Java 中的 Field getChar()方法,示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/field-getchar-method-in-Java-with-examples/

java.lang.reflect.FieldgetChar() 方法用于获取 Char 的值,该值必须是静态或实例字段类型。此方法还用于通过扩展转换获取可转换为 char 类型的另一个基元类型的值。当一个类包含一个静态或实例 Char 字段,并且我们想要得到该字段的值,那么我们可以使用这个方法返回 field 的值。


public char getChar(Object obj)
       throws IllegalArgumentException,

参数:该方法接受单个参数 obj ,该参数是从中提取字符值的对象。

返回值:该方法返回转换为 char 类型的字段的值。


  1. IllegalAccessException: 如果 Field 对象正在执行 Java 语言访问控制,并且基础字段不可访问,则会引发此异常。
  2. IllegalArgumentException:如果指定的对象不是声明基础字段的类或接口的实例,或者如果字段值无法通过扩展转换转换为 char 类型,则会引发此异常。
  3. NullPointRexception:如果指定的对象为空,并且该字段是实例字段,则会引发此异常。
  4. exceptioniniinitializerror:如果此方法引发的初始化失败,则会引发此异常。

以下程序说明 getChar()方法: 程序 1:

// Java program to demonstrate the above method

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws NoSuchFieldException,

        // Create the User class object
        User user = new User();

        // Get the identificationChar field object
        Field field
            = User.class.getField("identificationChar");

        // Apply getChar Method on User Object
        // to get the value of identificationChar field
        char value = field.getChar(user);

        // print result
        System.out.println("Value of Char Field"
                           + " identificationChar is "
                           + value);

        // Now Get the selectionChar field object
        field = User.class.getField("selectionChar");

        // Apply getChar Method on User Object
        // to get the value of selectionChar field
        value = field.getChar(user);

        // print result
        System.out.println("Value of Char Field"
                           + " selectionChar is "
                           + value);

// sample User class
class User {

    // static char values
    public static char identificationChar = 'E';
    public static char selectionChar = 'A';
    public static String name = "Aman";

    // getter and setter methods
    public static char getIdentificationChar()
        return identificationChar;

    public static void
    setIdentificationChar(char identificationChar)
        User.identificationChar = identificationChar;

    public static char getSelectionChar()
        return selectionChar;

    public static void
    setSelectionChar(char selectionChar)
        User.selectionChar = selectionChar;

    public static String getName()
        return name;

    public static void setName(String name)
    { = name;


Value of Char Field identificationChar is E
Value of Char Field selectionChar is A

程序 2:

// Java program to demonstrate the above method

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws NoSuchFieldException,

        // Create the Alphabets class object
        Alphabets alphabet = new Alphabets();

        // Get the value field object
        Field field
            = Alphabets.class.getField("value");

        // Apply getChar Method on field Object
        // to get the value of value field
        char value = field.getChar(alphabet);

        // print result
        System.out.println("Value: " + value);

    // Alphabets class
    static class Alphabets {

        // char field
        public static char value = 'Q';

        // getter and setter methods
        public static char getValue()
            return value;

        public static void setValue(char value)
            Alphabets.value = value;


Value: Q

参考文献:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/docs/API/Java/lang/reflect/field . html # getChar-Java . lang . object-