Java 中的访问和非访问修饰符

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/access-and-non-access-修饰符-in-java/

Java 提供了一组丰富的修饰符。它们用于控制访问机制,也向 JVM 提供关于类功能的信息。它们分为两类:–

  • 访问修饰符 : Java 的访问修饰符有公共私有受保护。Java 还定义了一个默认的访问级别(称为包私有)。


  • public: When a member of a class is modified by public, then that member can be accessed by any other code.  private: When a member of a class is specified as private, then that member can only be accessed by other members of its class.  Now you can understand why main( ) has always been preceded by the public modifier. It is called by code that is outside the program—that is, by the Java run-time system. When no access modifier is used, then by default the member of a class is public within its own package, but cannot be accessed outside of its package. protected applies only when inheritance is involved. 

    详细文章:Java 中的访问修饰符

  • 非访问修饰符:在 java 中,我们有 7 个非访问修饰符。它们与类、方法、变量、构造函数等一起使用,向 JVM 提供关于它们行为的信息。他们是

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