使用 Java 的银行交易系统

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/banking-transaction-system-use-Java/

为了理解,必须对 Java OOPsJava 多线程 & Java 中断异常有很强的把握。如果没有,请仔细阅读它们,因为标题本身就是多线程的纯粹实现。


  1. 新手进场
  2. 多线程方法
  3. 多线程方法中的同步调用



我们将讨论使用 java 的银行交易系统的体系结构。在这篇社论中,我将握着你的手,带你完成整个交易程序,让你容易理解,这样你甚至可以向你的朋友解释。为了简单起见,我们考虑了一个有 5 个所有者(Arnab、Monodwip、Mukta、Rinkel 和 Shubham)的联合银行账户,初始余额为 100 美元(100 美元)。该账户交易情况如下:

T38】莫诺威普T42【40T78】80 | name | Balance ($) | Withdrawal ($) | Deposit ($) | remarks | 期末余额($) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Ana | One hundred | Twenty | | 阿纳已支取 20支取后余额:80 | Eighty | | Eighty | 存款后余额:75 | Seventy-five | | Lincker | Seventy-five | | 林克尔你不能支取 80 你的余额是:75 | 75【T95 |

进场 1: 菜鸟进场

我们已经在类“Bank”中声明了“取款”和“存款”方法,并通过创建 Bank 类的对象“obj”从驱动程序类“GFG”中访问它们。

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Illlustarte Rookie Approach
// In Banking transaction system

// Class  1
// Bank class
// Defining the banking transaction
class Bank {

    // Initial balance $100
    int total = 100;

    // Money withdrawal method. Withdraw only if
    // total money greater than or equal to the money
    // requested for withdrawal

    // Method
    // To withdraw money
    void withdrawn(String name, int withdrawal)
        if (total >= withdrawal) {
            System.out.println(name + " withdrawn "
                               + withdrawal);

            total = total - withdrawal;
            System.out.println("Balance after withdrawal: "
                               + total);
            // Making the thread sleep for 1 second after
            // each withdrawal

            // Try block to check for exceptions
            try {

                // Making thread t osleep for 1 second

            // Catch block to handle the exceptions
            catch (InterruptedException e) {

                // Display the exception along with line
                // number
                // using printStacktrace() method

        // If the money requested for withdrawal is greater
        // than the balance then deny transaction*/
        else {

            // Print statements
                               + " you can not withdraw "
                               + withdrawal);

            System.out.println("your balance is: " + total);

            // Making the thread sleep for 1 second after
            // each transaction failure

            // Try block to check for exceptions
            try {

            catch (InterruptedException e) {


    // Method - to deposit money
    // Accept money whenever deposited
    void deposit(String name, int deposit)
        System.out.println(name + " deposited " + deposit);
        total = total + deposit;
        System.out.println("Balance after deposit: "
                           + total);
        // Making the thread sleep for 1 second after
        // each deposit
        try {
        catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Class 2
// main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declaring an object of Bank class and calling the
        // withdarwn and deposit methods with suitable
        // parameters

        // Creating object of class 1 inside main()
        Bank obj = new Bank();

        // Custom input - Transactions
        obj.withdrawn("Arnab", 20);
        obj.withdrawn("Monodwip", 40);
        obj.deposit("Mukta", 35);
        obj.withdrawn("Rinkel", 80);
        obj.withdrawn("Shubham", 40);


C:\Users\USER\Desktop\LearnCoding\MultiThreading>javac GFG.java
C:\Users\USER\Desktop\LearnCoding\MultiThreading>java GFG
Arnab withdrawn 20
Balance after withdrawal: 80

//After 1 Second
Monodwip withdrawn 40
Balance after withdrawal: 40

//After 1 Second
Mukta deposited 35
Balance after deposit: 75

//After 1 Second
Rinkel you can not withdraw 80
your balance is: 75

//After 1 Second
Shubham withdrawn 40
Balance after withdrawal: 35


没有两个人可以同时进行交易,一个需要等到前者完成交易。如果人数很多,那么我们需要等待,直到轮到我们。为了演示这个问题,我们在下面提供的视频中让线程在每个事务期间休眠 3 秒钟。在现实生活中,这将花费很多时间,使得这种方法无法在真实的事务项目中实现。


