Java 中的 PriorityBlockingQueue take()方法

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/priorityblockingqueue-take-method-in-Java/

优先级阻塞队列take() 方法移除后返回队列头。如果队列为空,则此方法将等待直到某个元素变得可用。


public E take() throws InterruptedException



下面的程序说明了优先阻塞队列的 take()方法:

示例 1: 演示包含数字列表的 PriorityBlockingQueue 上的 take()方法。

// Java Program Demonstrate take()
// method of PriorityBlockingQueue

import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
import java.util.*;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws InterruptedException

        // create object of PriorityBlockingQueue
        PriorityBlockingQueue<Integer> PrioQueue
            = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Integer>();

        // Add numbers to PriorityBlockingQueue

        // before removing print queue
        System.out.println("Queue: " + PrioQueue);

        // Apply take() method
        int head = PrioQueue.take();

        // Print head of queue using take() method
        System.out.println("Head of PriorityBlockingQueue"
                           + " using take(): " + head);

        System.out.print("After removing head, Queue: "
                         + PrioQueue);


Queue: [5278367, 35658786, 7855642, 74381793]
Head of PriorityBlockingQueue using take(): 5278367
After removing head, Queue: [7855642, 35658786, 74381793]

示例 2: 演示包含字符串

// Java Program Demonstrate take()
// method of PriorityBlockingQueue

import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
import java.util.*;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws InterruptedException

        // create object of PriorityBlockingQueue
        // which contains Strings
        PriorityBlockingQueue<String> names
            = new PriorityBlockingQueue<String>();

        // Add string
        names.add("A computer portal");

        // print list of names

        // Apply take() method
        String head = names.take();

        // Print head of queue using take() method
        System.out.println("Head of Queue: "
                           + head);
        System.out.print("After removing head, Queue: "
                         + names);

的优先级阻塞队列的 take()方法输出:

[A computer portal, forGeeks, Geeks]
Head of Queue: A computer portal
After removing head, Queue: [Geeks, forGeeks]

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/docs/API/Java/util/concurrent/priorityblockingqueue . html # take–