Node.js fsPromises.mkdir()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js-fspromises-mkdir-method/

fsPromises.mkdir() 方法用于异步创建一个目录,然后解析promises,如果递归为真,则解析第一个创建的目录路径。


fsPromises.mkdir(path, options)


  1. Path: This parameter is a String, Buffer or URL, which holds the path of the directory that must be created.
  2. option: is an object or an integer?
    • Recursion: This parameter holds a recursive Boolean value. By default, it is false.
    • mode: mode option is used to set directory permissions, and the default is 0777. Is it a string or an integer


下面的例子说明了 Node.js 中 fsPromises.mkdir() 方法的使用


// Node.js program to demonstrate 
// the fsPromises.mkdir() Method 

// Include fs and path module 
const fs = require('fs');
const fsPromises = fs.promises;

fsPromises.mkdir('fs_test2').then(function() {
    console.log('Directory created successfully');
}).catch(function() {
    console.log('failed to create directory');


Directory created successfully!