c# 中只读
在 C# 中,readonly 关键字是一个修饰符,其使用方式如下:
1。只读字段:在 C# 中,允许使用只读修饰符声明字段。它表示对字段的赋值只是声明的一部分,或者在同一类的构造函数中。这类字段只能在声明或构造函数中多次赋值或重新分配。它们不会在构造函数退出后被赋值。如果 readonly 修饰符与值类型字段一起使用,则该字段是不可变的。如果 readonly 修饰符与引用类型字段一起使用,那么 readonly 修饰符防止该字段被引用类型的不同实例替换,这里 readonly 修饰符并不阻止通过只读字段修改该字段的实例数据。在静态和实例构造函数中,允许将只读字段作为 out 或 ref 参数传递。
// C# program to illustrate
// how to create a readonly field
using System;
class GFG {
// readonly variables
public readonly string str1;
public readonly string str2;
// Readonly variable
// This variable is
// initialized at declaration time
public readonly string str3 = "gfg";
// The values of the readonly
// variables are assigned
// Using constructor
public GFG(string a, string b)
str1 = a;
str2 = b;
Console.WriteLine("Display value of string 1 {0}, "
+ "and string 2 {1}", str1, str2);
// Main method
static public void Main()
GFG ob = new GFG("GeeksforGeeks", "GFG");
Display value of string 1 GeeksforGeeks, and string 2 GFG
这里,str1 和 str2 的值在构造函数中赋值。
2。只读结构:在只读结构中,Readonly 修饰符表示给定的结构是不可变的。当您创建只读结构时,有必要对其字段使用只读修饰符,如果您不这样做,那么编译器将给出一个错误。
// C# program to illustrate how
// to create a readonly structure
using System;
// Readonly structure
public readonly struct Author
public readonly string Name { get; }
public readonly int Article { get; }
public readonly string Branch { get; }
public Author(string name, int article, string branch)
this.Name = name;
this.Article = article;
this.Branch = branch;
class GFG {
// Main method
static public void Main()
Author a = new Author("Rohit", 67, "CSE");
Console.WriteLine("Author name: " + a.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Total articles: " + a.Article);
Console.WriteLine("Branch name: " + a.Branch);
Author name: Rohit
Total articles: 67
Branch name: CSE
3。只读成员:这个特性在 C# 8.0 中引入。在此功能中,您可以对结构的任何成员使用只读修饰符。此 readonly 修饰符指定成员不允许修改。这比只读应用整个结构要好。
// C# program to illustrate how
// to create a readonly member
using System;
public struct Customer
public string Name { get; }
public int Price { get; }
// Readonly member
public readonly string Product { get; }
public Customer(string name, string product, int price)
this.Name = name;
this.Product = product;
this.Price = price;
class GFG {
// Main method
static public void Main()
Customer a = new Customer("Sumit", "Mobile Phone", 2398);
Console.WriteLine("Customer name: " + a.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Product: " + a.Product);
Console.WriteLine("Price: " + a.Price);
Customer name: Sumit
Product: Mobile Phone
Price: 2398
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