用 Java 将集合转换为列表的程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/program-to-convert-set-to-list-in-Java/

Java Set 是 java.util 包的一部分,扩展了 java.util.Collection 接口。它不允许使用重复元素,最多只能容纳一个空元素。


下面是用 Java 将集合转换为列表的方法。

  1. Brute Force or Naive method: This method includes creating an empty list and add every element of the set to it.


    1. 获取要转换的集合。
    2. 创建一个空列表
    3. 将集合中的每个元素推入列表
    4. 返回形成的列表


    ```java // Java Program to convert // Set to List in Java 8

    import java.util.; import java.util.stream.;

    class GFG {

    // Generic function to convert set to list     public static List convertSetToList(Set set)     {         // create an empty list         List list = new ArrayList<>();

    // push each element in the set into the list         for (T t : set)             list.add(t);

    // return the list         return list;     }

    public static void main(String args[])     {

    // Create a Set using HashSet         Set hash_Set = new HashSet();

    // Add elements to set         hash_Set.add("Geeks");         hash_Set.add("For");         hash_Set.add("Geeks");         hash_Set.add("Example");         hash_Set.add("Set");

    // Print the Set         System.out.println("Set: " + hash_Set);

    // construct a new List from Set         List list = convertSetToList(hash_Set);

    // Print the List         System.out.println("List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Set: [Set, Example, Geeks, For] List: [Set, Example, Geeks, For]


  2. With help of Constructor: Collections in Java have a constructor in which the direct set can be passed to create a List from it.


    1. 获取要转换的集合。
    2. 通过将 set as 参数传递给构造函数来创建列表。
    3. 返回形成的列表


    ```java // Java Program to convert // Set to List in Java 8

    import java.util.; import java.util.stream.;

    class GFG {

    // Generic function to convert set to list     public static List convertSetToList(Set set)     {         // create a list from Set         List list = new ArrayList<>(set);

    // return the list         return list;     }

    public static void main(String args[])     {

    // Create a Set using HashSet         Set hash_Set = new HashSet();

    // Add elements to set         hash_Set.add("Geeks");         hash_Set.add("For");         hash_Set.add("Geeks");         hash_Set.add("Example");         hash_Set.add("Set");

    // Print the Set         System.out.println("Set: " + hash_Set);

    // construct a new List from Set         List list = convertSetToList(hash_Set);

    // Print the List         System.out.println("List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Set: [Set, Example, Geeks, For] List: [Set, Example, Geeks, For]


  3. Using Java 8 Stream: In Java 8, Stream can be used convert a set to a list by converting the set to a sequential Stream using Set.stream() and using a Collector to collect the input elements into a new List.


    1. 获取要转换的 HashMap。
    2. 从集合中创建流
    3. 将集合转换为列表并收集
    4. 返回收集的列表


    ```java // Java Program to convert // HashMap to TreeMap in Java 8

    import java.util.; import java.util.stream.;

    class GFG {

    // Generic function to convert set to list     public static List convertSetToList(Set set)     {         // create a list from Set         return set

    // Create stream from the Set             .stream()

    // Convert the set to list and collect it             .collect(Collectors.toList());     }

    public static void main(String args[])     {

    // Create a Set using HashSet         Set hash_Set = new HashSet();

    // Add elements to set         hash_Set.add("Geeks");         hash_Set.add("For");         hash_Set.add("Geeks");         hash_Set.add("Example");         hash_Set.add("Set");

    // Print the Set         System.out.println("Set: " + hash_Set);

    // construct a new List from Set         List list = convertSetToList(hash_Set);

    // Print the List         System.out.println("List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Set: [Set, Example, Geeks, For] List: [Set, Example, Geeks, For]


  4. Using Guava Library List.newArrayList(set): Lists.newArrayList(set) creates a mutable ArrayList instance containing the elements of the specified set.


    1. 获取要转换的集合。
    2. 使用 Lists.newArrayList()创建一个新列表,方法是将 set 作为参数传递给 Guava 库的这个函数
    3. 返回形成的列表


    ```java // Java Program to convert // HashMap to TreeMap in Java 8

    import java.util.; import java.util.stream.;

    class GFG {

    // Generic function to convert set to list     public static List convertSetToList(Set set)     {         // create a list from Set         return Lists.newArrayList(set);     }

    public static void main(String args[])     {

    // Create a Set using HashSet         Set hash_Set = new HashSet();

    // Add elements to set         hash_Set.add("Geeks");         hash_Set.add("For");         hash_Set.add("Geeks");         hash_Set.add("Example");         hash_Set.add("Set");

    // Print the Set         System.out.println("Set: " + hash_Set);

    // construct a new List from Set         List list = convertSetToList(hash_Set);

    // Print the List         System.out.println("List: " + list);     } } ```


    ```java Set: [Set, Example, Geeks, For] List: [Set, Example, Geeks, For]
