此路径视为目录,并根据此路径解析给定路径。在最简单的情况下,给定路径没有根组件,在这种情况下,该方法将给定路径连接到该路径,并返回以给定路径结束的结果路径。在给定路径有根组件的情况下,解析高度依赖于实现,因此未指定。


    ```java Path resolve(Path other)




    以下程序说明了解析(路径其他)方法: 程序 1:

    ```java // Java program to demonstrate // Path.resolve(Path other) method

    import java.nio.file.*;

    public class GFG {     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // create an object of Path         Path path             = Paths.get("drive\temp\Spring");

    // create an object of Path         // to pass to resolve method         Path path2             = Paths.get("programes\workspace");

    // call resolve()         // to create resolved Path         Path resolvedPath             = path.resolve(path2);

    // print result         System.out.println("Resolved Path:"                            + resolvedPath);     } } ```

