Java 中的类级锁


Java 中的每个类都有一个唯一的锁,这个锁就是 类级锁 。如果一个线程想要执行一个静态同步方法,那么这个线程需要一个类级锁。类级锁防止多个线程在运行时进入该类的任何可用实例中的同步块。这意味着,如果在运行时一个类有 10 个实例,那么一次只有一个线程能够访问任何一个实例的一个方法或块。如果您想要保护静态数据,则使用它。



  1. Use the synchronous static method.
  2. Adopt synchronous block.

方法 1: 使用同步静态方法

实现:我们有一个极客班。我们想用这个类的静态同步方法,线程一进入 synchronized 方法,线程就在类级别获取锁,其余线程等待获取类监视器锁。当线程从同步方法中退出时,它会留下一个锁。

public static synchronized int incrementCount()



// Java program to illustrate class level lock

// Main Class
// Implememnting the Runnable interface
class Geek implements Runnable {

    // Method 1
    // @Override
    public void run() { Lock(); }

    // Method 2
    // Method is static
    public static synchronized void Lock()
        // Gwetting the name of current thread by using
        // getName() method to get name of the thread and
        // currentThread() to get the current thread

        // class level lock
        synchronized (Geek.class)
                "in block "
                + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                "in block "
                + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                + " end");

    // Method 3
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an object of above class
        // in the main() method
        Geek g1 = new Geek();

        // Sharing the same object across two Threads

        // Creating an object of thread class where
        // t1 takes g1
        Thread t1 = new Thread(g1);

        // Creating an object of thread class where
        // t2 takes g1
        Thread t2 = new Thread(g1);

        // Creating second object of above class
        // in the main() method
        Geek g2 = new Geek();

        // Creating an object of thread class where
        // t3 takes g2
        Thread t3 = new Thread(g2);

        // setName() method is used to set name to the
        // thread

        // start() method is used for initiating the current
        // thread


in block t1
in block t1 end
in block t3
in block t3 end
in block t2
in block t2 end


线程 t1 进入静态同步方法,并持有 Geek 类的锁。因此,其余的线程等待线程 t1 释放极客类的锁,以便它可以进入静态同步方法。



synchronized (Geek.class) {
    //thread has acquired lock on  Geek class


// Java program to illustrate class level lock

// Main Class
// It is implementing the Runnable interface
class Geek implements Runnable {

    // Method 1
    // @Override
    public void run()
        // Acquire lock on .class reference
        synchronized (Geek.class)

        // ClassName is name of the class containing method.

                    "in block "
                    + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                    "in block "
                    + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                    + " end");

        // Method 2
        // Main driver method
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Creating an object of above class
            // in the main() method
            Geek g1 = new Geek();

            // Creating an object of thread class i.e Thread
            // 1 where t1 takes g1 object
            Thread t1 = new Thread(g1);
            // Here, creating Thread 2 where t2 takes g1
            // object
            Thread t2 = new Thread(g1); 

            // Creating another object of above class
            // in the main() method
            Geek g2 = new Geek();

            // Now reating Thread 3 where t3 takes g2 object
            Thread t3 = new Thread(g2);

            // Ginving custom names to above 3 threads
            // using the setName() method

            // start() method is used to begin execution of
            // threads


in block t1
in block t1 end
in block t3
in block t3 end
in block t2
in block t2 end


线程 t1 进入同步块,并持有“极客”类的锁。因此,其余的线程等待线程 t1 释放“极客”类上的锁,以便它可以进入同步块。