排队。C# 中的计数属性

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/queue-count-property-in-c-sharp/

此属性用于获取队列中包含的元素数量。检索该属性的值是一个 0(1)操作,它属于系统。集合命名空间。


public virtual int Count { get; }



例 1:

// C# code to illustrate the 
// Queue.Count Property
using System;
using System.Collections;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()

        // Creating a Queue
        Queue myQueue = new Queue();

        // Displaying the count of elements
        // contained in the Queue
        Console.Write("Total number of elements"+
                         " in the Queue are : ");

        // The function should return 0
        // as the Queue is empty and it
        // doesn't contain any element


Total number of elements in the Queue are : 0

例 2:

// C# code to illustrate the 
// Queue.Count Property
using System;
using System.Collections;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()

        // Creating a Queue
        Queue myQueue = new Queue();

        // Inserting the elements into the Queue

        // Displaying the count of elements
        // contained in the Queue
        Console.Write("Total number of elements "+
                           "in the Queue are : ");



Total number of elements in the Queue are : 6
