Python 与其他编程语言的比较

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python 与其他编程语言的比较/

Python 是一种适应性很强的编程语言,提供了很多特性。它简洁的语法和开源的特性促进了程序的可读性和实现,这使得它成为当今发展最快的编程语言。Python 还有许多其他的优势,这使得它比其他流行的编程语言更有优势,比如 JavaC++

Python vs Java

  • 在 Python 中,与 Java 相比,程序中不需要分号和大括号,如果忘记在程序中添加大括号或分号,Java 会显示语法错误。
  • Python code requires fewer lines of code as compare to Java to write the same program. For Example, Here is a code in Java

    java public class PythonandJava {     public static void main(String[] args)     {         System.out.println("Python and Java!");     } }


    ```java Python and Java!


    用 Python 编写的相同代码

    java print("Python and Java !")


    ```java Python and Java!


  • Python is dynamically typed, which means that one only needs to assign a value to a variable at run time, and Python interpreter will check its own data type, while Java needs to explicitly mention the data type.

  • Python supports various types of programming models, such as imperative, object-oriented and procedural programming, compared with Java, which is completely based on object and class programming models.
  • Python is easy to read and learn, which is beneficial for beginners who want to quickly understand the basics of programming. In contrast, Java has a steep learning curve because of its predefined complex syntax.
  • Python's concise syntax makes it a better choice for people in other disciplines who want to use programming language for data mining, neural processing, machine learning or statistical analysis. Compared with Java syntax, it is long and difficult to read.
  • Python is free and open source, which means that its code can be made available to the public in the repository, and it can be used for commercial purposes for free compared with Java, which may require a fee-based license for large-scale application development.
  • Python code needs less resources to run, because it is directly compiled into machine code, while Java is first compiled into byte code, and then it needs to be compiled into machine code by Java virtual machine (JVM) .

Python vs C++

  • 与不支持垃圾收集的 C++相比,Python 更具内存效率,因为它具有自动垃圾收集功能。
  • 与 C++相比,Python 代码易于学习、使用和编写,而 c++由于其复杂的语法而难以理解和使用。
  • Python 使用解释器来执行代码,这使得它很容易在几乎每台计算机或操作系统上运行。相比之下,C++代码只有在计算机上编译后才能在其他计算机上运行。
  • Python 可以很容易地用于快速应用程序开发,因为与 C++相比,它的代码更小,而 c++由于代码片段大而无法用于快速应用程序开发。
  • Python 代码的可读性更强,因为与包含难以阅读的结构和语法的 C++代码相比,它更像真实的英语。
  • 与 C++相比,Python 中定义的变量很容易在循环外访问,在 c++中,变量的范围被限制在循环内。