node . js fs . file handle . truncate()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js-fs-file handle-truncate-method/

fs.filehandle.truncate() 方法是文件系统模块中类 fs.filehandle 的内置应用程序编程接口,用于截断特定的文件对象,并且只保留在 truncate()方法中作为整数传递的那部分字节。


const filehandle.truncate(len)

参数:该方法取该文件必须被截断的字节长度。 返回值:此方法返回一个不包含任何价值的待定承诺。

下面的程序说明了在 Node.js 中 fs.filehandle.truncate() 方法的使用:

示例 1: 文件名:index.js

java 描述语言

// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// filehandle.truncate() method
const fs = require('fs');
const fsPromises = fs.promises;

// Initiating asyncrionise function
async function funct() {

    // Initializing following variables
    let filehandle = null;
    let prom = null;

    try {

        // Data before operation
        console.log("data before operation: " +
            fs.readFileSync('example.txt', 'utf8'));

        // Creating and initiating  filehandle
        filehandle = await
  'example.txt', 'r+');

        // Truncating the file
        // by using truncate() method
        prom = filehandle.truncate(5);

    } finally {

        if (filehandle) {

            // Data after operation
            console.log("data after operation: " +
                fs.readFileSync('example.txt', 'utf8'));

            // Close the file if it is opened.
            await filehandle.close();


使用以下命令运行 index.js 文件:

node index.js


data before operation: ABCDEFGHIJK
data after operation: ABCDE

示例 2: 文件名:index.js

java 描述语言

// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// filehandle.truncate() method
const fs = require('fs');
const fsPromises = fs.promises;

// Data for the new file
let data = "This is a file containing "
            + "a collection of books.";

// Name of the file to be created
let file = "books.txt";

// Creating the new file 'books.txt'
fs.writeFile(file, data, (err) => {

    // Catching error
    if (err) {

// Using fs.exists() method
fs.exists(file, (exists) => {
    if (exists) {
            "content of file before operation: "
            + (fs.readFileSync(file)));

// Initiating asyncrionise function
async function funct() {

    // Initializing filehandle
    let filehandle = null;

    try {

        // Creating and initiating filehandle
        filehandle = await, 'r+');

        // Truncating the file
        // by using truncate() method
        prom = filehandle.truncate(4);

    } finally {

        if (filehandle) {

            // Close the file if it is opened.
                "content of file after operation: "
                + (fs.readFileSync(file)));

            await filehandle.close();




使用以下命令运行 index.js 文件:

node index.js


content of file before operation: 
  This is a file containing a collection of books.
content of file after operation: This

注意:以上程序不会在在线 JavaScript 和脚本编辑器上运行。 参考:https://nodejs . org/dist/latest-v 12 . x/docs/API/fs . html # fs _ file handle _ truncate _ len