方法 2: 多线程方法



Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Illlustarte Multithreading Approach
// In Banking transaction system

// Class 1
// Helper class
class Bank {

    // Initial custom balance
    int total = 100;

    // Money withdrawal method. Withdraw only if total money
    // greater than or equal to the money requested for
    // withdrawal
    void withdrawn(String name, int withdrawal)

        if (total >= withdrawal) {
            System.out.println(name + " withdrawn "
                               + withdrawal);
            total = total - withdrawal;


            //  Making the thread sleep for 1 second after
            //   each withdrawal

            // Try block to check for exceptions
            try {

                // Making thread to sleep for 1 second

            catch (InterruptedException e) {

        // Else if the money requested for withdrawal is
        // greater than the balance then deny transaction
        else {

                               + " you can not withdraw "
                               + withdrawal);
            System.out.println("your balance is: " + total);

            // Making the thread sleep for 1 second after
            // each transaction failure

            try {
            catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // Method - To deposit money
    // Accepting money whenever deposited
    void deposit(String name, int deposit)
        System.out.println(name + " deposited " + deposit);
        total = total + deposit;
        System.out.println("Balance after deposit: "
                           + total);
        // Making the thread sleep for 1 second after
        // each deposit

        try {
        catch (InterruptedException e) {

// Method - Withdraw method
// Called from ThreadWithdrawal class
// using the object of Bank class passed
// from the main() method
class ThreadWithdrawal extends Thread {

    Bank object;
    String name;
    int dollar;

    // Constructor of this method
    ThreadWithdrawal(Bank ob, String name, int money)
        this.object = ob;
        this.name = name;
        this.dollar = money;

    // run() method for thread
    public void run() { object.withdrawn(name, dollar); }
// Deposit method is called from ThreadDeposit class
// using the object of Bank class passed
// from the main method
class ThreadDeposit extends Thread {

    Bank object;
    String name;
    int dollar;
    ThreadDeposit(Bank ob, String name, int money)
        // This keyword refers t ocurrent instance itself
        this.object = ob;
        this.name = name;
        this.dollar = money;

    public void run() { object.deposit(name, dollar); }

// Class 2
// Main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declaring an object of Bank class and passing the
        // object along with other parameters to the
        // ThreadWithdrawal and ThreadDeposit class. This
        // will be required to call withdrawn and deposit
        // methods from those class

        // Creating an object of class1
        Bank obj = new Bank();

        ThreadWithdrawal t1
            = new ThreadWithdrawal(obj, "Arnab", 20);
        ThreadWithdrawal t2
            = new ThreadWithdrawal(obj, "Monodwip", 40);
        ThreadDeposit t3
            = new ThreadDeposit(obj, "Mukta", 35);
        ThreadWithdrawal t4
            = new ThreadWithdrawal(obj, "Rinkel", 80);
        ThreadWithdrawal t5
            = new ThreadWithdrawal(obj, "Shubham", 40);

        // When a program calls the start() method, a new
        // thread is created and then the run() method is
        // executed.

        // Starting threads created above






假设我们的联合银行账户里有 100 美元。为了欺骗银行家,我们可以同时要求 100 美元。系统将创建一个对象,分配 2 个线程,并将它们传递给提取方法。在这个过程结束时,我们俩都将有 100 美元!


方法 3: 结合多线程同步



假设我们有 5 个线程类,每个线程类有一个对象。每个对象都有多个线程。现在敏感区域一次将被 5 个线程访问!为了解决这个问题,工程师们提出了静态同步的想法。我们为类提供了一个锁。该类一次将选择 1 个对象。该对象将依次选择 1 个线程,并通过敏感区域。



Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Illlustarte Multithreading Approach
// With Synchronization In Banking transaction system

// Class 1
// Helper class
class Bank {

    // Initial balance $100
    static int total = 100;

