Node.js Buffer.concat()方法


Buffer.concat() 方法用于将给定数组中的所有缓冲区对象连接成一个缓冲区对象。这个方法的返回值也是一个缓冲区。如果未提供缓冲区长度,则根据列表中的缓冲区实例进行计算。


Buffer.concat( list, length )


  • 列表:包含要连接的缓冲区列表。
  • 长度:定义串联缓冲区的长度。此参数是可选的。

例 1:

// Returns a new buffer with the
// copy of the passed string
var buf1 = Buffer.from("Geeks");

// Returns another buffer with
// copy of the passed string
var buf2 = Buffer.from("for");

var buf3 = Buffer.from("Geeks");

// Creates an array of buffers
var list = [buf1, buf2, buf3];

// Concatenates all buffer objects into one buffer
var newbuff = Buffer.concat(list);

console.log("The concatenated buffer:");

// Displays the concatenated buffer


The concatenated buffer:
<Buffer 47 65 65 6b 73 66 6f 72 47 65 65 6b 73>

例 2:

// Returns a new buffer with the
// copy of the passed string
var buf1 = Buffer.from("Good");

// Returns another buffer with
// copy of the passed string
var buf2 = Buffer.from("morning");

var buf3 = Buffer.from("everyone");

// Creates an array of buffers
var list = [buf1, buf2, buf3];

// Concatenates all buffer objects
// into one buffer
var newbuff = Buffer.concat(list);

console.log("The concatenated buffer:");

// Displays the concatenated buffer


The concatenated buffer:
<Buffer 47 6f 6f 64 6d 6f 72 6e 69 6e 67 65 76 65 72 79 6f 6e 65>

注意:以上程序使用node index.js命令编译运行。

参考: https://nodejs . org/dist/latest-v 13 . x/docs/API/buffer . html # buffer _ class _ method _ buffer _ concat _ list _ total ngth