Java 中的随机类与线程本地随机类

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/random-vs-threadlocalrandom-class-in-Java/

java.util 包的 Random Class 用于生成伪随机数流。它使用 48 位种子,通过实现线性同余公式进行修改。线性同余公式的一般形式是 an+1= k * an+c(mod m),其中 a 0 是种子,a 1 ,a 2 ,… a n ,a n+1 是随机数,k,c,m 是常数。

如果我们用相同的种子值创建随机类的两个实例,并为每个实例调用相同的方法序列,它们都将返回相同的数字序列 s 。此属性由为此类定义的特定算法强制实施。这些算法使用受保护的实用方法,调用时最多可以给出 32 个伪随机生成的位。随机的例子是线程安全。但是,如果在线程间使用相同的实例,它们可能会受到争用的影响,从而导致性能下降。随机实例不是加密安全的,因此不应用于安全敏感的应用程序。


public class Random extends Object implements Serializable

让我们举个例子,在下面给出的程序中,我们有三个 Random 类的实例。前两个具有传入其构造函数的相同种子值。这导致当我们使用 Random 类的 nextInt()方法时生成相同的数字。但是,当我们更改种子的值并使用它创建第三个实例时,生成的数字是不同的。这个例子清楚地展示了上述事实,即如果使用相同的种子值并且对两者使用相同的方法,那么实例生成相同的数字序列。

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to illustrate Random class

// Importing Random class from java.util utility package
import java.util.Random;

// Class
// Main clas extending to parent Random class
public class RandomNumbers extends Random {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Initialise a seed value
        long seed = 18;

        // Create an instance of Random using the seed value
        Random r1 = new Random(seed);

        // Printing the primitive datatype-integer
        // by parsing using nextInt() method

        // Create a different instance of Random using the
        // same seed value
        Random r2 = new Random(seed);

        // Again, printing the primitive datatype-integer
        // by parsing using nextInt() method

        // Change the seed value to
        // some other random value
        seed = 34;

        // Create a new instance using the updated seed
        // value
        Random r3 = new Random(seed);

        // Lastly printing the primitive datatype-integer
        // by parsing using nextInt() method



现在来看下一个类,也就是我们的 ThreadLocalRandom 类

java.util 包中的线程本地随机类也用于生成伪随机数流。它是上面讨论的随机类的一个子类。顾名思义,这个类生成独立于当前线程的随机数。ThreadLocalRandom 是使用内部生成的种子值初始化的,否则该种子值是不可修改的。使用 ThreadLocalRandom 而不是 Random 的共享实例将导致较低的争用和开销。ThreadLocalRandom 就像它的父类一样,在加密方面是不安全的。


public class ThreadLocalRandom extends Random 

实现:让我们来看一个场景,我们在 main 中创建两个简单的线程。在 run()方法内部我们称之为threadlocalrandom . current . nextint()。两个线程使用相同的种子值,即 10,但给出不同的结果,因为对 nextInt() 的调用是由线程执行隔离的。



// Java Program to Illustrate ThreadLocalRandom class

// Importing ThreadLocalRandom class from utility package
// named java.util.concurrent package
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

// Class 1
// Main class extending parent class- Thread
class ThreadLocalRandomNumbers extends Thread {

    // Method 1
    // The run() method of the Thread class
    // Must be defined by every class that extends it
    public void run()

        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {

            // Initializing a seed value to
            // some random integer value
            int seed = 10;

            // Getting the current seed by
            // calling over ThreadLocalRandom class and
            // storing it in a integer variable
            int r
                = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(seed);

            // Printing the generated number r
            // The thread id is obtained using getId()
                "Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId()
                + " generated " + r);

        // Catch block to catch the exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {

            // Display message on the console if
            // the exception/s occur

    // Method 2
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Create two threads
        ThreadLocalRandomNumbers t1
            = new ThreadLocalRandomNumbers();
        ThreadLocalRandomNumbers t2
            = new ThreadLocalRandomNumbers();

        // Starting th above created threads
        // using the start() method


Thread 12 generated 7
Thread 11 generated 0


| | **Thread local Random** | | --- | --- | | If different threads use the same random instance, it will lead to contention and subsequent performance degradation. | There is no contention because the generated random number is local to the current thread. | | Use linear congruence formula to modify its seed value. | Random generator uses internally generated seeds for initialization. | | It is useful in applications where each thread has its own set of random instances to use. | It is suitable for applications where multiple threads in the thread pool use random numbers in parallel. | | This is the parent class. | This is the Child class. |