    // Money withdrawal method. Withdraw only if total money
    // greater than or equal to the money requested for
    // withdrawal
    static synchronized void withdrawn(String name,
                                       int withdrawal)
        if (total >= withdrawal) {
            System.out.println(name + " withdrawn "
                               + withdrawal);
            total = total - withdrawal;
            System.out.println("Balance after withdrawal: "
                               + total);
            /* Making the thread sleep for 1 second after
                 each withdrawal.*/
            try {
            catch (InterruptedException e) {

        // If the money requested for withdrawal is greater
        // than the balance then deny transaction
        else {
                               + " you can not withdraw "
                               + withdrawal);
            System.out.println("your balance is: " + total);

            // Making the thread sleep for 1 second after
            //   each transaction failure

            // Try block to check for exceptions
            try {

                // Making thread to sleep for 1 second

            // Catch bloc kto handle exceptions
            catch (InterruptedException e) {

                // Displa ythe line number where exception
                // occured
                // Using printStackTrace() method

    // Method - Deposit method
    // Accepting money whenever deposited
    static synchronized void deposit(String name,
                                     int deposit)
        System.out.println(name + " deposited " + deposit);
        total = total + deposit;
        System.out.println("Balance after deposit: "
                           + total);

        // Making the thread sleep for 1 second
        // after each deposit

        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {

            // Making thread to sleep for 1 second

        // Catch block to handle InterruptedException
        // exception
        catch (InterruptedException e) {


// Method - Withdraw
// It is called from ThreadWithdrawal class using
// the object of Bank class passed from the main method
class ThreadWithdrawal extends Thread {

    // Attributes of thid class
    Bank object;
    String name;
    int dollar;

    // Constructor of this class
    ThreadWithdrawal(Bank ob, String name, int money)
        // This keyword refers to parent class
        this.object = ob;
        this.name = name;
        this.dollar = money;

    // run() method for the thread
    public void run() { object.withdrawn(name, dollar); }

// Deposit method is called from ThreadDeposit class using
// the object of Bank class passed from the main method*/

// Class 2
// Helper class extending Thread class
class ThreadDeposit extends Thread {

    Bank object;
    String name;
    int dollar;

    ThreadDeposit(Bank ob, String name, int money)
        this.object = ob;
        this.name = name;
        this.dollar = money;

    public void run() { object.deposit(name, dollar); }

// Class 3
// Main class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declaring an object of Bank class and passing the
        // object along with other parameters to the
        // ThreadWithdrawal and ThreadDeposit class. This
        // will be required to call withdrawn and deposit
        // methods from those class

        // Creating object of above class inside main()
        Bank obj = new Bank();

        // Creating threads
        ThreadWithdrawal t1
            = new ThreadWithdrawal(obj, "Arnab", 20);
        ThreadWithdrawal t2
            = new ThreadWithdrawal(obj, "Monodwip", 40);
        ThreadDeposit t3
            = new ThreadDeposit(obj, "Mukta", 35);
        ThreadWithdrawal t4
            = new ThreadWithdrawal(obj, "Rinkel", 80);
        ThreadWithdrawal t5
            = new ThreadWithdrawal(obj, "Shubham", 40);

        // When a program calls the start() method, a new
        // thread is created and then the run() method is
        // executed



C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Network Java>java  GFG

Arnab withdrawn 20
Balance after withdrawal: 80
Rinkel withdrawn 80
Balance after withdrawal: 0
Shubham you can not withdraw 40
your balance is: 0
Mukta deposited 35
Balance after deposit: 35
Monodwip you can not withdraw 40
your balance is: 35


C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Network Java>java  GFG

Arnab withdrawn 20
Balance after withdrawal: 80
Shubham withdrawn 40
Balance after withdrawal: 40
Monodwip withdrawn 40
Balance after withdrawal: 0
Mukta deposited 35
Balance after deposit: 35
Rinkel you can not withdraw 80
your balance is: 35

输出(解释): Monodwip 取钱失败。

C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Network Java>java  GFG

Arnab withdrawn 20
Balance after withdrawal: 80
Rinkel withdrawn 80
Balance after withdrawal: 0
Shubham you can not withdraw 40
your balance is: 0
Monodwip you can not withdraw 40
your balance is: 0
Mukta deposited 35
Balance after deposit: 35
